NCIS: General Series D + U + N + T

Mar 10, 2006 00:34

Title: Remember
Fandom: NCIS
Claim: General Series
Word: 004. Dystopia
A/N: Goes with 021. Utopia.

He remembers Paris.

He remembers cold nights and hot skin, waking up beside her in the middle of the night.

He remembers good wine, good food, tiny cups of coffee that kept him awake for hours.

He remembers sitting in the van, remembers handcuffs and high fives and whispered threats.

He remembers the way they worked together, their successes and their failures.

She is Paris, she is the good and the bad and he remembers it all always.

He put it in the past. He puts it behind him every day.

But it’s still there.

How could he not remember?


Title: Forget
Fandom: NCIS
Claim: General Series
Word: 021. Utopia
A/N: Goes with 004. Dystopia.

She remembers Paris.

She remembers warm sunlight and cool sheets, an empty space next to her in the morning.

She remembers dancing, and dresses, stealing kisses underneath a streetlight at dawn.

She remembers stakeouts, interrogations, shattering glass and silent shots fired in the dead of night.

She remembers the looks he gave her, remembers how he made her feel, everything.

She remembers it all clear as day, every time she sees him, speaks to him, listens to him.

She remembers Paris; he is Paris, Paris is him.

It’s right in front of her. Every day.

How could she ever forget?


Title: Fantasy
Fandom: NCIS
Claim: General Series
Word: 014. Nefarious
A/N: Written for ncisdrabble100’s challenge #48-Tattoo.

Gibbs, boss, please, please.


Title: Sweet
Fandom: NCIS
Claim: General Series
Word: 020. Tryst
A/N: The world needs more Tony/Abby.

"You are aware that Gibbs will kill you if he catches you down here again today, right?"

"Kiss me again, I think it'll be worth it." He grinned, grabbing her around the waist and nipping at her neck.

"Tony..." She sighed. "You're going to get me in trouble with Gibbs, and I would not like that."

"Pretty sure he wouldn't either.”


"Yeah boss?" His mouth was working before his eyes, yet again. He opened them just in time to see Gibbs breeze by, coffee and Kaff-pow in hand.

"I'm not paying you to drool on your desk."

"Right boss."

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