"Give me something to believe in, a breath from the breathing..."

Jan 30, 2009 23:07

I took the train into Chicago today. On the train I put my Ipod on shuffle and was listening to all of these amazing songs I forgot about and that put me in a great mood. Then I got off the train and went home. I have to take "light photos" for my Photo journalism class...so I just went on a walk to Starbucks and started taking random photos, I got some good ones I am posting on Flickr. Not great.. but they will do for now I have over a week to keep shooting. At Starbucks I got the most amazing cup. The quote on it said:

"The world bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you your not good enough. On occasion, some may be correct. But do not do their work for them. Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal. Don't take it personally when they say 'no' -- they may not be smart enough to say 'yes'" - Keith Olbermann

One. I love this quote! It is perfect.
Two. I love Keith Olbermann.

Three. I decided to be lame and incorporate my cup in some pictures for kicks example below:

Here is my flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/smither/

So I sent Scott this quote of course in a text...and then he went all deep on me and how its a true quote and how I need to learn from it because he tries to tell me that message all the time, I just dont listen. Now I wanted to tell him I would listen but I'm too distracted looking at his pretty blue eyes, but I didn't think that would be appropriate.

I did however email him the AWESOME letter my advertising professor form last semester gave me about the semester summary and what not. It made me feel very good... other than the fact that I am HORRIBLE at presenting in front of the big shot Advertising guys... it was good to hear. Here is a part of what was said:

"The comments from your group were just incredibly positive and nice. You obviously were a very respected and valued member of the group.

You are also an extremely talented writer. In fact, you're not the most flashy, but one of the better writers that I've seen in a while. Keep that up! It's a hard talent to find. You and your team came up with a very good creative solution (Priceless Pieces) to MWA's problem. To be honest, I wasn't sure at first if it was going to go over...one event to promote an entire museum. But B + L and MWA were quite impressed by your creativity and ideas. And in the end, you proved my concerns to be unfounded."

It was a pretty good thing to read.

So anyways...around 3:30pm my parents and I left Chicago to head to Iowa. As of now I am sitting at a desk in a hotel room at the Hampton Inn. We are going to my great uncle's funeral tomorrow. I did not know the guy very well, but I am pretty much here for family support. It shall be a pretty big gathering tomorrow I hear. I have a hotel room to myself though. Two queen size beds and enough room to break dance in (in is the handicap room). I feel like I am missing something...but probably not. It is getting late so I should get to bed for the long day tomorrow.

Hope all is well.
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