Jun 08, 2009 11:23

Oh hai.

Ye olde developementes and shite:

1. Okay, so it's no secret: Angelina Johnson/Fred/George. I ship it hard. Like, FUCKING HARD. Like in my current story, they all live together and she's having their baby, and they don't even know whose baby it is, and they don't care. That being said, I might have joked this morning about writing a polyamourous 5-way relationship in a fic, and then I thought, well, why not? Does this happen a lot? Anyone know? Three guys and two girls? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?

2. Well, I know that you're in love with him, because I saw you dancing in the gym. You both kicked off your shoes. I dig that rhythm and blues.

3. arsenicjade is a secretive person, and as such does not use her RL name online in fandom. I usually am swift enough to not call her by her RL name, but occasionally I slip up. The name has been erased, but in order to keep myself from slipping up ever again, I have decided to rename her Abigail Wiggins III. I will refer to her as My Lady of the Wiggins, Abbilicious, and THE WIGGINATOR. Just an FYI for idyll, earthly_gnome, and others who might know Abelina in REEEEEEL TIMEZ. Feel free to adjust your thinking around my reshaping of reality accordingly.

4. My cousin, emquilxy, as a friend, named…we'll call her Sherilyn Singh. Singh is her real last name but there's like fifty billion Singhs in the world, so go ahead and find me in New York for this fucking quarter. Anyway, Sherilyn has 4 kids, and she's trying to pair up Viola with one of her boys or girls. We think it's funny because then VK's name would be Viola Ching-Singh. No for SRS, that is the shit.

5. Who knew there was a phone Gestapo?

6. GOODBYE, PENGUINS. (h/t irisdragonfly)

7. In the adventures of 'I am fail,' I was supposed to go to my parents' house on Friday to let the Orkin Man in to spray for the CRAZY ASS ANTS THAT LIKE, INVADE THEIR HOUSE, and I managed to forget. ::headdesk:: That's okay. I'll go over there today. OH HAI. EXCUSE TO GET THAI FOOD.

8. Who wants to beta a three page TW story about an anal plug? Yeah, sign me up, baby.

links to stuff, writing fanfic, viola, harry potter, i need an arsenic tag

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