Every Kid Loves Chocolate Cake [standalone]

Dec 02, 2010 17:49

Universe: Don't Fall In Love With Me (it won't make much sense unless you read the full story)
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys as much as id enjoy that, the story however is all mineee :)
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: Pg-13
Summary: It's a certain little girls birthday and they have a new member of the family.
A/N: i know this isn't exactly a thrilling standalone, but i wanted to do her birthday before christmas so that i can then do my christmas 2 parter then i can do another standalone i have in mind. so this had to be done for that to happen :')

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Don't Fall In Love With Me ~Universe~

It was December 2nd, which also meant it was Ellie’s birthday and the boys were up ridiculously early preparing for it. It was her first birthday in the house and they wanted to make it as special as possible for their little girl. Jack was currently sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee as he waited for Alex to return from the shop. Jack never understood why shops were open at 7 in the morning because he never understood why anyone would want to be awake at such a time. But now he couldn't help but appreciate them. The boys didn't forget Ellie’s birthday, they just forgot a cake which Jack thought was pretty acceptable for new parents who had never had to think about a child’s birthday before.
He stood up to put his mug in the sink and looked up at the clock just as the front door opened, sending a cold draft through to the kitchen. Jack shivered slightly as he turned around to see Alex walking into the kitchen and smiling at him.
“Hey baby, you alright?” Alex asked, putting bags on top of the breakfast bar. Jack walked over to him and quickly kissed his head before diving into the bags.
“Mmhm, how was shopping at such an early time? Pretty smooth getting back at 8 o’clock on the dot though” Jack laughed as he started pulling out random items of food and drink and putting them away in their respective places.
“It was good actually, hardly anyone was around so no one got in my way, which is always a good sign” Alex grinned as he threw the empty plastic bags in the recycling bin. “And that wasn't planned but I kind of wish it was now”
“Getting back on the dot” He laughed. Jack rolled his eyes and grinned at his boy. He was so silly sometimes but that was one of the many reasons Jack loved him so much.
“I hope Ellie likes chocolate cake, I’ve never actually found out” Alex said, suddenly biting his lip as he pulled the cake towards him. There were so many things he and Jack didn't know about Ellie, but they had plenty of time to find them out. He looked through the box as Jack wrapped his arms around Alex’s waist, hooking his chin over Alex’s shoulder.
“Babe, she’s a kid, every kid likes chocolate cake” Jack smiled, pressing a kiss to Alex’s temple. Alex turned around and leant against the side as he wrapped his arms around Jack’s neck, pulling him closer. Jack smiled and lifted a hand from Alex’s waist to cup Alex’s cheek, stroking his thumb against the soft skin.
“She’ll love it” He promised, searching Alex’s eyes and watching the doubt leave them. Alex smiled and nodded.
“Okay” He said, leaning up to kiss Jack. Jack’s hand fell back to join his other one on Alex’s waist. He slipped his fingers up Alex’s shirt and gripped tightly, feeling the warm skin beneath. Alex ran his tongue along Jack’s bottom lip and Jack opened his mouth to let their tongues run along each other. Alex felt his stomach do back flips at the contact, it was hard to have moments like that with Ellie running around all the time. Not that he’d ever give that up. Jack’s lips left Alex’s and started trailing along his jaw and then onto his neck, nibbling and sucking gentle at the pulse point. Alex moaned slightly and he gripped Jack tighter. Jack quickly bent down to pick Alex up, placing him on top of the counter. Alex spread his legs to allow Jack to settle in between. They resumed kissing desperately, a mixture of tongue, teeth and lips. Alex could feel himself quickly getting turned on, but he concentrated intently on calming himself down because having a boner on the morning of his little girl’s birthday was not a good thing. With that, Alex pulled away slightly and opened his eyes, watching Jack’s face. Jacks own eyes fluttered open to find Alex’s. They looked at each other and smiled gently.
“I love you” Alex said, pushing Jack’s hair across his face. Jack smiled and kissed Alex’s nose
“I love you too baby” He said, before pressing a final kiss on Alex’s lips and helping him jump down. He pulled him into a quick hug, squeezing tightly then letting go.
“Let’s go wake her up then” Alex grinned.
Jack smiled over at Alex as they sat on the edge of their little girl’s bed where she was sleeping peacefully. In their hands they carried cards and presents, all for Ellie’s 4th birthday.
