About my fics from now on.

Aug 05, 2007 20:03

As much as I've not wanted to fall to this and all, until there's another alternative, I might be friendslocking my fics that are R and NC17. I did make a community a while ago over the first strikethrough where I had intended to crosspost my job, but instead I think that I might be just posting the fic there and locking the risky fics to friends only.

The down of this, and one of the things I actually do hate is going to be the 'If you want to read the stuff, join this community', which has always sounded to me sort of extra-uber elitist and bitchy. Buuuut I don't think there's any other possible solution now, is it? *sigh* I need to learn how to do webpages and the such and, y'know, actually buy me a space. Another thing on my to-do list.

Anyway, I'll let you guys know when it's a good time to join - if you want to, of course - since there's going to be a lot of things posted over the next few days.

writing: woes, internet: lj

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