The End of Tennant

Jan 02, 2010 01:46

Blimey, I'm posting about Doctor Who before redscharlach!

Let's start with the end. Eleven looked delightfully excited with the fact that he was crashing, so that's promising. Not so much the fact that he didn't check for other bits besides his hair when he was unsure about his gender; but we'll attribute that to post-regeneration confusion and hope for more, ahem, asset awareness in the future.

Even though the whole "David Tennant says goodbye to the world" thing was dragged out a little - dear viewer, if you didn't know yet that this Doctor was THE GRATEST OF ALL, you do now - I did enjoy the glimpses we got of former companions, and the fact that this turned out to be his reward.

Concerning the individual fates, well, you can't have everything. (The purpose of Martha being paired up with GI Mickey instead of GORGEOUS Tom eludes me, except maybe that they couldn't think of a better way of putting Mickey into the story.) I loved the fact that Donna was the last before Rose and that she gets to have a fantastic life; I loved sweet teenage Rose; I loved "His name is Alonso" (and the fact that the Doctor recommends a big-eared fellow to Jack speaks volumes).

So Wilfred's role in the Doctor's life was... death? How charming. I must confess the manly sobbing got a bit much for me in the end. Maybe because I can't buy someone loving the Doctor so deeply when the latter never shows any genuine emotion these days...

Speaking of love, though, the Master and the Doctor, aka the HMS Wonder What I'd Be Without You! Oh, I love their relationship more and more, and I'm really hoping there'll be some loophole to the Master apparently having disappeared with Gallifrey. I really want to see the Master again - hopefully as John Simm.

So who was the Mystery Time Lady? Does anyone have a clue? If not, I'm guessing his mother. But I don't know enough old skool to confirm that. ;) Anyway, the fact that we didn't find out seems to mean that... we'll see her again?

Apart from that, well, last week's randomness continued, didn't it. The Vinvocci basically just stamped their feet at being used and looked suitably alien; the 6-billion-people-man John Simm got a few mad laughs in and prevented the supporting cast from having to be paid too much (although I think Mr Naismith's gurning-up-at-Gallifrey deserves a medal).

I liked the fact that we got a bit more explanation for why the Doctor had to destroy his planet; not just to end the war (as though he wouldn't have found a way) but because his people were an even greater threat to the whole of creation. Nice.

All in all, enjoyed it quite a bit and am looking forward to Newnewnewnewnewsnooze... what? Oh, all right, to Eleven, eleventyone.

Good night, and Happy New Year.
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