
Mar 04, 2013 17:55

I want to post about my emotions. I am truly happy at the moment, and don't even remember the last time I was so happy.

However, on a few days of the last week, ie today (monday), friday and thursday, i have felt a familiar twang in my chest and sense of dreariness in my head. I know what these symptoms mean, I had the same ones in about march or april last year. They are warning signs of a depressive episode. It seems that i often get an episode around this time every year and I just want to put it out there so that people know that it is possible that i might become unwell. I also like to record this stuff so I can look for patterns. It would be really unfortunate if i got sick as I have been loving life for a long time now, and in the last 6 to 8 months I have been happier than i have ever been- probably in my entire life.

I have read through my post on this last year and it suggests that "exercise, diet, going for walks, playing computer games, self-medication and shopping were the most useful tactics". What i have left out of that list is mindfulness meditation, and keeping up with friends (at least once a week or fortnight). Anyway, hopefully i can ward it off by avoiding drinking, working on myself, and seeing a therapist. Oh, and remembering that I have a sweet man and lovely caring friends in my life.

happiness, depression

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