Jackary, Would You Turn Me On? (S/A)

Jan 03, 2011 21:58

Title: Jackary, Would You Turn Me On? (S/A)
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: nc- 17
Summary: “Jack’s warm breath ghosted his lips and the older boy leant his head forward to smash their mouths together in a heated kiss”
Disclaimer: I do not own these boys and this never happened. Title is a play on Holly (Would You Turn Me On?) by ATL.
A/N: If anyone reads this, please comment and tell me what you think =)I'm sorry that the ending totally sucks. i always suck at ending fics =/

All Time Low had been on tour for three weeks straight so far. The problem? Alex was horny. They were so fucking busy at the moment and he had NEVER gone this long without getting off before. It was getting fucking ridiculous. If he didn’t get off soon, he thought his dick might possibly explode. That or fall off one day in the shower.

Usually, Alex would get the chance to jerk off, sometimes multiple times a day but this tour was busier than most. They were doing more interviews than ever before and he hardly got a free minute to himself, ‘cept in the bunks at night and then he was usually so exhausted that he didn’t even have the energy to get himself off. He’d just lay there with his dick throbbing until he’d eventually drift off to sleep.

Worse still, his dreams were all sex related. At first, the person he’d be rutting shamelessly against was faceless. The only think he could tell was that they were incredibly thin but still so hot. The faceless person received an identity, however, one hot, humid night.

It was Jack.

Dream Alex kissed dream Jack passionately and dream Jack did all sorts of dirty things to him in return.

Alex woke in a cold sweat with a raging boner, no energy to take care of it and a shocked recollection that yes, he had just dreamt of his best friend, naked, lying on top of him and rubbing in ALL the right places.

Alex was mortified. It was ~Jack, for god’s sake. Why would he be dreaming of Jack like that?

This mortification didn’t stop the dreams coming, however. They played in Alex’s head every night and every morning he woke with a boner to make any man jealous and the vivid memories of dream Jack blowing him and touching him and making him moan his name as loud as he could.

Alex tried to act casual with Jack but it wasn’t easy, what with dream Jack making appearances in his head every night. An even bigger problem was that, even awake, Alex couldn’t stop the images playing in his head. Even the smallest touch from Jack would cause Alex to have to suppress a groan. Every time Jack leant down, Alex whimpered as his dick twitched. Every hug and touch on stage made the hairs on his neck stand on end. Thank fuck for his guitar or it would be hella obvious that his dick responded even to the smallest touch and it was Jack’s doing.

It didn’t help that he hardly got one fucking second to himself. He needed to get off. Fuck, he needed it so bad.

He got a chance four weeks into tour. Flyzik organised for them to stay in a hotel the night before they got a three day break and Alex was ecstatic about this. His dick was fucking crying out for attention. He was sharing a room with Jack, which wasn’t a surprise. At first he thought that it would be a problem, what with his growing feelings for him but then he figured he’d hid his feelings for the younger boy for this long. It wouldn’t be too hard to act semi normal with him, just like he had been for the last three weeks of tour. Would it?


Alex’s eyes widened as he eyed the huge shower in the ensuite bathroom. It was possibly the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. He hadn’t had a proper shower in four fucking weeks. It was also the place where he’d be able to have the pleasure to jerk himself off for the first time in what it seemed like forever. God bless hotel showers.

Alex stepped back out into the room and his eyes fell on Jack, who was laying on the bed closest to the window and scrolling through his iPhone with intense concentration taking over his beautiful features. “Mind if I take a shower first, faggot?” he asked jokingly, trying to act as normal as possible.

Jack looked up from his phone and smiled. Alex knew Jack better than he knew himself. There was something mischievous in that smile. He was definitely planning something. “No problem, dickhead” he replied, still with that same weird smile masking his features.

Alex frowned a little as he made his way back to the bathroom and closed the door. What was with Jack? He was definitely up to something.

Turning on the hot water full pelt, he started removing his clothes, pealing off the layers until he was completely naked. He groaned as the hot steam hit his semi hard dick and he stepped into the shower, yanking the curtain closed behind him, immediately letting the stream of beautifully hot water hit his naked chest. Turning his attention to his throbbing erection, he wrapped his fingers around it and whimpered at the feeling. God! After weeks of no release, this contact was fucking amazing!

Snapping his wrist back and forth, Alex slowly started to jerk himself off, groaning softly. He couldn’t help the images of Jack popping up into his head but he guessed that was inevitable. Jack, as it happens, was a fucking huge turn on.

After only a minute of pure pleasure, the sound of the bathroom door opening snapped Alex out of his fantasies, and he immediately clamped his mouth shut and tried to stop the moans escaping. A few seconds later and the door shut again.

Not even five seconds later and the shower curtain was being yanked open, a naked Jack Barakat being revealed. The younger boy only grinned and stepped into the shower with his best friend, who still had his fingers wrapped around his throbbing boner, pushing him up against the wall and closing the curtain again. “Jack, what the fuck are y-?”

Alex’s question was cut off by the dark haired boy leaning close and stroking his forefinger along the tip of his hard dick. Closing his eyes, Alex groaned softly.

Jack chuckled, “I’ve heard you whimpering my name, Alex, every single night, while you’re sleeping. It’s fucking hot.”

Alex’s eyes fluttered open. Jack’s warm breath ghosted his lips and the older boy leant his head forward to smash their mouths together in a heated kiss. He couldn’t be sure that this wasn’t some fucking hot wet dream but he didn’t want to think about that possibility. All he wanted was Jack and Jack’s hands on his body.

Jack’s fingers immediately replaced Alex’s own and he ran his thumb up the shaft of his dick. The blonde haired boy whimpered and rutted up into the younger boy’s hand. Jack grinned and wrapped his long fingers around the warm flesh, starting to jerk his best friend off. Alex moaned and writhed and thrust up as Jack continued to work his magic.

The fire brightened in Alex’s stomach and he moved his hands to cling to Jack’s waist, his nails digging into the flesh involuntarily. This seemed to spur Jack on, for his eyes took on a lustful glow and he started to jerk him off faster, his wrist snapping back and forth at a quick pace as Alex groaned louder.

“Fuck, Jack,” he whimpered and caught the younger boy’s lips in a sensual kiss, rutting himself up into his beautiful hand again and biting down on Jack’s bottom lip.

Alex groaned as Jack bit and sucked on his lip and the fire escalated, “Jack, I’m close.”

Jack nodded and all it took was his thumb to swipe over the slit and Alex was coming hard and fast, groaning Jack’s name as loud as he could.

Jack continued to jerk him off until Alex had completely come down from his high and then removed his hand, holding it under the spray of water.

Alex was completely exhausted as his body slumped against the younger boy’s and his head rested against his damp chest. Jack completely supported his best friend’s weight and he pressed soft kisses to the sweaty strands of his hair, running his fingers down the blonde haired boy’s sides.

Alex soon regained his breath and he sighed as he brought his body closer to Jack’s. “That was…”

Jack chuckled lightly, “Hot?”

Alex nodded and kissed the younger boy’s neck, grinning cheekily, “You should get me off more often.”

Jack laughed and grinded against Alex’s thigh, “Like, right now?”

Alex’s breath hitched in his throat and he brought his lips up to crash into Jack’s own again. He couldn’t have thought of a better idea himself.

author: dannistrange, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, standalone, rating: nc-17

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