Left Side, Strong Side (3)

Jan 03, 2011 11:47

Title: Left Side, Strong Side(3)
Author: Jess>>>> bangxbangxdie7
Pairing: Zack Merrick/ OMC
Alex Gaskarth/Surprise
Rating: Very NC-17
POV: Third
Summary: Riley is abused by someone close to him and unfortunately turns to drugs and screws up his life. Zack comes around to help him clean up.
Disclaimer: Don't own. Don't copy.
Warning: This story contains adult material including: sexual abuse, language, drug use and sexual content. Read at your own risk.
Authors Note: Please comment and tell me what you think?
P.S this chapter features some of the boys from The Maine.


Zack usually spent about an hour getting ready to go out. This was mainly because of his hair- it had to be just right or he didn't feel good about himself. He wasn’t too cocky about himself, but he always wanted to look his best. This particular night was special because it was his good friend Garrett's 21st birthday, and he and a couple of his other friends were taking him to a club. A strip club.

Zack was never really a fan of strip clubs but Garrett mentioned several times that he wanted to go to The Lucky Sevyn for his 21st. Garrett had been to the club before, but for some reason he hadn’t gone back since the first time he went. He had no idea why because he loved it so much.

Garrett didn’t like the strip club because of the extremely attractive, more than half naked guys that were there- well, that was definitely a plus...but he really liked the place because he felt welcomed there. The club owner was friendly and the drinks were reasonably priced. They also had ‘Underwear Karaoke’ Friday’s which made Garrett’s birthday 100 times better.

“I’m not going up on stage to sing with you man, I don’t care if it’s your birthday or not. First off, I’m driving so I won’t even have a drink in me, and second, I'm already in my underwear five days a week. Make John or Kenny do it.” Zack said looking away from the road for a split second to talk to his friend.

“Hey what about me? Not like I actually want to sing karaoke in my undies but still.” The shortest male in the group, Pat piped up.

Zack laughed. “Sorry Pat I didn’t realize you were back there. Can’t see your head you know, ‘cause you’re so little.”

All of the guys played around with Pat because of his height. Pat hated it, but he loved it at the same time. He got more attention than the other guys that way. He didn't really ask for the attention, he just...got it, and that made it even better. Everyone else had to do something stupid- all he had to do was continue to be short.

“Haha very funny Zack Merrick who is six foot nine. Freaking giant fuck.”

Zack pulled into a parking spot abruptly and obnoxiously. “Six foot even, dick. Don’t be jealous. Get out of my car!” The dirty-blond joked, opening the door to his mustang.

The five guys got out of Zack's car, walked up to the entrance of the club and showed their I.D’s. They got in and sat down at a V.I.P booth that John paid for as a gift to Garrett. V.I.P was nice because the table was dead center of the club, and they could get a nice look at everything. Also, they got service a lot quicker than the rest of the tables.

Everyone ordered a drink except for Zack, who was content with a glass of water. He had his share of nights where he got wasted so he couldn’t be mad at the guys nominating him designated driver.

“This place is really nice Garrett, great choice for your birthday. I’m glad we all could come out. SOME people are busy working all the time,” Kennedy said coughing up Zack’s name.

The tall man shook his head. “Sorry I have two jobs and am trying to make a life for myself. I have a nice house, a nice car and nice things in my nice house and car. So suck it.”

Kennedy lifted his eyebrows. “I’d like to suck that, damn!” He said pointing to a tattooed man on stage. “I’m getting his number by the end of the night. Don’t let me leave without it.”

The boys laughed at him.

“Kenny, you’re good looking- hot even, but you really don’t have a chance with him. I mean...he’s a stripper. I don’t think strippers really give out their numbers. Unless you need them for a party or something.” John said, sipping his beer.

Zack wanted to put in his two cents that strippers were regular people too, and they did have dating lives but he didn’t want to spark up an argument on Garrett's birthday. Zack knew John too well, and he knew he loved to argue his point to death. Zack and the guys loved John for his strong personality but sometimes it made things really tense.

