Spelling trouble W-t-o-n

May 04, 2009 16:10

Who: W'ton and Jantha
Where: Weyrlingmaster's office
When: BACKDATED to morning on day 11, month 7, turn 19
What: W'ton's been an ass. Therefore Jantha has to deal with him. This takes place the day after Win tries to hit T'rev after Hattie tries to talk to Win about what T'rev said.

It's day 11 of month 7, and morning classes have just ended. Jantha is at her desk, and though she has records in front of her, she's not actually doing more than glance at them. Perhaps she's waiting for the weyrling whom she's asked to come and see her at this time.

The wait is not long, but it's clear there was no rush on the part of this weyrling to come on in and have a chat. W'ton does the dilly dally thing his mother likely scolded him on as a child, but he doesn't keep the weyrlingmaster waiting /too/ long. Just long enough to make it clear he's decided he wants to come have a chat and he's not just here because she wants him here. The door gets knocked on and then in he steps without waiting for any kind of answer.

Jantha looks up at the knock. "Co- When you knock on a door, W'ton, you wait to be told to enter. Come in, anyway." There's a hint of annoyance in her tone, but she's more casual as she gestures to the space in front of her desk. "Pull up a chair." She watches him as she waits for him to obey.

"Ah, so sorry about that," W'ton says with a shrug as he closes the door behind him. "Didn't want to be keeping you waiting and all." Since he was already late and all. To a chair he goes and he drags it loudly across the floor until it's in front of her desk and there he flops down.

Jantha raises her eyebrows. "And pick the chair up, don't let it screech as if you were a naughty five-turn-old." She takes a breath, then it's straight down to business. "W'ton, we've had several conversations about how you and Dasarth are getting on with each other, given that his personality isn't exactly the easiest. How would you say that is going now?"

Speaking of childlike behavior W'ton rolls his eyes at the question. "Just fine. We're getting along just fine. So run on back to that bastard and tell him he can stop his worrying now and concentrate on his own stuff from now on." Arms fold across his chest. Pouting? Somewhat. Really mad? Most definitely. "Ain't got anything to say on it."

Jantha sounds distinctly chilly as she enquires, "I assume you are referring to Wingleader T'rev? It seems to me that he's done his best to give you time to clear matters up for yourself. However, now that he has mentioned his concerns to me, it's clear that they coincide with some of my own - some of which you have already reinforced in this conversation. But we were talking about Dasarth. Have there been any more incidents like the occasion when he destroyed your blanket?"

W'ton's eyes don't roll this time, but he does smirk as his head shakes. "Right. That'd be the one. Who speaks when he ain't got any damned idea what in Faranth's name he's speaking of. Not to mention he goes running to another weyrling to pour his stupid assumptions in /her/ ears first. But that ain't no crime at all is it? He can just do whatever he wants." A snort creates a pause in his words and he slouches down in his chair as he says, "There ain't nothing wrong with Dasarth. He's behaving fine."

Jantha's expression is growing darker by the moment as W'ton speaks. "You will not speak disrespectfully of a senior rider, W'ton - especially when I strongly suspect he's been trying to keep you out of trouble. And when was the last time Dasarth argued about an instruction you gave him?"

"Or what? I'll be mucking until I'm old and grey? He ain't been trying to keep me out of trouble. He's been trying to create trouble between me and someone who was supposed to be my friend." W'ton snaps his mouth closed though and by the set of his jaw he's got more to say, but does not. And Dasarth? The mention of him gets another smirk. "This morning. When I told him to leave me alone. He wouldn't shut up. I have no desire to listen to him."

"If you take that attitude with /me/, you certainly will be." Jantha responds pleasantly. "But tell me what happened this morning," she adds more curiously. "What was Dasarth doing or saying that annoyed you so much?"

Despite the fact he's being an ass W'ton has little desire to actually spend the rest of his life mucking so he doesn't say anything further that might be taken as a desire to do just that. He does sit in sullen silence for awhile however and just stare across the desk at the weyrlingmaster. "If you care so much ask him yourself. I have nothing to say to or about him."

That brings a look of mixed surprise and concern to Jantha's face. "W'ton, when I ask you a question, I expect an answer. And if you don't want to talk to your dragon - surely you must see that that's a cause for concern." Leaning forward slightly, she lays her hands one on top of the other on her desk, palms down, and looks expectantly at the weyrling.

"And I gave you an answer," is W'ton's retort to her first statement. "It was a pretty clear one too. If you don't like it that doesn't change the fact I answered it." There's certainly no indication he feels any cause for concern on his part. He looks utterly bored of the whole matter by now. "I don't see any reason to be concerned. I don't talk to him and make it clear I'm not interested in listening to him maybe people'll shut up thinking he's got some kinda hold over me."

