
Aug 05, 2007 04:01

Still sick! Today I had a most awful headache that lasted through the whole afternoon (and no, it wasn't migraine from what I know, just a constant HURT by the temples and the back of my head, but it wasn't as bad as I've seen people with migraine have it) and also dizzyness.

OF COURSE this means that I've been awfully inspired. Cold medicine seems to have that effect on me. I swear I'll put the stuff I owe soon(ish).

I ganked two prompts on yaoi_challenge. I GUESS we can all agree that it's A BIG IMPROVEMENT, considering everything. They're the MKR/FMA and KKM/X-1999 one if you're wondering. The MKR/FMA is halfway done (it's looking to be around the 5000 words, more or less, since I'm about 3000 and it's still a long way before it's done), the KKM/X-1999 I have an idea and I will be working on it ASAP because it seems to be big.

About LJ? I think that by now my thoughts so I'll try not to keep adding wood to the fire. I am over Scribblit too, helping as a beta; I even stopped my usual blah-ness to actually modify my 'lit and look around, and it's been lots of fun so far and it looks VERY promising. I'll even get over my cheapness and help with money when it's due. I promise I'll keep more informed about it.

I also decided to try my luck doing a moodtheme of my own. NEVER AGAIN. I've only about 18 or so pictures done. Me and my great ideas. It's an After School Nightmare moodtheme, I promise I'll upload it somewhere.

Mmm... and I guess that's it for now.

writing: inspiration, me: health, internet: lj

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