Jun 13, 2005 22:04
To: Melissa, Chelsey, Amy (?), anyone else who might be helping on the religion study guide questions
Re: Study guide answers
All -
Hopefully everyone's more or less done with the section that they took responsibility for. If so, when are we exchanging answer sheets? I'm printing out copies of mine; find me tomorrow, or I'll find you, and I can give you one. What stage is everyone else at? When were we planning on handling this? Tomorrow seems like a good time, ne?
Failing this, we could exchange sections via email. I believe you all have my address; if not, find it on my profile or message me.
Your haste is sincerely appreciated, as yours truly has this test on Thursday, and her class is composed of irresponsible idiots who made no pretense of answering their assigned questions.
Gratias, arigatou, and many thanks,
ETA: Printer difficulties. Have one copy printed; will print more at school for those who need them. I can also email the file directly to whomever, if this would be easier. Let me know.