"There is a difference between answering and answering back, W'ton." Jantha's tone is crisp. "/Answering/ involves telling me what I asked you to. And, frankly, your behaviour at present only reinforces the idea that you're either not coping or lacking in discipline. Either way, it has to stop. Are you saying, then, that you didn't want to talk to Dasarth because you wanted to show people that he wasn't influencing you? That's not entirely fair to Dasarth, is it? Especially if, as you say, he isn't in fact causing you problems." She doesn't sound entirely convinced of that last point, and she's fixing him with an expectant look.

Fingernails get studied. Perfectly manicured fingernails get a real nice consideration before W'ton looks up. His expression is sort of an 'oh, you're still talking' sort of a deal. "He told me I should do something. I told him where to shove his head." There you go. What happened in a nicely wrapped succinct package. Possibly he left out some swearing on his part. "Don't want to talk to him because I'm sick of him. Sick of everyone. And, here's a little secret between you and me. Life ain't fair."

Jantha sits up straighter in her chair. "On your feet, weyrling! And look at me when I'm talking to you!" Jantha, apparently, has had enough. No more discussion: that's a direct order snapped out to the accompaniment a stony glare.

Pushing the chair back a bit as he stands W'ton slides his hands into the pockets of his pants. Then one hand comes out so he can brush a bit of imaginary lint from his sleeve. Then the hand goes back into the pocket and he looks at Jantha.

"Stand up straight and take your hands out of your pockets." Jantha rises herself as she speaks and looks W'ton up and down as if he were something the cat brought in. "Your attitude throughout this conversation has been a disgrace. If you're trying to get into trouble, congratulations: you're succeeding." Her tone is dry, and she's not finished. After only the briefest of pauses, she goes on, "Wingleader T'rev told me of his concerns about you, but he also said that you attempted to punch him, in the hot springs. Is that true?"

With a great show of being entirely put out about the whole thing W'ton pulls his hands from his pockets. He stands a little straighter, but his posture that's usually so precisely perfect leaves much to be desired right now. Since she's talking he lets her have the floor. When the question comes up there's a little smile again that turns his lips upwards. "Does it ever seem silly to you that people ask questions they already know the answer to?"

Jantha sighs and shakes her head. "You think you're so clever. You admit it, then. I can't overlook that, W'ton. Nor can I overlook your disrespect to me throughout this conversation. For all you deny it, you do have problems with Dasarth: you wouldn't be so fed up with him otherwise. In fact, I'm not convinced that they're entirely what T'rev thinks they are. Perhaps it's simply that you're slow to adjust to the bond. If you won't discuss it honestly, though, it's hard to advise you. And if you're trying to pretend to yourself that everything's fine - well, I don't believe that you're that stupid."

W'ton's shoulders rise and fall in a nonchalant shrug. "I don't see any reason to deny what's been done. His high and mightiness has already told you everything anyway." Another smile accompanies his words and he offers, "Oh, I'm plenty stupid. Just ask around. There's all sorts of people happy to tell you how incredibly dumb I am. Shells, I got a whole list of adjectives people seem to want to attribute to me."

Jantha frowns thoughtfully. "Nevertheless, Dasarth is not stupid - he's quite an able bronze. In class, my impression is that he's generally well behaved, obedient and trying to do well. Out of class, though, his attitude is rather abrasive to the other dragons - he's arrogant. It's possible that your attitude is influencing him there, because I can't recall seeing you admit a fault in any way that suggested you regretted it. I suggest you think about that." She picks up the piece of paper that's been in front of her all this time. "You can think about it while you're about the extra chores you've earned yourself - middens duty is boring enough that you should have plenty of time for reflection." She holds out the paper to him. "Here's your duty schedule - don't expect any free time for the next four weeks. You will also go and apologise to Wingleader T'rev, and I shall be asking him to confirm that you've done so."

There's nothing he says through all that. Not even an attempt to interrupt. W'ton stands there, listens, and when she holds the paper out he takes it from her without looking. "Sure thing," he says flippantly. "Whatever you say. You're the boss and all."

Jantha's eyes practically flash. "Let's try that again. The phrase you're looking for is 'Yes, ma'am.'" She waits.

W'ton's own eyes are just seemingly amused by the whole thing. So, when he looks up from his chore list he doesn't seem bothered at all as he says, "Yes, ma'am."

Jantha gives a grudging nod. "As you're apparently not capable of behaving like a dragonrider today, that will do. The kind of insolence you've been displaying is very childish, W'ton. Don't let me see any more of it. Dismissed."

"Whatever you say, ma'am," W'ton offers before throwing her an amused salute before he heads on out.

jantha, *weyrlinghood, ~w'ton

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