I'm a Sucker for Lovers [1/2]

Mar 27, 2010 16:01

Title: I'm a Sucker for Lovers
Author: summerdownturn 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Caleb Turman
POV: Jack's
Summary: Jack has an issue. He has fallen in love with one of his best friends.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Please don't sue. Title is from I Don't Know About You, But I Came to Dance by Forever the Sickest Kids. Cut is from Get Over Yourself by Forever the Sickest Kids.
Warning: Unbeta-ed. Language. Slight sexual situations. Maybe some OOC-ness.
Dedications: To any one who commented my previous posts ;D And to redhotshorty  for demanding that I write Jack/Caleb.
Author Notes: Wrote this late at night because Jenn told me to! And I felt like writing a new pairing. Was originally a oneshot but it turned out way too long for my comfort. So please enjoy!

I was pretty sure things could be worse. I mean, right now I was getting my face smashed in by a buff thug who I managed to piss off. Things could be worse. Who the hell was I kidding? This fucking sucks!

He threw another punch to my face, his fist catching a good portion of my jaw and causing my head to snap back. His fist returned with a vengeance, landing a blow to my stomach and winding me down to the ground. I tried to catch my breath, but the guy just kicked it back out of me. I squeezed my eyes shut and curled into a ball, praying that the beating would stop before I died.

I shouldn't have made fun of this man's skinny jeans. Even if I wasn't wasted I probably couldn't keep my mouth shut. Yeah, they were that ridiculous. And a man of his size should not be wearing that tight of pants.

The man was now on top of me, hitting the back of my head and my ribs repeatedly, until he was suddenly gone. I peaked open an eye to find him being shoved backwards into the crowd that had formed around the bar by a blurry figure. My head was still spinning. I probably had a concussion. Not fun.

I opened my eyes up further and got up slightly, nursing a bruised wrist against my chest, to get a better view. The guy was being pulled away by two other large dudes but the person who shoved him off of me was standing in front of me, watching the other man go. He turned to me after a moment and leaned down, pushing my bangs back and wincing at my wounds.

"Damn, Jack. Why do you always have to cause trouble?" The figured in front of me sighed. I blinked a few times to clear my vision and came to the conclusion, via the figure's red hair, that this was Caleb.

"Me cause trouble? The fucking bastard was the one who started it," I grumbled under my breath, groaning in pain when the tightening of my lip cause the cut placed there to stretch. The red head sighed again and shook his head, looking over the damage. He took my good arm and put it around his neck and helped lift me up into a standing position.

Caleb let me go once I was standing, but due to the fact that I was wounded, or the fact that I was drunk, caused me to wobble and almost fall, and Caleb forced me to lean on him for support.

"C'mon. Let's get you cleaned up. You're a mess," Caleb murmured as we made our way to the front door of the club.

The cold air of the stale night made me shiver and lean in closer to the warm body heat supporting me. The wind bit at my cuts, causing me to wince and whimper. Caleb looked down at me with a pitied look. It was a bad idea to walk to the club, but we didn't have a ride in the first place. Our busses were only parked a few blocks down, though, so we were there soon enough.

Caleb pulled me onto their bus, probably because he too saw Alex leave the club with a slutty blonde earlier. He sat me down on the small couch in the front lounge and rushed around to grab the first aid kit.

We had just had the first set of our tour together and we wanted to end it with getting wasted. So the bands headed to a local club to fulfill our wants and that's where I ended up pissing some dude off because I was too drunk to watch what I said. Bad, bad Jack.

Caleb returned from the bathroom with the first aid kit and placed it on the counter top. He got the needed bandages and anticipants and turned towards me to start cleaning my cuts. I hissed and pulled back, swatting his hand away as he gingerly put the swab to a wound.

"It stings," he said softly, waiting for me to ease up.

"No shit," I snapped, but I eventually let go of his wrist for him to continue. I let out a whine in the back of my throat as he put the swab to my cut again, cleaning it of dried and fresh blood. He giggled slightly which caused me to react.

"What's so funny?"

"You're such a baby. Take it like a man," Caleb smiled, and I couldn't complain any further. He finally finished with the cut on my temple and moved back to the kit to get a bandage. He carefully put it on and pulled back to see if I have any more cuts.

"You good?"

I moved around slightly, just to see if anything was beyond the point of bruised. Luckily, everything's in place. I nod slightly and relax against the cushions of the couch. Caleb moved to sit beside me and handed me a water bottle that he grabbed from the counter.

"Thanks," I said blankly as I uncapped it and took a sip. The cool water felt good down my parched throat and I couldn't help but close my eyes. When did I get so tired?

Caleb suddenly got up and offered me a hand.

"You can sleep in my bunk tonight. I doubt you'll get much sleep on your bus," the red head smiled and I took his hand. He helped me into his bunk, which was sad because it's a bottom bunk and I still had difficulty getting into it.

"Go to sleep. You're going to need it. You'll feel ten times worse tomorrow," Caleb said softly, pulling a blanket over my body. He carefully took off my shoes and pulled the curtain over half way.


And with that, I closed my eyes once again and fell into a world of deep sleep.

I woke up the next day with a groan. Everything hurt. My head was throbbing and my body ached without me even moving. The curtain suddenly opened and an upside down face appeared.

"He's alive!" The blonde said loudly and I groaned and turned over in response.

"Kyle! He probably feels like shit. Leave him alone," another voice said and I could hear the blonde hop down from the bunk above me. I heard someone come closer to the bunk and then a slap.

