Mar 16, 2007 14:28
So the past few nights, very weird things have happened outside my window.
-A man shouting "I hate white people"
-A woman shouting "Well I do masturbate, HA HA HAA!"
-And a man stripping till he was buck nakie and dancing around singing "bra bra I'm more naked than you" and getting beat up......the Catalyst security broke it up right as I was calling the police so at least somone helped. Olivia and I saw the blood on the street the next day. Guess people can be really stupid and violent when drunk.
I am still in a search for a sun dress for the upcoming wedding. Olivia and I ended up trying on corsets and I just have to say they are really fun. Perhaps a future halloween costume can be made from them, except that they are a bit pricey :(
My paper is done!!!!! So happy about that. I have never done a research paper, so I hope I did it properly. And now its time to start studying for finals.