We've All Been More Than Eager to Sin 10/?

Oct 10, 2009 00:26

Title: We've All Been More Than Eager to Sin 10/?
Author: shadefur
Pairing: Zack/Alex
Rating: NC-17
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Summary: “I want this to last forever,” Zack murmured, pressing his nose into my sweaty hair. I nodded sleepily and closed my eyes. “You sleep too much, Alex. Turn around and look at me at least.” I did what he said and fell asleep with my head in his chest. If only I'd known it wouldn't last for long. I'd have savored every second of it.
POV: 1st person; Zack
Disclaimer: I don't own All Time Low. I haven't met All Time Low. None of this is true.
Warnings: Slash, rape
Previous Chapters: Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven, Chapter Seven-point-Five, Chapter Eight, Chapter Nine
Authors Notes: Yeah, the stuff is actually straight from the booklet thing in So Wrong, It's Right so ha. ^__^ Oh, and I have this like sudden craving to watch Rugrats for like no reason at all. O_O

“What was your dream about?” Alex asked. Was he still going to push me away or not? He'd let me hold hands with him. Of course, if I was wrong he might get pissed.

I shrugged. “We were talking about pointless things and then he started yelling at me about something. I didn't hear the words too clearly.”

He nodded. “Same here. I had just about the same dream.”

“What do you think it means?” I asked.

Alex shrugged. “Whatever you want it to mean. I don't know what it means so even if it's something important, we don't know and we probably never will. I think we need to accept that.”


It was later that very same day that Alex came to me and said all in a rush, “We were in this band you see and Jack was like my best friend and you and him got in a fight over me because I was with you and not him and he got pissed so the band broke up and I don't know why either of us forgot but I remember now! I remember it!” He seemed so excited but seriously, was that all even possible?

“How did you figure this out?” I asked, humoring him a bit, not certain as to if he had this all figured out or if he'd just finally gone insane.

He smiled widely at me. “I found this album in one of those boxes you keep in the spare room and I remembered,” he said, handing me the CD. At least it proved that All Time Low was a real band at some point; it didn't prove either of us were in it. “Look at the names on the inside, Zack. It's got our names in there. So I'm right.” And sure enough, in the little booklet thing it said “All Time Low is: Alex Gaskarth (guitar, vocals), Jack Barakat (guitar), Rian Dawson (drums), & Zack Merrick (bass).” I guess that proved it. Now, the whole jealousy thing might be wrong but who knows?

“Okay, so now what?” I asked cluelessly.

Alex shrugged. “We find them and see if they remember more than us.”

“We can't just find them, Alex. We don't know where either of them live and they could be dead for all we know. Have you had any panic attacks lately?”

He frowned. “Don't change the subject, Zack.”

“Alex, we need to talk about that.”

He just shook his head. “Not right now. I want to know about what happened. I mean, why did we suddenly go from being in a band to me living on the streets having people fuck me for money!?” I saw tears welling up in his eyes. I could understand that this probably meant a lot to him and decided to give in.

“Fine. I'll help you find them.”

His eyes brightened considerably. “Thank you so much, Zack!” he squealed. I don't think I ever saw him so happy before that moment. I felt bad, knowing it would be nearly impossible to find them, if they were even still alive. Judging by how badly Alex ended up after All Time Low broke up-if that was even what happened-it was possible they'd been even worse off. Of course, I had been fine so maybe they were too. Maybe Alex was the only one who got all that trouble. Maybe he wasn't.


It was the next day when a boy showed up on our doorstep, smiling and trying to sell us something. “Hi, my name's Jack and I'd like to tell you about some really good cookie dough you can buy.” Okay, that seemed like something a little middle school girl would be selling, not a twenty-something-year-old.

Alex came up behind me. “Zack, who's this? Someone I need to know about?”

I laughed and shook my head. “No, Alex, it's just a guy trying to sell us cookie dough.”

Alex looked up at the somewhat attractive man in front of us. “Well, that's good. I don't want to have to get jealous or anything.”

“No offense, but why are you-a grown man-selling cookie dough door to door?” I asked.

Jack smiled. “It's kind of a long story but I'll tell you if you have the time.”

author: shadefur, rating: pg-13, chaptered: we've all been more than, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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