"Ow! I will not take your abuse! I feel like shit too!" Kyle huffed and stomped down the hallway.

"Drama queen," the remaining voice breathed and then my curtain was opened up further. "Jack?" They said softly.

"Hmm?" I grunted.

"How you feeling?"

"Like shit," I moaned and turned back over to face Caleb.

"Well it's two in the afternoon. If you get up I'll get you some Advil," the red head offered.

I closed my eyes and nodded. "Yes please," I sighed, "And some coffee?"

"And some coffee."

With that Caleb left my bunk side and I rested a moment more before painstakingly getting out of the bunk. My head instantly swirled and I instantly became nauseous. My stomach flipped and tightened uncomfortably. I closed my eyes and breathed slowly through my nose trying to center myself. One thing I hated was throwing up. And after a few moments of this, most of the nausea went away and I opened my eyes to the sight of Caleb with a cup of coffee and some Advil, just for me.

I took the pills and sipped them down with a little coffee; I didn't want to upset my stomach any further.

"You okay?" Caleb asked after a moment of silence.

"Yeah. Thanks."

"You wanna stay in the bunk or do you wanna hang in the back lounge with us?"

I thought it over for a moment. I didn't wanna be a bum. My hangover wasn’t bad, I wasn't one to suffer from them usually, it's just the beating I took last night took everything out of me. The fact that I probably had a concussion didn't help either.

"I'll come out," I said and stood up to follow Caleb to the back lounge where Kyle, Jonathan, and Marc all were. They all acknowledged me one way or another then went back to their previous activities.

Marc was fixated with his laptop, Jonathan with his iPod, and Kyle was curled up on the couch trying to sleep. Caleb and I sat down on the couch.

"Seems like everybody had a good night last night," I joked, looking at everyone's sleep deprived faces.

"Everyone's hungover. Luckily I didn't drink that much," Caleb smiled over at me.

"Luckily I don't get hangovers," I smiled back at him feeling slightly better since my headache was dimming. Kyle suddenly shot up from the couch and ran into the bathroom, no doubt puking up last night's drink.

"Can't say the same for Kyle. That boy just can't hold his alcohol," the red head sighed.

"So what's there to do around here?" I asked, looking around the lounge, finding nothing of entertainment.

"Nothing really. We could go out but I can't say the results would end well. Since the bus is moving and all that."

"Caleb," Kyle whined from the bathroom. The red head just sighed and got up to check on his best friend. I sighed and relaxed into the couch. This gave me time to think.

Caleb was caring. He may not show it at all times, but he really is loyal to his friends. I guess that's just one reason why I love him. I've been crushing on him for a while, probably since I first met him which was about a year ago. I haven't told him. And I'm not going to. That would be stupid of me. Because he's straight.

The only people who know that I'm gay are Alex, Rian, Zack, and Flyzik of course. And the only one who knows I like Caleb is Alex, because I trust that boy with my and my unborn child's life. And I plan on keeping it that way. I like things where they are now. Being friends with Caleb is better than losing him.

What is it like being in love with one of your best friends? Well, first off, it sucks. You have to be around them all the time and have to resist the urge to act like a love struck teenage girl. But then again, when you're away from them, you can't help but to miss and think of them 24/7. Basically I'm screwed either way.

Then I'm double screwed because Caleb is straight and thinks of me nothing more than a friend. Which blows.

And all of these thoughts brought me down, so I decided to think about something else. Like the good things about crushing on your best friend.

When you finally realize that you like this amazing person, you notice every single little thing that they do afterward. Then you think back on all of the good memories you have shared and can't help but shake the feeling of love.

Like the way Caleb acts like a complete child. And the way he smiles. The way his hair is the perfect shade and the way it perfectly is out of place but yet falls into place so perfectly and frames his face just right. Or the way his eyes somehow seem to glow and match the intensity of his bright fringe. Or the way he's just over all fucking wonderful and fantastic.

I could go on for hours but those are just the main things that make my heart soar and make me want to kiss him. But he was straight. So I could never kiss him.

And either way, I end up screwed, even just thinking about him.

I bring myself out of my thoughts and look up to see the lounge abandoned. When did Jonathan and Marc leave? How long was I spaced out for? I stood up and noticed that the bus wasn't moving. When did we stop? Why didn't anyone come and get me?

I made my way to the front of the bus and outside where we arrived at the hotel. I spotted Rian grabbing bags off of our tour bus so I walked over.

"Hey, need help?" I offered. Rian looked over and smiled.

"Nah," he shook his head, "I got it." He closed the door and started heading toward the hotel's front entrance. "Everyone's already checked in. You're with Alex."

I nodded. I was always roomed with Alex.

"So," Rian started as we entered the elevator, "I heard about the fight last night. You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just some cuts and bruises," I saw Rian wince from the corner of my eye as he looked me over. "Is it that bad?" I asked, looking over at him.

The elevator stopped and the drummer stepped out.

"No, not really. It just looks like it hurts," he explained as I followed. We stopped in front of a door and Rian kicked it with his foot since he was holding two duffle bags. Then he walked down the hall and entered a room.

The door in front of me opened and Alex appeared looking terrible. His hair was a mess, more than usual, and he had bags under his blood shot eyes. He was dressed in a white v-neck and basketball shorts.

"You look like shit," I observe.

"You're not the one to be talking," he replied and I just shrugged and walked into the room. It was good to be back home.

rating: pg-13, pairing: jack barakat/caleb turman, author: summerdownturn

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