Mar 26, 2004 12:31
Leaving school at 11:00 even though you're not allowed to leave early and most probably getting away with it on a friday is a beautiful, beautiful thing. I just got a slice of pizza and a mountain dew, and now I'm sitting here maxin and relaxin while all you shitfucks are stuck in school doing something retarded, I would assume. I rule.
If I could be in any type of band, I think I would be in an at the drive in-esque type band, because it's so easy to rock out to. And it is so goddam balls out awseome. If I could be in any actual band, I think I'd be in at the drive in. Cept I'd never wanna get as big as they did. I'd keep it on the border of getting big I guess. My second choice would almost definetly be refused. Except that I wouldn't be retarded and I'd make sure that the band would stay together and we'd keep making intensely awseome music.
Whatever band I'd wanna be in, I'd want it to be balls as hell and I'd want it to be easy to rock out to. I think my band is pretty balls, but its kinda hard to rock out to sometimes. I don't understand how when I listen to an awseome band, I can dance to it and figure that if I were in that band, I'd know exactly what moves I'd do on stage and stuff, but with my own band, I can't ever think of any cool moves to do. And I really put some time into it. Jim isn't the only one who practices power moves. I just never come up with good ones. I guess my band isn't that awseome. Byh the way, if you ever snuck up on me while I was trying to come up with power moves by myself, I doubt you'd wanna hang out with me anymore.
I don't there is anyone in this area of new york that doesn't think about why there aren't any dairy queens around. And I don't think there's anyone who doesn't wanna go to a dairy queen really badly. Good call Christina.
I bet if you ever saw a Dairy Queen, you'd be too lazy to wanna actually try it.
Wow, there is still a whole hour of school left. Thank god I don't have to experience it.
Miggs/At a loss tonight. Fucking great. If there's drinking don't let me drink. I'm practically still sick from 40 hands. Yeah I'm a HUGE pussy, but whatever. I drank that shit way fast, and hardly ate anything that day, etc. I would like to get a good sleep tonight though. Drunk sleeps are the best.
We're in room 112, I love you.