“Els...wake up darling” Jack grinned, prodding Ellie’s cheek softly with his finger. She stirred but her eyes didn't open. Alex rolled his eyes, she was strangely similar to Jack in the sense it was near impossible to wake her.
“Ellieee” Alex sung, dragging out the end of her name. Her eyes fluttered open slightly and she frowned up at the boys who smiled back at her.
“Sleepy” She whined, snuggling back in between the silly amount of cuddly toys that were joining her in bed. Alex whipped back her duvet, causing her to let out a big sigh, still refusing to re-open her eyes.
“I guess you don't want your birthday presents then” Jack shrugged, winking at Alex as they both got up to leave.
“No!” She squealed, suddenly wide awake. She sat up in bed and clapped her hands together before making grabby hands to the boys. They rolled their eyes and walked back over to join her on the bed.
“How old are you now? 20?” Alex asked, leaning over to kiss her forehead. She giggled and shook her head.
“No silly!”
“You’re 4 today aren’t you Els, you’re a big girl now” Jack smiled, pushing a messy curl behind her ear as she nodded her head enthusiastically.
“Big girl” She agreed, holding out her hands for her presents. Alex laughed at her and passed over the present Rian had given her.
“This is from Rian” He said, as she tore into the wrapping paper with her little hands. She pulled the paper away and looked at the picture splattered across the box.
“Drums!” She giggled, holding the box up to show the boys an electronic drum set. Jack looked down at the present and then up to Alex with his eyes wide.
“He’s going to make her into a mini-Rian” Jack said. Alex rolled his eyes and smiled.
“That’s so typical of him” He said, passing Ellie the next present.
“That’s from Zack” He added as she started opening it. Three books fell out with a sticky note stuck on top of the first.
It’s about time you learnt to read, these were my favourites as a child, I expect you to be reading me bed time stories instead of me reading to you. Happy birthday Smelly Ellie x
Alex read the note out to her, causing her to giggle at Zacks nickname for her.
“I don't want to read” She whined as she looked down at the books in her lap, she spotted a bear on the front of one.
“Bear!” She squealed, holding out the book to Jack. Jack took it and looked at the title ‘Goldie Locks and the Three Bears’
“This was Zacks favourite book? I'm not letting him live this down” Jack laughed, putting the book back on the bed with the other presents.
“This is from us sweetheart, and Vinny and Matt’s present is down stairs, and you’ll probably get more later when everyone’s round” Alex explained as he handed Ellie a small, round gift. She quickly tore into it and a collar fell into her lap. She tossed the paper and held the collar in her hands, her nose crinkling up in confusion.
“What is it?” She asked, holding it out to Jack who took it.
“It's a cat collar” He winked.
“But we don't have a cat” She said glumly, her bottom lip sticking out slightly. Alex laughed and poked it until it went back to normal.
“Really? I'm pretty sure I saw one downstairs” He said, also winking at Ellie. She crumpled her face in confusion and slid out of bed, quickly running out of the room and down the stairs.
“Wait for it...” Alex smirked. Seconds later they heard a scream from below as Ellie found the new kitten that was sleeping in the living room.
“We are awesome parents” Jack said, standing up and pocketing the collar before leaning over the bed to press a kiss to Alex’s lips. Alex hummed in agreement as he kissed back momentarily. Jack pulled away and cupped Alex’s cheek.
“We should go make sure she hasn’t hugged it to death” He smiled, kissing Alex’s forehead before standing up straight and walking toward the door. Alex joined him and they linked hands before walking out of the room and down the stairs together.
“I still would have preferred a dog” Alex grumbled, sulking slightly. Jack rolled his eyes and held their joint hands up so he could quickly stroke Alex’s cheek.
“Is it your birthday?” Jack asked.
“No, but it is soon” He mumbled. Jack laughed and shook his head slightly. They got to the bottom of the stairs and as Alex carried on walking, Jack stopped, causing Alex to fall back slightly.
“What?” Alex asked, looking at Jack who was stood on the bottom step smiling. Jack pulled Alex forward and then dropped his hand to wrap his arms around Alex’s neck. Alex automatically wrapped his arms around Jack’s waist in a hug.
“Stop sulking” Jack grinned as Alex looked up at him, his pout bigger than normal. Jack’s stomach did flips as he looked at his boy’s gorgeous face and he couldn't help but lean down to kiss him. Alex smiled into the kiss, pulling Jack closer and drawing little patterns on his back. Jack rested his hands on Alex’s neck, stroking the skin there, causing goosebumps to spring up all over Alex. They pulled away and rested their foreheads together, looking into each other’s eyes.
“Still sulking?” Jack whispered. Alex shook his head and kissed him again quickly.
“Love you” He grinned, causing Jack to role his eyes slightly. He jumped off the last step and pressed a kiss to Alex’s forehead.
