Nasty Habits [15/30]

Jan 03, 2011 14:11

Disclaimer: I don't own these beautiful boys but the story is completely mine.
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Overall Pg-13.
Summary: Alex knew moving to America would be a bad idea. He was pretty certain he was going to be completely ignored, but alas, he's being watched.
A/N: enjoyyyy :)

My tumblr.

Alex looked down to the boy sleeping soundlessly in his arms. He was more broken then Alex could ever imagine yet he still didn't know exactly why. Jack had let Alex into his mind hours previously but not deep enough for Alex’s likings. But he was going to wait because he knew that Jack would tell him eventually, he had a good feeling about it.

Jack stirred and clung tighter to Alex’s waist, pulling himself closer. Alex smiled slightly and squeezed the boy comfortingly.

“Go on then” Alex encouraged when Jack had sat opposite him, crossed legged on the bed. Alex copied his actions and didn't break his gaze on the other boy. Jack looked up at Alex then looked to the side, out of the window.

“I don't see why I should...” He muttered, his eyes still red from the crying. Alex could see the dried tear trails on his cheek and he really wanted to wipe them away, but it was possibly a step too far. Jack seemed to be internally debating something, but after a couple of minutes had passed he turned to look at Alex again. Alex was being extremely patient with him although he wanted to lean forwards and shake his shoulders until the words practically fell out of his mouth.

“Why aren’t your parents around?” Alex pressed. Jack bit his lip and twisted his hands together in his lap.

“ dad,” Jack started, his eyes already beginning to tear up again, he sighed deeply, “My dad was murdered”

Alex sat with a stunned expression clear on his face. He definitely was not expecting that...he’d assumed his dad wasn't around but he didn't for one minute think murder was the cause. Alex quickly came back to present and nodded.

“I'm sorry” He mumbled, leaning forward to press the tips of his fingers to Jack’s knee gingerly. Jack looked down at them with a confused look on his face. Alex blushed and pulled his hand back, but Jack took hold of it before he could put it back in his lap. Jack linked their fingers together and both boys looked down at the clasped hands, their eyes wide with shock. Hugging was one thing, but this show of affection was different...more meaningful somehow. It wasn't as comforting as a hug, sure, but it was almost like the boys needed any sort of contact they could get and that made everything seem a bit more real and scary.

“Who?” Alex asked and Jack knew exactly what he meant. He shuddered and closed his eyes as the memories flooded his brain. He didn't want to talk about it but for some reason he didn't want to keep Alex in the dark.

“S-something happened to m-me” Jack mumbled, his voice low and stuttering. Alex softly rubbed the tip of his thumb along Jack’s, which made his skin feel tingly.

“What did?” Alex whispered. This was it; he was going to find out what made Jack like he was.

“I can’t say, please don't make me talk about it” Jack said, his voice barely louder than a whisper and Alex had to try to hide his disappointment. But Jack just looked so...torn and Alex couldn't let him just sit there. He leant forwards and pulled on Jack’s shoulders until he had shuffled over and was crying in Alex’s lap. Alex wrapped his arms around the boy and rocked him slowly.

“Shh, it’s okay Jack, it’s okay I promise, no one’s going to hurt you anymore”

“M-my dad went to find them...went to get revenge b-but they k-killed him” Jack wept, his hands covering his face as the tears fell down his cheeks. Alex was at a loss of what to do so he just carried on holding the boy as close to him as possible.

“My mom left me on my own because she couldn't deal with my dad dying and my problems” Jack admitted and Alex felt a strange rush of affection towards the boy. It must take a lot to open up about that, about everything and even though Alex knew about the last part, he still couldn't help but be proud of the boy.

“I'm sorry Alex, I'm so fucked up, I wish I wasn’t” Jack cried, removing his hands and looking up to Alex, his eyes wide with fear. Alex stared back and nodded.

“You’re not fucked up Jack...” Alex whispered, he could hear the uncertainty in his voice and he was surprised Jack didn't scoff at his words.

