HP - Gideon Prewett

Mar 11, 2006 12:32

Fandom: Harry Potter
Rating: PG
Claim: Gideon Prewett
Word: Gravitas
Disclaimer: JKR owns them.

"She's a nice girl," Lysandra Prewett said gently, "just not what your father expected."

"My father," Gideon retorted, "wants me to marry someone that can trace their Wizarding bloodlines back one hundred generations. That is not my lot in life, mum. That's Fabian's. When, or if I marry, it will be a woman of my choice."

"Gideon, no woman will marry a Quidditch player. You should choose a better future."

Thinking of the importance of the Order for the future of the Wizarding world, Gideon nodded. "I chose, and it will be my future, not some pureblood's version of it."
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