Fuck Regrets And Lets Burn This City Down [Three]

Oct 15, 2010 19:06

Title: Fuck Regrets And Lets Burn This City Down
Author: oheybren
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex has everything he wants in life, loving parents, caring friends and is getting a great education but it doesn't seem to be enough, there is something missing.
Disclaimer: Do not own All Time Low, just the plot of the story, this has never happened it is made up :)

here is my tumblr guys if you want to follow me :)

master post

Alex's POV

I woke up the next morning in a daze with my alarm beeping angrly, filling the while room it's insesent ringing. I rolled over groaning, the already tangeled sheets, wrapping ever more around my body. I slammed my alarm clock, trying to make it shut up, the blaring noise coming to a halt. I stared at the clock, 6:30AM examining me with it's bright red light, judging me, telling me to get up and out of bed.

I lay there for another five minutes, I finally decided to get up. I rolled out of bed, the sheet coming with me, untangeling myself, I walked the short distant to my ensuite bathroom. I have to say, I couldn't be much better off. I lived in a great apartment, no penthouse, that looked over the city and at night the scene was picturesque, every photographers dream. And yes, my parents did pay for it all for me, I could go out and get a job if I wanted to but it was easier if I just lived of my parents.

They bought me the penthouse for my 19th birthday and I've lived here ever since. They said I had to get used to living on my own and gain some independence, even though I was complete dependent on them paying for my rent and my food and my bills every month. I lived on my trust fund. But I never did what any other trust fund kid did, I always spent my money responsibly because you never know what could happen in the furture, my parents trusted me not to spend it idioticly.

I looked at myself in the mirror, my hair sticking up in all different directions. I reached for my brush and tried to tame the wild mess but nothing helped. Turning around to face the shower, I pulled off my clothes slowly, throwing them into the hamper and then stepped into the shower, sliding the glass door shut.

Twisting the knob of the shower, the hot water splashing onto my cold skin making me shiver violently, my muscle immediately tensing up. I stood there for a few minutes, waiting for the muscles in my body to relax and become used to the hot water cover in my body. I quickly washed my hair and my body. Turning off the water, sliding the glass door open and stepping out of the shower, grabbing a towel from the towel rail; wrapping it around my waist.

Srolling back into my bedroom, I walked over to my wardrobe, walk in obviously, my parents only wanted the best for me, if I am honest a simple apratment would have done it but when you parents shove a brand new penthouse in your face, fully furnished with 3 bedrooms all with ensuite bathrooms, a large kitchen and enormous lounge, are you really going to turn it down? No, I don't think so.

I stood there, looking at all my clothes. I wasn't really sure what I should wear, too much chose. I figured I didn't have anyone to impress, so I grabbed my comfiest jeans and an old grey knitted jumper that I loved so much. Drying myself off, I grabbed a pair of boxers and pulled them on, and then my black, skin tight jeans, as I was slipping my jumper on, an image of Jack flashed in my head. I stopped tugging my jumper on and immediately janked it off.

I don't know why but I had the strangest, most odd feeling that I felt like I had to impress Jack. That if I didn't look attractive his gorgeous brown eyes would judge me and he wouldn't be interested in me. I was so defient for crushing on my teacher already but I felt like I had to impress him and I wanted to, not that he would ever be interested in me, I still wanted him too look at me.

So I picked out a red flannel shirt and slipped that on, doing up the buttons slowly to make sure I didn't miss any. I walked back in the bathroom, turning my straighteners on and grabbing my hairdryer, my ahir was still too wet to straight, so I figured I would dry it quickly whie waiting for my straighteners to warm up.

When my hair was finally dry, I took my time straightening my hair so it was perfect. I never usually bothered taking my time with my hair and making it look presentable but like I said, I wanted to. Seeing Jack yesterday made me want him to notice me, he sparked something in me that made me what to look desirable.

I looked at the time and realised it was 7:30AM. Dammit. If I didn't leave soon, I was going to be late for class. I tugged on my converse and grabbed my backpack slipping it onto my shoulders. Not forgetting to grab a bottle of water from the refrigerator and an apple from the fruit bowl and sprinting to the door.

For the first time in a long time I had never been so excited to go to university.


A/N: Ugh, I am sorry this update has take a while guys and this chapter sucks really bad but I hope you like it and please let me know what you think! :) I am working on the next chapter now and will hopefully be up tomorrow :)
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