I'm alive!!!!

Apr 28, 2007 13:58

I now have a new computer! Due to the death of my computer right before finals, thank goodness after my paper was due, a long time was spent away from any internet-ish type activity. But I now have a new laptop (actually a refurbished one so only new in some sense) and have been busy catching up with everything. The world is a crazy mess at the moment. Midterms and papers are here. So is Greek Week. Gonna be volunteering at the Alzheimer's Association. The workout in jazz class is cardio, pilates, yoga, exercise nightmare. It's intense but it makes me feel active and healthier which is necessary. There's been bad things with the migraine meds and lots of issues that need fixing, oy. And I keep getting a cold or sinus infection or something. Hopefully when school is over I can unwind and build my strength back up. Lots of work with KGD stuff with requirements and it being a pledge quarter. And I'm trying to figure out what I want to do next year, the year after and how I need to decide what I want to do with my life so I can make some of those decisions. I flip flop between Psych and Theater majors and minors or to graduate early. Or whether or not there will be grad school and in what field. Or if I want culinary school. Meh. And scary news, there was a rape outside my apartment building. And go figure it was on the morning of Denim Day. I know stranger rape is fairly rare in comparison to date and familiar rape but its horrible that a woman has to worry about walking alone. It just shitty.
Anyhoo its Spring quarter and getting to be gorgeous outside. I'd love to be at the beach or hiking but there's an essay due Monday morning that needs my attention.
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