You're Not Sorry [3&4/11]

Mar 27, 2010 18:52

Title: You're Not Sorry
Author: redhotshorty 
Rating: R [Overall]
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Kyle Burns
POV: Kyle's
Summary: Jack was a god in my eyes.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Please don't sue.
Warning: First time poster.
Dedications: For summerdownturn  because she made all of this happen for your veiwing pleasure and she's the best BFFL ever =]
Author Notes: Next two chapters. I hope you like them =]

(Previous Chapters)

Chapter Three
An hour later, All Time Low showed up at the hotel. I stayed in my room, I couldn’t face them. There were several knocks at my door but I didn’t answer a single one of them. I was hiding out like a baby. My phone rang. It was Caleb.


“Already?” I squeaked out as he told me the bus was about to leave. “Be there in five.”

I took a deep breath, and then grabbed my bags and walked out the door. As soon as I was outside I ran head first to my bus, not looking at anyone. I went straight to my bunk. Everyone moved around the bus on the ride over to the show, but I stayed hidden dreaming of Jack. I thought over what I would say to him if I talked to him, but no, of course I would. I would have to sooner or later.

 Sound check was over with and we still had an hour until the show, so we all hung out and talked backstage. I stood in the corner with my hands shoved in my pockets. I tried to keep my eyes off of Jack but they kept straying back to him every few seconds. I looked at him again for the hundredth time in five minutes. I looked away shifting my weight from my right foot to my left foot. I took my right hand out of my pocket to swipe away hair in my eyes, as I did this I looked at Jack once more but this time he turned his head to look at me too. I quickly looked away embarrassed. I stared at the wall but it was obvious I was avoiding the eyes staring at me now. I saw from the corner of my eye that he was walking towards me.

What do I do? I panicked in my head. Just stay cool I told myself.

“Hey.” His lips turned into a tiny smirk.

“Hi,” I said shyly.

“So what do you do again?” He asked.

“I play drums,” I said.

“Oh cool. You and Rian will have a ton to talk about,” he told me.

“Yeah totally.”

This conversation was not going in the right direction.

“I’m Jack by the way,” he stuck his hand out in front of him.

“Kyle.” I smiled and shook his hand.

The moment our hands met an electric current went through my body. My eyes shot up towards his face to see if this touch affected him as it did me. His eyes went wide then back to normal as he composed himself. We stood there with our hands still linked starring at each other when Zack, from All Time Low, came up to us.

“Hey guys, it’s time to get ready,” he told us. We quickly dropped each others grasp and looked at Zack. I nodded my head.

“Alright,” Jack said following behind Zack out of the room with one puzzled glance back to me before disappearing.

Once he was out of sight, I just stood there mesmerized. What was that? That feeling was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I liked it. Did it feel the same for Jack? Was this a sign, should I tell him after all?

So many unanswered questions going through my head right now.

“Yo, earth to Kyle,” I heard Caleb say as my eyes refocused seeing his hand waving in front of my face. I snapped out of it.


“Were on in five minutes. Let’s go.”

 The concert went smooth. The fans definitely loved every second of it. I rocked out on the drums; only showing off a little bit hoping Jack was listening. We went to a bar afterwards to get to know each other more. We were all sitting around drinking and laughing when Caleb just had to ruin it by asking me to dance.

“No thanks,” I laughed.

“Come on! Help me out guys. He’s the best dancer here,” he cheered.

“Oh no, Jack is the best dancer,” Alex laughed.

“A competition?” Austin offered.

Oh no!

“Yes!” Caleb screamed in excitement. I just gave him a dirty look, he winked at me.

The guys all circled around me and Jack to watch us show off our moves. A new song came on and we started to move to the beat. My hair whipped in my face and from what I saw Jack’s did the same. My hips moved around and around, my feet making me jump up and down. My arms went up into the air and my body took over my actions for the time being. The guys started to cheer but I’m not sure if it was for me or not. The song came to an end and we stopped moving. The guys huddled together while Jack and I gave each other a high five.

“Dance together now,” Alex demanded.

“Excuse me?”

“What?” Jack asked.

We want to see you guys dance together now,” Caleb said. I blushed.

“No way! If you want gay porn go look it up on the internet!” Jack said angrily walking away.

“Oops,” I heard someone say.

I just stared after Jack. I was kind of hurt. That was exactly why I wasn’t going to tell him my dirty secret. That confirmed he wasn’t gay.

