Strange bird and odd weather

Dec 22, 2009 21:17

For any bird fans out here, two fuzzy pictures of a mystery bird that was outside our dining room window this morning. My best guess is that it was a Carolina wren. See discussion in photo captions.

We might have a white Christmas or we might be rained out. A major storm is apparently headed this way, but just like the one two weeks ago, the NWS seems to have no idea exactly where it's going or what it's going to do. The forecast for the next 48 hours or so reads like a catalog of possible precipitation, starting with snow, moving into sleet, freezing drizzle, freezing rain, heavy rain, and then backward through all of those to snow by Christmas morning. We are under heavy obligation to drive to Chicago and back on the 24th, and are hoping and praying that it will either be rain or snow at that time and not an ice storm.

We're already half-expecting to close the library early tomorrow. If it's as dead as it was this afternoon, no one is going to complain. I am relieved of having to work the evening shift, in any case, because of the weather. I'll go in at 8:30 and work until 5 unless we close earlier than that. Judging by the conditions of roads coming and going today, that will be a good thing.

I just thought I had wrapped all my gifts, then put all the paper and tags away, came back in here and found another box under the desk that I'd forgotten. Must be getting old. Wait, no, this happens just about every year.

The kitchen and dining room are awash with cookies at the moment, as Gary cranks them out for gift boxes to his family and nearby friends. Frankly, I'm tired of it all now and wish it was Friday when we get to just be home with the critters and relax.

birds, baking, work, holidays

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