Productive day? I think so.

Aug 30, 2009 19:42

Went to Staples. Got some classroom supplies. Spent more money that I was anticipating. I was looking to spend about 50 bucks. Spent twice that. BUT got some border stuff and letters for my bulletin board, some popup post its for my dispenser, three reams of paper, pens, pencils, tissues, expo dry erase markers, stickers for grading, ummm, candy, and a poster board for my RULES, yo.

Then went to the grocery store. Spent too much money there, too, but now I"ll be able to eat for another three weeks. Whew.

I've been having skin issues lately. Developed some serious cystic acne spots, like WAY below the skin. Not to mention the three HOLES in my damn face from other blemishes that just wouldn't go away AND some blackheads on my nose. Mom says it's stress and possible hormonal imbalance (she's a nurse, been one for almost 30 years). She says cleanse really well, exfoliate, then moisturize. So I picked up some Neutregena blackhead scrubby stuff, some blackhead astringent, and some good moisturizer with SPF. Already my face feels smoother.

also, did the eyebrow grooming thing today. Youch! I'm a plucker. I mean, when they get too bad, I wax, but lately I've been managing to keep them pretty well groomed, just had some strays that sprouted in the last week or two that I had to get rid of. Still hurts.

AND, finally, I colored my hair. It's now blonde again. *sigh* I've missed having lighter hair. Yeah I'm a little too pale for it right now, but it's better than the dishwater dull color it was turning. Also, hello? Two gray hairs? Fer reelz? I'm only 33! It's STRESS, I'm telling you! But now it's soft and blonde and shiny and I am happy with it. Now all I need is a hair cut. Probaby get that next payday. Whoot.

cooked myself some sghetti for dinner, made too much, but now have lunch for two days. Yay. And Orange Juice is the best drink ever!
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