Still Painting Flowers Chapter 10 and 11 ♥

Mar 27, 2010 23:04

cTitle: Still Painting Flowers (10 and 11/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Implied Gabilliam, Past pairings for both Jack and Alex
Rating: PG-13 (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (altuni )
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the sexy boys beneath the cut. Only the story.
Summary: Jack's life sucks. Alex comes along and sucks in a different way ;D
Authors Notes:  Sorry I'm late again. *Face Palm*

I love you all though. Every last one of you.
11's a tiny bonus chapter that i thought you might all enjoy. But to be honest, it was mostly for me. ;D

The popcorn started to pop when I heard the begining movie credits of my favorite movie. It would be a perfect night in.
We had decided on Sweeny Todd and Alex had sprawled himself across my couch, his long, sexy limbs hanging everywhere, as he started the DVD.

"Jackariah! The movie's starting!!" he whined from the livingroom.

"Hold on, Lexifer." I half spat, because I couldn't contain my laughter and apparently neither could he because I heard an explosion of hystarical laughing from him that came from my livingroom. To think that I came up with that on the spot.

I grinned at the thought.

The microwave let out a loud beep and I quickly opened it and grabbed the bag out, ripping it open.

"SHIT!" I yelped as the steam rose and burnt the pads of my fingers. I quickly pulled my hand back, dropping the bag into the sink.

"What?" He was still giggling as he trotted up behind me in the kitchen.

"My fingers!" I held them out for him to see, practically shoving them in his face.

He laughed. "Aw...what happened?" He took my hand and examined my fingers more closely.

"The fucking bag is hot." I whimpered, probably making a bigger deal out of it than it needed.

"Do you want me to beat it up for you?" he teased, flashing his white teeth in a full grin.

"Yes, damnit. And you'd better do a good job."

"C'mon." He pulled me by the hand to the livingroom couch and set the bag of popcorn on the floor next to us.

As soon as we were situated, he pulled me closer and gently pushed my head to rest on his shoulder, where we both knew it belonged.

It made my stomach do little flips inside me.

One thing I noticed about halfway through the movie, that for my life I couldn't concontrate on, was that his smell was simply intoxicating.

Maybe it was the Axe....or maybe just the way he smelled warm and comforting. Probably both, but either way, it made want to just eat him up.

I took in a deep breath from his neck, just trying to capture the smell inside of me.

His eyes shifted down to me, an amused yet questioning look on his face, making me blush a little.

Yeah, that was probably weird thing to do. Smell random people was probably frowned upon.

Although this is Alex we're talking about. While random, he wasn't random to me.

I placed an apologetic kiss on the top of his should where the skin was exposed under the collar of his shirt.

He gave me a little smile and leaned down, planting a soft kiss on the side of my face, up by my temple and it gave me goosebumps all the way to my toes.

I closed my eyes.

Even after his lips were gone, I could still feel the heat from them.

It reminded me of warm chocolate for some reason. Melty and rich and warm.

The sound of the front door being unlocked filled the room, making a huge rush of panic flow through me and making us seperate.

"Hi, boys." My mom said as she opened the door and saw us on the couch.

"Hi, Mom." I panted, sitting as faw away from Alex as possible.

"Hi, Mrs. Barakat."

"What are you two up to?" she asked, setting down her purse on the little table next to the door.

"Uh, we were just leaving to go to Zack's house." I said, pulling Alex up from the couch and grabbing the remote.
When the movie was properly turned off, I threw the remote to the couch and headed past her, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"I'll have my phone if you need anything." I smiled a little.

"Oh, ok." she said surprised. "Have fun. Not too late."

I agreed and shut the door behind us.

I looked around outside. It was still light out, but it must have been at least six.

The moon was in the sky joining the sun that had been there all day.
It wasn't a large moon, but it wasn't a small enough sliver to be that Cheshire Cat's grin.
The sun was still beautifully full and bright, like always.
I wondered if they were in love.
That would be horrible to only get to see your love for a few hours everyday.

I'd bet if we were the sun and moon, Alex would be the sun, hands down.

He locked our fingers together and pulling me out of my thoughts and gently leading me towards his car.


"Turn here." I said, pointing to the smaller white house on the corner of the street.
I'd always thought of his house as odd, and scary for some strange reason.

There were plently of house that came before his on the street, but once you got to his, it was like it was the last one for miles because beyond it, was just a field of dead plants and shrubs.

"Oh em gee, Jack and Alex are here!!" I heard William exclaim as soon as I opened the door on the passenger side and stepped out.
He was waiting for us in the front door way, a huge grin on his lips. He was in his white swimming trunks.

"Hi!" I grinned back and waved a bit as Alex met me on my side of the car.

"C'mon! We were just gunna go swimming!" he said as he dashed back into the house.

I looked up at Alex and laughed a little. "Do you swim?"

He nodded. "I used to be on the swimming team." He winked and grinned cockily at me.

"Sexy." I purred then laughed again.

"C'mon!!" William demanded, reached forward and pulling me through the door.

