You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You (Two)

Jun 19, 2011 10:55

Title: You Can Take My Life, But You Can't Take It With You
Authors: turnthepageover and americanaffair
Rating: NC-17 Overall.
Pairing: Eventual Jalex.
Point of View: Third.
Summary: "You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"
Disclaimer: We don't own them, as much as Bridjet wishes she does, haha ; ) Story title comes from Poison by All Time Low.


The darkness of the room never changes, leaving Jack to wonder what time it really is outside. He wishes he had a window, or something. Something so he could just have a little contact with the outside world.

Upstairs there are the faintest noises of feet scraping the floor, doors shuffling open, and electronics flickering on and off. Jack sighs, combing one hand through his hair and staring up at the ceiling. The same thing he'd been doing since he got there.

Where were they? How had Alex managed to just take him? The second thought made him shake his head. How could his best friend do something like this to him? This should be something they could just discuss over coffee or something. Kidnapping him was a little unnecessary. And also a little scary.

His eyes were drooning, the little scribbles of what hung overhead beginning to move. Everything was moving. Until he blinked. Jack tried squeezing his eyes shut. Once, twice, three times. But he didn't wind up home again.

He stood up, trying to move toward the door, but he couldn't reach it. He stared at it, looking down at the chain around his ankle before looking back up at the door.

"You fucking asshole," he mumbled. "Fucking chaining me up like a dog."

He kicked at the chain, looking back towards the door.

"You think this is fucking funny?! You're sick, Alex! I'm not some animal! I'm not something you can just keep for your entertainment! Come the fuck down here!"

Again, his shouts were met by the luminous silence provided by the door. The door leading to freedom. Jack swallowed thickly. Out of all the things he never thought would happen, relating a door to freedom was never one of them. Relating a chain to trapped. This was so wrong.

"Why won't you fucking answer me?! You fucking dick?!" Jack yelled. He went back to the bed, collapsing onto it. He sighed, frustration running rampant through him. What the fuck was he supposed to do down here, anyway? Alex got to be upstairs. Alex got technology and sunlight and freedom.

He huffed, exhaling while crossing his arms across his chest. If Alex wasn't even talking to him, what good did he get from keeping him in the basement? What sort of fascination? Jack clamped white teeth down on his lower lip. Did Alex get satisfaction from this? Gratification? Was he up there, thinking of Jack down there, and getting off at the very idea?

As if on cue, the door opened, and the stairs were flooded with light. Jack sat up straight, glaring at the illumination. He heard the door shut again, before footsteps came down the stairs. He saw Alex coming down with a tray, looking at it and seeing a bowl on it along with a glass of white wine. Jack scoffed as he came closer, scooting as far away from him as he could.

"Aw, Jack, you make it seem like you don't love me. You'd better learn to be nicer to the person who brings you nourishment." Alex chastised, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I eat the food you give me? It's probably poisoned," Jack snarled, glaring down at the bowl of soup.

"Why would I poison you if I love you, Jack?" Alex questioned, watching him fondly.

Jack didn't say anything at that, his eyes going wide with something close to terror at how natural Alex was with this, like he'd loved him for so long and wanted him for so long. Like they'd been together for so long. "You don't," he whispered. "You can't. The fuck Alex, you can't fucking love me. That's... That's just all wrong!"

Alex's eyes flashed hurt and anger, and he glared. "Don't tell me what I can't fucking do, Barakat. I'm the one that brought you here, remember?!"

The look in his eyes startled Jack, and he flinched away more, if that was even possible.

He pulled all his long limbs into his own little bubble, making some sort of fleshy ball out of his body. Alex, however, had switched right back into his I'm sweet and caring and loving persona. Jack was starting to think there was more than one entity hiding in that brain of Alex's. Maybe that's where his best friend, who would never dream of doing something like this to any living being, was waiting.

"Eat," Alex insisted, moving the tray closer to him.

"I'm not hungry," Jack mumbled, and Alex frowned.

"But I made this for you," Alex pressed.

"Alex, I'm really not hungry," Jack refused, hands shaking from where they were wrapped around their knees.

"Fine, whatever, you spoiled cunt," Alex snapped, standing up. He picked up the food, carrying it towards the stairs with him. "You can starve."

"No, wait," Jack called out before he even noticed what he was doing. "I'll... I'll... please don't go. I don't like it down here, Alex, please." Jack might hate Alex right now, but he hated the loneliness of whenever Alex left the room ten times more.

Alex turned, staring at him blankly before his honey eyes turned softer and bigger. He turned around, walking back towards the bed and sitting down next to Jack. He set the tray down, picking the spoon up stirring the soup slightly.

"Will you eat now?" he questioned, spooning some of it up and eying Jack curiously.

Jack glanced back, looking again at the food. His stomach really didn't feel anywhere near being able to handle food, that part hadn't been a lie. But he was too nervous to tell Alex that, because he was afraid that Alex might muse something like after effects and then he'd never be able to eat anything. So Jack just nodded stiffly, uncurling an arm.

Alex pushed the extended hand away, shifting closer to Jack.

"You put up a fight, you lose privileges," he stated, spooning up more soup and blowing on it gently. He moved his arms forward, guiding the spoon to Jack's lips.

Inside his head, Jack wondered, Privileges? Because it most certainly didn't seem like he had any as of right now. He swallowed down the soup, but it didn't taste like anything to him.

"Good boy," Alex murmured, wiping away any excess soup the dribbled down his chin. Jack shut his eyes, trying to block out this moment. "Good boy."

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, chaptered: you can take my life, author: americanaffair, rating: nc-17, author: turnthepageover

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