Actors (Chapter Nine)

Jun 19, 2011 13:10

Title: Actors (Chapter Nine)
Author: songs_and_words
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: NC-17... eventually
Summary: Welcome to the Interplanetary Student Exchange Buddy program.
Disclaimer: If I actually owned Alex and Jack... well, I wouldn't be writing this. Also story title belongs to All Time Low.
Author notes: A little more insight into Alex here. Love all the comments, keep them coming. :)

Also, I'm working on a Rilex story and another yet to be determined pairing story to be posted in the future, so keep an eye out for those.

masterpost here

Chapter 9

Alex was lonely. He sat in his living room, staring out the giant glass windows at the people milling around on the street below. His mother had thrown a massive fit when she heard that he had been admitted to the hospital. Alex was positive that one wrong word during that conversation would have landed him on a shuttle back to Zurcon right now.

The hospitalization really hadn't been as extreme as his mother imagined. Granted Alex had been there for two days, but that was mostly because the doctors weren't used to having Zurconian patients and that made them wary about prescribing him any medications, especially because the reason for his admittance was due to consumption of an earth substance. He certainly didn't fit the average hospital procedure for students with alcohol poisoning.
Doug had been called as soon as Alex arrived at the hospital, and when he got to Alex's room he frowned at the boy but otherwise allowed Alex's mother to do all of the scolding. Doug had become accustomed to Alex's behavior over the years. He'd pulled much worse stunts when he was a child, anyways.

Alex sighed, going to lounge back on the cushy sofa in front of his television. He wanted nothing more than to leave his apartment and wander aimlessly through the streets until he got lost and then try to find his way back home. Maybe he'd even meet some interesting people along the way. He knew he couldn't attempt anything of the sort, though. His doctor gave him strict orders to rest as much as possible to recover from his sickness since they didn't give him any medicine. And if he wanted to wander off, he'd need to take Doug with him, which would completely defeat the purpose of getting lost.

His eyes skittered to a picture on the wall and he studied it, eyes scanning over the figure in the picture next to him. It was taken two years ago, at one of the many royal functions that Alex is obligated to attend. He'd brought the boy in the picture as his date and the two of them had snuck off to wreak havoc on the castle and, well, make out where no one could find them. They were all flushed cheeks and matching grins in the picture, Alex situated in the other one's lap. He was one of Alex's only true friends, one of the only people that Alex actually felt comfortable letting his guard down around. They'd grown up together, him and Cameron. Alex wanted nothing more than to call the other boy and talk to him on Skype, but he knew that it was 4 am in Zurcon and Cameron was probably fast asleep.

Alex thought momentarily of trying to call one of the other Zurconian exchange students to come keep him company, but he wasn't exactly on friendly terms with most people from Zurcon. He'd been raised a prince and everyone knew it. He'd gotten away with his attitude his entire life, which didn't leave him many friends.

As much as Alex didn't want to admit it, maybe he needed to try to mingle with some earthlings and make friends. He'd only been on earth for a week and he already missed home. He needed someone he could just be around and talk to and do stupid stuff with. He needed someone to distract him.

Jack hadn't seen Alex since that day when he left Jack's apartment in an ambulance. That was Saturday morning. Today was Thursday. The older boy hadn't been in Carson's class on Tuesday and as much as Jack didn't particularly care for the alien he also wasn't heartless, so some part of him buried deep hoped that the Zurconian hadn't like, died, or something. So when Jack entered the classroom on Thursday for class, some small part of him might have been relieved to see Alex sitting there already, same trademark bored expression and smug glint in his eyes as always. Jack stopped behind one of the chairs across the circle from Alex and slung his bag over the back of the chair. Just because he was glad that the kid hadn't died did not mean that he wanted to go and sit next to him, let alone talk to him. Jack still wasn't sure how the sick Alex had landed up in his bed on Friday night and that more than kind of bothered him.

Class passed without much consequence, with Rian showing up just before Carson began the discussion. Jack made a mental note to corner him after class and force him to explain the mess that was Friday night.
While Carson was busy facilitating the discussion, Jack kept feeling a pair of eyes on him. He looked up to find Alex looking at him appraisingly, and he involuntarily shuddered under the alien's gaze. Why was he staring? What could he possibly thinking about while he stared holes into the other boy? Jack noted that Alex didn't even care that he'd been caught in his stare. When class ended, Jack stood up quickly and grabbed his bag off the back of his chair, determined to get away from Alex. He'd realized that the alien made his life far more complicated than he'd like. He sped up a few paces to fall in step with Rian.

“Hey Ri, what's up?” Jack asked, then continued before Rian had the chance to respond. “So, are you ever gonna tell me what actually happened on Friday night? I can't remember and I'd really like to know.”

Rian sighed and grabbed Jack's arm, pulling him to a stop by the entrance of the building.

“You really want to know?” Rian asked. “Okay, Alex got you really drunk, as you know. I lost track of you but from what I can tell, you two landed up making out on the dancefloor, Alex got sick, I tried to get him to go home but he insisted that you'd be alright with him spending the night-”

“But-” Jack interjected.

“Which you were in your drunken state, so he spent the night. Alright?” Rian asked, laughing softly at the shocked look on Jack's face.

“I kissed that jerk?” Jack asked, bringing a hand up to his mouth and looking as though he wanted to rip his own mouth off to prevent contamination.

“Afraid so,” Rian answered, clapping Jack on the back. “Cheer up Jacko. You told me he was a good kisser.”

“From what I remember you weren't so bad either,” A voice chimed in and Jack turned his head to glare at the last person he wanted to see right now. Alex stood there, smug grin spreading across his lips. “Well you don't look so happy to see me.”

“What do you want?” Jack asked, slumping back against the wall.

“Don't worry, I come in peace or whatever. I just wanted to make sure you knew that I've decided for our first club activity for the 'buddy program,'” Alex paused talking to use air quotes, “I've decided that we're volunteering at the kids club event tomorrow. Mmk, so I'll see you there at five, don't be late.”

Alex patted Jack's cheek and then walked off, leaving Jack to lean his head forwards onto Rian's shoulder and mumble, “fuck everything.”

A/N: Just trying to figure out how many readers I'm getting to gauge how many comments I should expect between updates. Cause I'm thinking I have more than 6-7 people reading each update.

chaptered: actors, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, author: songs_and_words, rating: nc-17

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