“Love you too” He smiled, taking Alex’s hand in his own. They turned toward the living and spotted Ellie sitting in the middle of the sofa with a small ginger kitten in her lap. Ellie’s eyes were wide with shock as she softly stroked the orange fur of the animal.
“She likes me!” She whispered as to not wake the cat again. Jack smiled and rolled his eyes.
“It's a boy” He said as if it was the most obvious thing ever. Ellies eyes, if possible, grew wider with excitement. Alex squeezed Jack’s hand tightly in his own before dropping it.
“Pancakes?” he asked, walking backwards into the kitchen.
“Thanks baby” Jack smiled, Alex winked at him and turned around to start making breakfast. Jack sighed contently and went to sit beside Ellie who quickly put a finger to her lips to signal to Jack he had to be quiet. Jack repeated the action and kissed Ellies head before also stroking the kitten.
“What are you going to call him then?” He asked as he took the collar out of his pocket and softly lifted the kittens head to put it around its neck. The small animal opened its eyes slowly and yet out a soft yawn before sitting up and beginning to wash itself. Ellie’s eyes sparkled as she watched it.
“Evan!” She giggled as she stroked the kittens head. Jack rolled his eyes at the choice of name but didn't object.
“I'm sure the real Evan will be happy about that” He laughed as he also stroked the kitten. It walked over to Jack’s lap and looked up into his face. Jack looked back at it and poked its nose. A soft purr emitted from the kittens throat as it started to rub its face against Jacks hand.
“Evan likes Jacky!” Ellie giggled, clapping her hands together.
“I’d like to think so” Jack smiled as the kitten nestled itself into Jack’s lap for more sleep.
“Oh Els, look behind the arm chair, Vinny and Matt’s present for you is there” Jack said, pointing toward said place. Ellie crawled off of the sofa and went behind the armchair, squealing as she found her present. She emerged seconds later with a cuddly bear that was twice the size of her.
“Has she found it?” Alex called from the kitchen.
“Yep, I think she likes it too!” Jack called back, laughing as he watched Ellie hug the giant bear. She dragged it over to the sofa and attempted to pick it up and put it on the seat, but it was too big for her. Jack rolled his eyes and leant over to pull it from her grip and settling it in the corner of the sofa. Ellie climbed back onto the sofa and sat in the bears lap, cuddling it close to her.
“Ellie come eat your pancakes!” Alex called again from the kitchen.
“Can I eat here?” She called back. Jack heard Alex sigh and then seconds later he appeared in the living room with 3 plates in his hands.
“Fine but only because it’s your birthday” Alex said somewhat sternly so that Ellie knew it was a one off thing. She nodded quickly, holding out her hands for the plate. Alex put it in her lap and she quickly started to pick the already cut pieces up with her fork, shovelling them in her mouth. Jack watched the syrup dribbling down her face and with anyone else it would have been gross, but because it was Ellie it was pretty damn cute. Alex handed Jack a plate and then settled himself in between his favourite people and started eating his pancakes.
“Mmm” Ellie hummed as she ate the sweet treats. Alex grinned, Ellie always loved his pancakes. It made him feel strangely warm, little things such as that. They were so lucky to be able to have a little girl; he couldn't even remember life before her. She was their everything now and Alex couldn't wait to see what she grew up into. If Rian had his way, clearly she would be growing up into a drummer. Vinny was not going to like that, he was hoping Ellie would follow in his footsteps and be a merch girl. But then again pretty much everyone on the crew wanted Ellie to follow in their footsteps. She was just too cute and loveable for her own good.
“Finished!” Ellie giggled, holding out her plate.
“Fatty” Alex gasped, taking the plate and putting it on the coffee table. Ellie giggled again and snuggled into Alex’s side.
“You’re fatty!” She squealed, prodding Alex’s tummy. Alex pouted as Jack burst into laughter.
“No I'm not” He sulked, leaning forward to put his empty plate on top of Ellies.
“Love you anyway” Ellie smiled, crawling into Alex’s lap and putting her arms around his neck. Alex rolled his eyes and hugged back. Jack put his arm around Alex’s shoulders and shuffled closer with the kitten still sleeping on his lap. Alex looked up at Jack and smiled, leaning up to kiss him quickly, tasting the syrup on his lip. He giggled as they pulled away and he rested his head on Jacks chest. He let his mind wander back to the mishaps of a few years back where it seemed like nothing was going right and never would. Then he quickly pulled his mind back to the present, to their little family. Everything was just fine.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, standalone

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