Zack soon forgot about John's comment and let his eyes skim the room. Being a model himself, he appreciated the ‘models’ in the club. They all had perfect rock hard bodies and...other things. Zack wasn’t shallow or anything, but he did take to a physically fit guy more so than chubby guys. It wasn't really even the looks factor- it was the health factor. A healthy guy was much sexier to Zack than a fast food junkie.

Garrett was glad that he was having a good time as well as his four other friends. He had been worried that the guys wouldn't like the atmosphere, but they all seemed to be enjoying themselves just fine.

Zack's eyes continued to wander around, and then he averted his glance back to the stage. A guy who looked no older than a high school student approached the pole centered on the stage’s platform. This boy had shaggy light brown hair and eyes that Zack could not tell the color of from the distance he was at. The boy had a slender figure and long thin legs.

The boy grabbed onto the pole with both hands and thrust his lower half towards it, in sync with the music that was playing for him. He crouched down low and shook his ass, letting all the men in the front pin dollars in his pockets.

The young boy then smiled and took the money out, shoving it in his underwear as he shimmied out of his jeans, earning loud shrills from the crowd.

Zack's eyes met with the strippers' and he tried to send him a look of remorse. Not that he was sorry for him, but that...that maybe he wasn’t made for stripping like this. Zack thought this guy didn’t look like the others. This kid was young and fragile looking while all the other men were jacked, had mature faces, and were covered with tattoos. This stripper was the odd one out- he didn’t belong. But he was apparently in high demand. The crowd seemed to really like him; and what he could do.

The light haired boy swayed his hips and ran his hands down his slim body. He still had his eyes on Zack, though; and it looked like he was waiting for something.

“Dude that stripper is totally checking you out, Zack. You see him staring at you, don’t you? It’s like he’s mesmerized or something.”

Zack shrugged, also not tearing his eyes off of the boy. “Yeah. Looks like he wants something. Not sure what though. Maybe he wants me to give him money?”

Three out of the four men all said “I don’t think so,” at the same time, which was funny yet scary.

The dirty-blond shrugged again. “I don’t know. He’s cute- but very skinny. Very young looking. I get a bad vibe sort of.”

Garrett wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “Zack he’s hot as hell. Who gives a shit if he’s not built like a train like you? He’s got that twink look; like the ‘I want to be banged really good and hard’ look.”

Zack chuckled. “I’m not exactly sure I want to know why you know about a look like that- but I’ll let it slide. I really doubt that’s the look he’s giving me.”

Pat stood up and slammed his hands on the table; he was starting to feel his three shots of Vodka. “I have an idea!” he exclaimed. “You...” he pointed to Zack. “...you should come back- here,” he spread his arms. “and...you should see if he notices you. Then you can strike up a conversation and say, ‘hey! I saw you here the other day. You were giving me a weird-ass look so maybe you could explain it to me now since you were busy before.”

The guys burst out in uncontrollable laughter. Poor Pat not being able to hold his liquor for very long.

“Pat that sounds like an excellent idea, however I think I’ll pass. You just sit back down and drink your beer. I’ll uh, I’ll keep ‘em coming. You just, yeah-” he helped his friend back onto his chair.

Zack had to admit to himself that he was intrigued by this stranger. It wasn’t like anything he could fathom. He didn’t know how to describe the feeling to himself; he wanted to believe that it was nothing- that it was just a stripper looking for some cash in his waistband. But it wasn’t like that at all. This person- this stranger locked eyes with him and...and sort of pleaded with his mysterious orbs for something. Something Zack could not figure out.

Pat's suggestion was only slightly preposterous. Maybe Zack would return to the club and try to get things sorted out.

chaptered: left side strong side, pairing: zack merrick/omc, rating: nc-17, author: bangxbangxdie7

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