“I am Alex...oh Alex” Jack sighed, leaning forwards and pressing his lips to Alex’s desperately. It took Alex by surprise and he honestly didn't expect his first kiss to be like that. Jack’s hands started to roam Alex’s body and creep up under his shirt. Alex shook his head, feeling Jack’s lips disconnect from his own. He liked the feeling, he liked the way his heart sped up and his stomach bubbled with excitement. He liked how Jack’s hand on his skin made it tingle and burn but in a good way. But it was wrong, Jack wasn't in the right state of mind so Alex pushed him back and he immediately hung his head and clutched at his hair.

“I'm sorry” He repeated, the tears starting to fall down his cheeks again. Alex looked at the broken boy in front of him. He was still quite shocked at the kiss he’d just received, one moment Jack was crying and then the next he was coming onto Alex. Alex started to regret telling Jack he wasn't fucked up but he pulled himself together to comfort the boy. Alex wrapped his arms around him and held him close once again. Jack cried onto his shoulder and Alex clung to him as he fell backwards into a lying position. Jack curled up beside him, his arm thrown over Alex’s waist and their legs tangled together. They didn't speak again.

Alex was brought away from his memories by Jack sitting up on his elbows. He blinked his eyes a couple of times in his sleepy state and ran one of his hands through his hair, ruffling it slightly. Alex watched him as he did so and when their eyes connected they both looked away blushing.

“Sorry I must have fallen asleep” Jack mumbled, disentangling himself from Alex and flopping back onto the pillows. Alex hid the disappointment of the loss of contact with a soft smile.

“It’s okay” He replied, stretching his arms above his head and yawning. Jack bit his lip and watched Alex as he shuffled down the bed a little and turned onto his side to face Jack. The two boys watched each other attentively.

“How are you feeling?” Alex whispered, reaching over to push Jack’s fringe out of his face but Jack flinched away, a frown falling onto his features. Alex pulled his hand back, feeling slightly rejected.

“Don’t” Alex warned as he saw Jack fidget uncomfortably under Alex’s gaze. Jack was about to go back to his normal self, he was about to close up again and Alex wasn't having any of it.

“Why are you blocking me out again Jack?” Alex asked, sitting up suddenly. Jack mirrored his actions and folding his arms across his stomach.

“I never let you in” He muttered darkly. Alex rolled his eyes...somewhere this was definitely was the same boy that was crying in his arms hours previously.

“Yes you did Jack, you let me comfort you and you actually talked to me instead of keeping yourself to yourself” Alex sighed. He didn't know why he didn't see it coming, Jack often had little mood changes. Alex was a fool for letting himself believe that Jack opening up was going to change him.

“That was nothing still don't know anything about me so just stop trying” Jack shouted before climbing off the bed and walking out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Alex groaned and slammed his forehead against the palm of his hand. He should have just said nothing. If he hadn’t of brought it up when Jack had woken then they possibly would be on good terms still. But their good terms never lasted long so either way, they would have fallen out again. Alex looked over to the clock on the bedside table, it was 6:30 already, Jack had slept for ages. Alex rolled out of bed and left the room, stopping at the bathroom quickly. Once he was done he walked out and down the stairs in search of the other boy. He found Jack in the kitchen, once again sitting cross legged on the table with his hands in his lap. Alex leant against the doorframe and crossed his arms as he looked at Jack. Jack didn't seem to realise he was there as when Alex started to speak, he jumped slightly.

“Stop doing this Jack” Alex said, sighing slightly. Jack looked up and frowned but didn't speak. Alex uncrossed his arms and walked closer to him. He just wanted Jack to realise he wanted to help, nothing more, nothing less. He wanted Jack to be free of what was troubling him and what made him like he was. But he couldn't do that without Jack’s obedience.

“Let me help you” Alex mumbled when he was stood in front of Jack. Jack looked up again, the frown on his face less prominent. Alex smiled softly at him and reached out to cup Jack’s cheek. He flinched slightly but didn't move away, allowing Alex to caress his skin.

“You can’t help me” Jack whimpered, his bottom lip trembling slightly. Alex rested his thumb on it to stop it moving and he gave Jack another warm smile.

“I can try” He said, before moving closer to wrap his arms around Jack’s neck. It was strange that last week Jack was the one trying to be nice and Alex was the one running away. Things had definitely changed between the two, even if it was the slightest.

