
Feb 25, 2006 01:24

Well I went to bed last night thinking something like 'WTF was I thinking? Of course I trust Shanna', so... yeah, that's over. I still can't deny what I did think, but at least I can say that my faith is back to what it was before. Where it should have stayed, I'm sure, but let's not get into that. No point in giving myself a hard time about it when I know I felt justified at the time - I always have to go with how I feel. It's just nice to be able to sleep again.

I didn't get up again until about 4ish, but I was pretty tired after not sleeping very well for a few days. Today's aim was to work on Darius' requests for the day then go out with Graham in the evening, but I failed to get very much done and Graham had work until 9, so neither happened. I can't be too complacent, because Monday morning really isn't that far away, but I can let one day slip - the weekend should be plenty for me to do what I need to, provided I get on with it. I should just keep thinking that it will probably earn me another £100 even though I only had to 'work' on three days - more like £10 per hour.

That does also assume I don't come across any more problems though. I did waste about an hour today trying to work out how to extract a date from a timestamp in a way consistent between MySQL and Access. In MySQL I'm used to using the DATE function, but in Access this accepts no arguments and just returns the current date, which isn't much use. I'm sure there is a way, but it didn't present itself soon enough so I resorted to having a 'Text' field instead of 'Date/Time' and just making sure I format all dates the same way in my queries. I'm sure it's slightly slower matching by text instead of date (which I believe is stored as a numeric data type internally), but it shouldn't be noticeable.

I forgot to mention that it snowed yesterday too. Yeah, snow... quite rare around here, although we did have some on one day when I was in Oxford. It didn't settle though, it was still too warm outside, but I think we're expecting some more one of these nights when it'll be about -2 °C.

Graham sent me another album, this time of '30 Seconds to Mars'. They impress me - not all the tracks are of equal quality, but the good ones are very good, and the rest are okay, so they deserve a reasonable high place in my collection.

I have a question that I can't find an answer to. Since HTML was primarily developed by Tim Berners-Lee, who was British, why does it use American spellings for elements and attributes, such as color and center? I wonder whether the original design ever did use British spellings which were later altered, or whether he used American spellings deliberately. The original specification doens't seem to even contain elements such as or , so perhaps they were added later. It does include entities though, which makes me more curious. In some places it seems like he thought well into the future, and in others the specification seems extremely lacking.

html, shanna, work

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