Happy birthday redscharlach from BAPS

Oct 23, 2010 11:34

About redscharlach too much good cannot be said
So I couldn't possibly do her justice (and I also want to do other things before I'm dead)
However, since it's her birthday
(While trying to avoid turning it into an how-much-is-she-worth-day)
I shall say that she is one of the cleverest, funniest, and cutest people I know
And I count myself among this group so I can assure you it is so.
She deserves only the benedictest of cumberbatches and the zachariest of quintoes
And the highest possible number of nicely chilled gin-to's
And why not just make her officially Queen
She rules, what do you do? And she's nearly fourteen
So it should be allowed
And now it only remains for me to sound three cheers for my Auntie - hip hip HOORA ect - and retreat into her adoring crowd.
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