"You don't know how beautiful you are..."

Jan 29, 2009 09:03

Im fairly disappointed in the new U2 single... I hope the album is better. Scott has skills and downloaded it already however he is holding it over my head...saying is better than the single but that I can't listen. Loser. haha. Hopefully he is right... I mean he did go to a Metallica concert the other night o.O haha. My friend came back from Brazil and I had her get him a very special cigar... hes rather excited about this...but I told him he has to wait a bit.

School started this week so the only way I can organize this is to go through my classes I suppose.

History of Baseball in America - AMAZING!! I am such a baseball nerd, so even though all the guy does is lecture I am attentively taking notes and getting more and more excited with every point he makes. Yes... I have been going on and on to my friends about the 5 unique things about baseball...which are obvious but no one really things about it :-) Also... I am the only girl in the class out of 60.. a bit intimidating at first actually.

Media Law - This class is going to kick my ass. End story.

Honors - Subjectivity of Truth - The class sound interesting. The topics and big questions to write papers on are interesting.. how ever our professor said she is going to just tell us to write a paper and its due in a couple weeks...no prompt, no telling us what the paper should be on...nothing. I am concerned.

Photojournalism - I am very excited for this. My favorite teacher is teaching it. Marc, he is SO freaking crazy, but hilarious. He makes me laugh for the entire three hours this class is going on. I had him last semester it was awesome. I think some of the assignments might be challenging for me actually but once I get good results I think it will pay off, I also think I will learn lots in the end :-) VERY excited for this one!

I am also taking a political science class online. THe books seem of interest... I just have not done anything for this one yet... I need to by the fourth so lets see how that goes! :-)

I had coffee with Marly today it was pretty awesome, we talked a lot and did some catching up. We are going to chipotle tonight too so that will be good. Shes not living with my ex roommate next year (surprise).

I saw my lovely ex roommate working her sorrority table in the Union the other day, I didnt know if I should say hi or not. We havent spoken til we moved out... She burned those bridges that is for sure. It make me ill to think about approaching her though..nerves more than anything so I didnt.

I have to go to Iowa this weekend for a funeral. I didnt really know him, he was my mom's uncle...but lots of family will be there kind of like a reunion. I feel like I should go. I will do lots of reading on the way there that is for sure.
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