“Hey, sorry about that. Jack is sensitive about being gay,” Alex told me before running after Jack.

Did I hear the correctly? Jack WAS gay. I had a chance? No, I didn’t, just because he was attracted to men didn’t mean he would be attracted to me. I could hope though.

My face was blank and I just stood there as everyone stared after Jack. After a few awkward moments, someone broke the silence and the rest of the guys sat back down and got to talking. I didn’t listen. I wasn’t interested. I saw their lips moving but no words came out. I just followed so I didn’t give anything away. No one knew I was gay. I wasn’t comfortable with coming out. I didn’t want anyone treating me different. I was happy with my life, my family, friends; I didn’t want that to change. The guys of All Time Low seemed okay with Jack being who he was but were my friends that open? I had to trust that they were. Caleb is, although Caleb is my best friend.

“I’m gay,” I blurted out.

Chapter 4
 Everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at me. Caleb smiled; I knew he would be happy about this. I was finally “listening” to him, he would say no doubt, but everyone else just stared. I got up from the table and when I turned to leave, Alex and Jack were standing there with wide eyes, and Jack’s mouth was open a little in shock. He wasn’t supposed to hear that secret, but I suppose it would have gotten around to him sometime. I just looked away from their glares and kept on walking.

I went straight to my bunk when I got back to the bus. I wasn’t quite sure how or why that came out. I didn’t decide to tell, I was just thinking about it and it just came out. I felt relieved in some ways, not having to hide who I am anymore from my friends, but now there was their reactions to my words to deal with.

Would they accept me? Would they judge me? They didn’t react when Alex mentioned Jack being gay, but would I be different? I shouldn’t be.

I curled in on myself as a million different questions went through my brain. A million questions but zero answers. It was a while for anyone to come looking for me, and when I did hear footsteps and a voice, it didn’t comfort me. I went back to speculating my questions. I heard someone pull back the curtain to my bunk but I didn’t turn around.

“Hi,” Jack said.

I sat up with a jolt hitting my head on the top of my bunk. “Ow,” I yelled. Jack laughed.

“Hi,” I said rubbing my head.

“So you’re gay?”

“That’s what you heard.”

He smiled. “It is.”

“Did you want something?” I asked.

“I just wanted to talk to you.”

“About what?”

He stared into my bunk then asked shyly, “Mind if I join you in here?”

I moved over and patted the spot next to me. He got in and got comfortable under the covers with me. It was a little awkward because I wasn’t used to being with a guy. Yes, I knew I was gay, I’ve always liked boys, but I’ve never been with one before and it was a weird feeling; almost exciting.

“You wanted to talk?” I asked.

“Yeah. Have you ever been with a guy?”

I twisted my fingers into knots and shook my head.

“How long have you known?”

“I’m not sure. I’ve always known, I guess, but realized it last year,” I confessed

“Sounds like me,” he told me.

It was silent for a few moments, then he asked me a very bold question. “Are you into me?”

It took me a minute to collect my thoughts but even then all I could do was shake my head yes.

I looked over at him from underneath my hair. His hand came slowly towards my face to wipe the hair away. He looked me in the eyes, and then leaned forward to kiss me. Our lips met and it was like fire. An electrical shock went through my body making my hand fly up to the back of his neck and take hold of it firmly. He shifted so he was now sitting on top of me. He pulled his other hand to my face to cup it firmly in his large, strong hands. The hand on his neck moved to his waist as did the other as well. I slipped downwards so I was laying down now. The electrical fire burned with every touch. Jack laid on top of me moving his hands downwards, making me shiver. Our breathing was out of control. His warm breath went against my cheek, making my skin feel like it was going to burn away. After he caught his breath some what, he put our lips together again. He softly bit my lower lip, making me groan a little in pleasure. Hearing a groan was the ticket for Jack because before I was done groaning his dick was probing into my thigh.

I froze. I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never done this before. He felt my tension.

“It’s okay,” he breathed. “I know what I’m doing,” he whispered in my ear.

With that I went for his shirt. He shifted again so now I was on top and felt in control. I attacked his neck with my tongue. I moved to his ear and nibbled on his earlobe. He moaned real loudly and his hands tightened around my waist. Now my penis went hard. He felt it on his leg and ripped my shirt off as fast as was possible. We shifted for the last time in the tiny bunk.

“I like it on top,” Jack smiled.

“Good. I like bottom,” I giggled.

author: redhotshorty, chaptered: you're not sorry, pairing: jack barakat/kyle burns, rating: r

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