Coffee is good...

Feb 02, 2009 14:52

I am sitting in the coffee shop in the union procrastinating. Great. I need to cut that out completely...but it leads to LJ posts so why not?

I have TONS of homework to do this week. I did not do much this weekend because I was goign to and from IOWA and at the funeral. So I will be playing catch up all week. Crazy that I have so much after the first that is school for you I suppose.

13 days until Pitchers and Catchers report to spring training. YAY BASEBALL :-)

I feel extra alone at school this semester..but I am trying to do just that because of it... focus on school. It does reinforce my desire to transfer though. Is it bad to plan the next time I can head home so soon?

I talked to Scott for a bit last night, he has been sick.. sad. I sent him virtual soup in an email and he said thanks its probably safer than me making him real soup. He will never let me live down my crappy cooking skills. He said that his mom and grandmother taught him how to cook (before cooking school) because they told him that when he was older women wouldnt know how to cook...I guess they were right.

I really hope that the next two months go by quickly. My birthday weekend is getting more and more fantastic by the day.
1. I turn 21.
2. My sister Keri is coming back to the city from california and I think she might go out and party with us.
3. It is my neice Jorie's first birthday party :-)
4. We are going to watch Maya perform at Second City that night!!
5. Sox game the next day :-)
6. I will most likely be having the time of my life with Alex, Kathy, Scott, Sarah, Keri, and Julio... I dont know what could be a better time.

I just got a text message from my mom.... hilarious. She apparently just got an iphone... even more hilarious. I dont even know what to say.

I should probably get back to work now. Hope all is well.
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