I Can't Do The 1,2 Step 7/16

Oct 09, 2009 17:28

Title: I Can't Do The 1,2 Step
Author: desperate2break
Rating: G
Pairing: Caleb Turman/Zack Merrick
Summary: Caleb's getting married to a woman. He loves her. But then he meets Zack and has to relearn the definition of love... 
Warnings: Graphic language use, sexual scenes 
Disclaimer: Own everything in the world cuz I'm the Queen of Everything. Seriously.
POV: Third
Author Notes: Hmm...Still in half a mind over updating

'Hey,' Caleb grins when Zack opens the door.

'Hey yourself,' Zack answers, stepping back to allow the redhead entrance. 'I thought Saturdays were for family and stuff?'

'They are but my parents are at my aunt's place. So guess what that means.'

'Um...You're gonna bother me instead?'

'Like you don't love it.'  Caleb winds his arms around Zack's powerful shoulders and kisses him deeply, kicking the front door shut.

'You're right, I do love it,' Zack replies, cuddling the other man and manouvering them into the living room. 'And...I love...I - I love...''

'...Me?'  Caleb's voice drops to a low murmur and he steps away from Zack, eyes searching. They glitter in the dim daylight so Zack can't read them but they seem, at face-value, pleading; almost anxious.

They separate completely, no longer entwined, and Zack stares at the floor. He can feel his Adam's apple almost choking him and when he looks back up at Caleb, he wants to run away. He doesn't; he stays put and bites his lip.

'Yes what?' Caleb whispers, moving slightly closer. His hands close around the man's wrists and he's trembling all over. 'Yes what, Zack.'

'Yes I...'  Zack clears his throat and gazes into the redhead's eyes, then he says almost defiantly: 'I love you. I'm sorry.'

'Why are you sorry?' Caleb demands aggressively, pushing the man away. Zack's mouth opens but Caleb cuts him off.
'Are you sorry for ruining everything?'  He pushes the muscular man roughly. 'Are you sorry for jepordising everything?'   Another push.   'Are you sorry for hurting Kate without even realising it? Tell me, are you sorry for hurting the love of my life?'    Push, push, push.    'Or, how about: you're sorry for deviating me and stopping me focussing on my wedding, which is supposed to be the happiest. Day. Of. My. Life?'  Push, push, push, shove.  'How sorry are you, Zack? Real sorry?'  Caleb's face twists and he looks like he wants to kill his lover right now.  'You're not sorry at all!'

There is silence; a silence filled with everything Zack wants to scream and shout but just can't. A silence in which the only thing actually silent is the world around them. 
Suddenly Caleb darts forward and Zack flinches inwardly; there's nothing the redhead can do to him physically, but his words pierce Zack's heart like a knife.
Please don't say anything else, Zack sobs silently. He doesn't know if he can take any more.
Caleb takes the other man's face in his hands and stares into his eyes. When he speaks, his voice is a whisper:

'Don't be sorry.'   He takes Zack into his arms and just holds him there. 'Don't be sorry.'

Zack feels himself almost collapse with relief and surprise, and he clutches the redhead tightly.  '...Caleb...Please love me too.' 
A pause.  'I know you're engaged to Kate. I know you love her. But...if you could just try to...to love me too?'

Caleb pulls away and holds Zack's face half an inch away from his, lips hovering close. 'Zack...I already do.'
Zack's breath stops and he stands still, completely shocked. Then he keeps his position as Caleb gently kisses him.

'I've loved you from the word "go",' the redhead continues quietly, dotting kisses all over Zack's cheeks and neck.

Zack closes his eyes and sighs in bliss, feeling fingers slide along his shoulders and arms to link with his fingers.
Then -


The duo jump in surprise, then giggle together at their reactions.
'I'll go get that,' Zack mumbles, stroking the side of Caleb's face and kissing him softly.

'Hey!' a familiar woman grins. 'I figured Caleb would be here since - y'know - you two are inseparable! So, is he here?'

'Er - yeah,' Zack croaks, feeling like he's about to vomit. 'In the living room.'


Caleb whips around and his mouth falls open; he tries not shout in short temper at the sight of his fiancee. She hugs him tightly and he feels like raking out his insides with a syth.
'Kate,' he says weakly, glancing at Zack who looks slightly sad. 'What are you doing here?'

'It's Saturday - Saturdays are for family, remember, Hun? We said we'd go visit my folks?'

'We - we did?'

'Sure, silly! We're a little late but they won't mind in the least. Are you ready?'

Caleb gulps three times and bows his head, before reappearing with a grin. 'Sure, I'm ready. How about you go start the car -'   he hands her the keys   'while I finish this up with Zack, okay? We just gotta....I'll be there in a sec.'

She goes wordlessly, and Caleb stares at the other man. There is nothing left to say, not for Zack anyway.
The redhead snakes an arm around his lover's shoulders and hugs him close.

'I love you, Zack. Remember that.'

Zack closes his eyes and swallows.
'I'll try.'

rating: pg-13, chaptered: i can't do the 1 2 step, author: desperate2break, pairing: zack merrick/caleb turman

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