Jack clung to Alex’s waist and he uncrossed his legs to wrap them around Alex’s body, pulling him closer. Jack felt safe, more safe then he had in a long time. He didn't know what it was about Alex but something drew Jack to him, made him want to hug him like they were then. Made him want to be constantly in reach of him, made him want to kiss him and allow him to have control of Jack.

Jack hid his disappointment as Alex pulled away but kept his hands on the top of Jack’s arms. Jack’s legs remained wrapped around the back of Alex’s and his hands sat on Alex’s waist. They looked at each other, their eyes searching each others. Jack was certain that Alex’s eyes were moving between his lips and his eyes and that he was moving closer. Jack felt strange, it had never crossed his mind that Alex would be one to initiate a kiss, but there he was edging closer. Jack’s hands tightened on Alex’s waist and he leant up to meet Alex’s lips. He didn't know why he did, he really shouldn’t of. He shouldn’t let anyone get close to him like Alex was right then. Their chests touched lightly as their lips pressed together. One of Alex’s hands came to rest on the back of Jack’s neck whilst the other one rested under Jack’s chin, tipping it up slightly. Jack’s stomach was doing that weird flipping thing that he was still wasn't used to yet it was happening so often lately and as Alex’s mouth opened, Jack thought his stomach was doing summersaults. Jack’s heart won over his head and he pulled Alex closer to his body, wrapping his legs tighter around him. Jack opened his mouth also and their lips started to move in sync. Alex’s eyes were shut and his fringe had fallen into them and he looked beautiful. Jack had to stop himself from sighing at the sight and he shut his eyes also. He slipped his fingers under Alex’s shirt and felt the warm skin there. Jack felt like his whole body had turned to jelly until Alex’s other hand went to Jacks neck and Jack felt him clinging. Memories started to flood back to him at the touch and his heart beat sped up, he gasped and pulled away from Alex before pushing him. He stumbled backwards slightly with a confused expression on his face.

“Wha-“ He started, and the next thing he knew he was on the floor.
Jack looked from his outstretched fist and then to Alex on the floor. He hadn’t meant to punch him, he just...he just...oh god he didn't know. Jack fell to his knees and crawled over to Alex who was holding his hand up to his cheek bone. His scared eyes met Jack’s and he attempted to scurry backwards.

“I'm so sorry Alex, I didn't mean to do that” Jack whispered, his hand reaching out to push Alex’s away from his face. He gently ran his fingertips along Alex’s cheekbone as Alex stared at him with curiosity.

“I didn't think I was that bad” Alex muttered, his eyebrow raised. Jack choked out a laugh and shook his head.

“It wasn't that was...I thought you were someone else, I panicked” Jack admitted before slumping over and lying on the floor next to Alex. Alex turned on his side so that he could see the other boy.

“Who did you think I was?” Alex asked, reaching over to push Jack’s fringe out of his eyes. Jack averted is gaze to Alex’s face and he bit his lip. Alex’s thumb swept over Jack’s cheek in what he hoped was a comforting gesture. He wanted Jack to know that they may have had a bad start but they could be friends, they could confide in each other.

“I don't want to talk about it” Jack whispered before shutting his eyes tightly. Alex sighed quietly and nodded although Jack couldn't see.

“Okay...Jack?” Alex asked


“Will you punch me if I kiss you again?” Alex muttered, sliding closer across the tiles. Jack opened his eyes slowly to look at the other boy and he began to chew his lip again.

“I shouldn’ shouldn’t want to kiss me, this isn’t how it’s supposed to work” Jack said, his voice quiet and wavering. His eyes were wide and glassy as if he was about to cry. Alex’s curiosity was already driving him insane and Jacks mystery talk wasn't helping.

“How is it meant to work then? Am I meant to stay here forever and carry on hating you?” Alex asked, his voice slightly raised. The idea was preposterous. Jack sighed and looked away.

“, I don't know Alex, I don't understand this, I don't understand what’s happening between us” Jack whispered. Alex bit his lip because he didn't know either. He wasn't used to the feelings he was getting and by the sounds of it, neither was Jack.

“Neither do I Jack...but I like it”

Jack looked back to Alex who was staring intently at him. He smiled up at the boy and Alex smiled back before leaning down to press his lips to Jack’s once again.

Part 16.

chaptered: nasty habits, pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, author: alltimeemma

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