
Oct 27, 2010 19:11

Today I stopped smoking. Which is awesome.
I failed at 7pm, with a coffee, in my room with the cat, whicle reading the website. This is not awesome.
I'm staying positive about it though. One cigarette in a whole day is a massive improvement on my ususal 15. All I have to do now is *not do it again*
I went out at lunchtime and bought minty gum, extra stength Halls and nicotin patches (at a stunning £18 for a week!), so providing I remember to put one on before I leave the house in the morning, then try to keep myself busy once I get home again, I should be ok.
Thing is, I can't actually remember why I'm doing it now. Other people seem to stop smoking because they have a baby, or something specific and life changing to save up for, or a progressive life-threatening disease. I don't have any of these things.

Must stay focussed.
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