"Here," He handed me a pair of light blue shorts with a print of little bunnies on them. "Try these."

I looked at them questioningly before taking them. At that point I noticed that his, what I thought were just white trunks, actually had a bunch of tiny watermelon slices on them.

"How many piars of crazy swimming shorts do you have?" I asked, one eyebrow raised and as if to answer my question, he handed Alex a pair. They were equally strange with their rubber ducky print.

He just laughed.

"Go and get them on. Rian, Zack, and a few other people are already outside." he smiled innocently at me before leaning in and kissing my cheek.

I sighed. "Well fine."

He giggled then walked to the sliding glass door that lead outside to the patio and pool leaving us to change, alone in the house.


"Ow," I tried to duck, but the flying beach ball hit me straight in the head anyway. "Watch it, Ri."

"Sorry." Rian cringed from the other side of the pool, Zack grinned widley as he tackled his best friend down into the water, potentially starting a water wrestling match.

"C'mon," Alex smiled a little at me in an almost seductive way as me dove straight into the water, rubber ducky swim trunks and all.

"Show off." I scoffed and rolled my eyes. I watched as this outline glided through the water.

Rian and Zack burst out laughing as they got covered in the splash.

"Head's up!" William called as the ball hit me again. He was with a group of other people from school, most of which I didn't recognise.

"Damn it!" I exclaimed and glarred over at him. I dunked my toe in the water before deciding that it was better than getting hit again.

I waded slowly in, letting my skin get used to the water.

"Shit!" I yelped as I felt a pair of hands on my legs under the water. I jumped slightly away before I saw Alex come up out of the water, his soaked hair plastered against his face.

"Damn you." I laughed and slapped at his arm. He laughed back and dipped his hands in the water, bringing them back up quickly and splashing me.

I splashed back, and before I knew it, everyone was joining in on our little game.


"Ok! I surrender." William giggled and racing for the pool steps, trying to avoid anymore splash. "I already have about a gallon of water in my nose, I think that's enough."

He picked up his towel and started singing to the song that was playing through the surround sound outside. Now that it was getting dark, Zack got out aswell and started turning on the little lights that were strung around the awning, tables, chairs, umbrellas and the deck railing. It looked just like you'd expect a night time pool party to look like.

"I want hot dogs!" William explaimed adorably.

"I have a hot dog for you." One of the boys from our school suggested jokingly.

I tuned out after that, focasing on watching what Alex was doing. He was conversing with a couple random people that I'd seen before, but hadn't met personally.

He looked absolutly amazing, his hair starting to dry and his skin still a little wet and shiny.

Almost like he knew what I was thinking, he turned his head to me and gave me a quick wink before turning back in time to answer a girl who I was pretty sure was named Angela.

I automactially blushed and turned away, coincidentally turning right into Zack.

"What're you looking at?" he asked and handed me a bottle of beer.

I gave it a suspicious look and took a sip.


"Mhm." he rolled his eyes. "You're so predictable, Jack."

I gave a little smirk.

You don't know that half of it.

Chapter 11

"Uh, wow." Alex laughed. He was drunk. I'd be surprised if he remembered this in the morning anyway.

Fuck, I won't even remember this. I don't even remember how I was talked into this!

"C'mon. You gotta kiss her." Zack grinned, tipping his head toward the girl next to me, who I recently learned was named Jess, that sat right next to me.

She was blushing a light pink and looking down nervously at the carpet.

Her hair was frizzy from being wet and her make up was smudged, so I couldn't really be jealous.

Alex sighed and leaned forward, giving her a quick peck on the lips before pulling back right away.

Everyone said something all at once, some cheerful remarks. It all sounded like a bunch of jumbled shit to me.

"Your turn, Jack." Angela scooted the bottle closer to me. I rolled my eyes and gave it a quick spin.

It turned a couple times and as it did, I noticed Alex's teeth against his bottom lip. He looked worried.

I saw his eyes light up when it paused at Alex, then his expression fell when it completely stopped right on Mr. William Beckett.

He grinned widley and clapped a little at this.

"C'mon, Jacky." he chirped, leaning forward towards me. I blushed and looked apologetically at Alex, but he just gave me an amused grin.

My eyes widened as I felt William's lips against mine and I tried my best to tune out everyone's cat calls.

I didn't want to admit it, but I'd always wondered what it was like to kiss him.

He'd been my best friend since I was really young.

The person I'd watched all kinds of porn with just to see what it was like.
The boy that I would never wake up next to, because he was already in my kitchen making pancakes.
That silly boy that was always trying to get me to wear a dress because "I'd just look so cute!".
The boy that I'd never really thought of more than a friend....

But, hey, he was a good kisser.

He pulled away after a couple seconds, an undiscribably huge grin on his lips as he did so.

I blushed and tried to stay unnoticed for the rest of the game.

p.s. I'm sorry there's so many crappy mistakes. I'm VERY tired and it took everything to finish this before I fell asleep. So my dearest apologies. <3

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, author: chasingxrabbits, chaptered: still painting flowers

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