Almost there

Dec 23, 2009 23:55

Weather or not. Our Holiday Greetings are completely edited and assembled, and the first copies were printed and bound tonight. I regret that I just can't afford to send physical copies to all my friends here. A few of you that I've met in person will receive a printed copy, but for everyone else, I've prepared a PDF. If you're interested, feel free to download and print. These are meant to be printed on US letter size paper, landscape, 2 up, and then cut apart and spiral bound. I couldn't make the PDF file come out that way, so if you want to print it, just put it on A4 or letter size and put the pages into a binder or staple them.

'Tivo's and Gary's 2009 Holiday Recipes and Photos

Due to the size of the PDF files, I can't leave these online forever, but this will be available for at least a month. If anyone comes across this later and the link doesn't work any more, let me know and I'll send you a copy one way or another.

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful.." And it is. Freezing rain is coming down on top of the five or so inches of snow we still had on the ground. It seems entirely possible that we will be postponing our trip into Chicago to Gary's mom's house, which is going to cause bad feelings all around but can't be helped if conditions remain as bad as they are right now (or even as bad as there were at sunset when I drove home from work.) We'll get in there before the weekend is over, I'm sure. Stay warm, everyone.

baking, weather, holidays, cooking

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