"Matrix 4"

Feb 01, 2022 20:04

Matrix 4 is probably my favourite "Matrix" movie. It's a big meta-comentary and it goes back to the basic idea from the original movie, while updating it to present day.


I watched "Matrix" for the first time when I was about ten, so all I got from it was chases and dodging bullets. But when I was old enough to get it, it had a big impact on me. I love the first half of the first movie when we're presented with the Matrix and for some time wonder what's real and what's not. The reveal of the world ruled by machines that keep people in pods as slaves. The other two movies had some interesting parts, but for the most time felt like just entertainment. So the new movie goes back to the original idea and once again makes us wonder what is real and what is an illusion, and because it's so meta, somehow manages to make the "it's all a new matrix" reveal not that obvious. Neil Patrick Harris was very convincing as the analyst (how did I miss he's going to be in it?! Or did I forget? Did someone mess with my memories?), and how often a therapist can be a villain these days? We're so delicate about the subject that even I had doubts, and somehow missed the clue with blue glasses (only got it when I saw blue pills). All those words about what "Matrix" is, bullet time, sequels, give people more leather, chases and dark places, go exactly against the first movie message! I loved how the new "Matrix" didn't go this way. Instead, it said all of it loud and gave us the original story, but with some twists. After two action movies, it really was a ressurection.

I really like how in 1999 matrix people are shown to live dull, ordinary lives, and the danger is corporations, government and AI - powerful, emotionless, identical agents in suits, while the 2021 matrix is social media. The movie is brighter and more colorful, people feel like individuals instead of a small poeces in big corporations, but the Facebook, Instagram and so on algorithms can rule our lives undetected. If you start resisting the rules, men in suits won't come and attack you, the crowd will. Mr. Smith won't call Neo Mr. Anderson anymore, he'll be Tom because we call everyone by the first name these days in our faked relations. The escape from the matrix still needs consent. And yes, most people will stay in it, but the 2021 movie says it's okay, we have to accept it. We can't all rage against the system, but Neo and Trinity will try to change the matrix. We can actively try to make our "illusion" world better.

I loved how the machines were no longer an enemy and some of them helped to start rebuilding the real world. We're not scared of robots and AI in 2022 (also, no hacking in this movie. Hackers aren't "magicians" like they were in 1999), we know we can use that technology to do fantastic things. And in 2022, I don't think we need to be shown a post-apocalyptic world, we already know we're not far from a natural disaster, so better focus on saving the world. I really like that there is hope to that world and maybe one day, more people will choose it over the matrix. Back then, how could you expect them to choose such an empty and dangerous world? It's a less radical and more hopeful movie. And eventually, it brings everything down to love.

I laughed so hard when after everyone repeatedly wondered if Neo could fly, Trinity was the one who was able to. Does it even matter who is "the One"? Why can't we just fight for our love and our lives, instead of the entire world? In the end, Neo isn't a god, can't slow time, I'm not sure he shoots a single bullet in this movie, but he's never been better as a character. I'd say the new "Matrix" is a feminine movie, while the first three felt masculine, but maybe I'm projecting the obvious facts about Lana Wachowski. It's definitely different. More mature, more kind.

Usually two and a half hour movie is too long for me, but this time the time flied. I really need to rewatch it though and rewise some observations.

Highly recommend!

matrix 4

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