Can't swim, doesn't fly, what do you do.

May 04, 2009 23:01

Who: Javeri and Ianna
Where: Waterfall pool
When: Afternoon on day 6, month 8, turn 19
What: Ianna comes looking for Javeri to discuss their business deal. She finds her near the waterfall doing nothing while Chadamalith gets his head pounded in by water. A fear of flying is conquered or at least set aside for a brief trip to get closer to alcohol.

Afternoon in the summer is just when the weather starts to be bearable for many people on the island. The locals don't seem to notice the change much and sure would not complain about the weather to anyone but each other. One of those locals is Javeri who has born up the humidity like a trooper. But now that the evening is nearly here she's abandoned any pretenses of work and has come this far and stopped on her way to the beach. Sprawled out on the grass near the pool she watches a large blue dragon wade towards the waterfall and then stand nearly right under it. There he stops which makes the bluerider laugh. "You're going to pound your brain out," she says before flopping onto her back once more. Yep. Time to be lazy.

Ianna is one of those non-locals, but right now she may not be noticing the difference. The harper comes wheezing and panting down the cliffside stairs with a large frond of some species clutched in her right hand and a skein in her left. As she rounds a corner partway up the steps, she is visibly peering across the pool for someone. It may be that she finds the someone, for she's soon shouting down in spite of her breathlessness, "You'd better have been there, blueriding ma'am, because you weren't, you'd be at the tip top of my list of least-liked riders for making me come all this way to hunt you down and then ending up empty-handed."

Lucky for Javeri then that she is here! Sitting up she pushes her braids from her face and waves to the harper. "Don't hate me because I'm adorable," she calls out with a sunny laugh. Patting the grass next to her she says, "Come on and sit then, mystery harper that is Ianna. Then tell me why you would hate me. Is the view not amazing? Even if I were not here and I were the one responsible for you seeing the water plunge from the sky to the ground...well, that would be worth a little dislike I think."

Amazing view? Not while she's this winded, it isn't, or so says Ianna's wrinkled nose. She doesn't bother to add to its commentary. She continues down the stairs, her sandals clopping against each wet step, until she finally hits the bottom. There she stands for a moment, stretching, arms wide. This is followed by an unhastened flap of the frond and gulp from the skein. "Faranth have mercy, what a climb, and what a set of stairs." She turns to examine the descent she just made, and then at long last complies with the suggestion conveyed by the pats, clopping over to Javeri and lowering herself ponderously to the ground. "It's only your adorableness that's saving you now, sister. The hate would be for the trek I had to endure to get to you. Fort's so much more civilized than this. No jungle, no plateaus, no waterfalls, no exertion." She gives one more huff.

"Ugh. Fort. There's little there that is endearing." So sayeth the bluerider. Javeri watches Ianna until she sits down without collapsing. Only then does she study the water and the blue still being pounded in the head by the waterfall. "Idiot," she mutters before turning to the harper with a grin. "We'll give you a ride down if you want?" she offers with a gesture around and away. "To spare your poor feet and all. I was going to come looking for you later. Maybe I shouldn't have said that since you're already upset at the climb? When you've got your strength back let me know so I can scoot out of throwing object range and all."

Ianna widens her dark eyes at Javeri with amazing expressiveness. All the shock in Pern is contained therein. "I wait days that seem like turns to come looking for you, and on the precise day that I finally lose sufficient patience and gain sufficient courage to brave the Istan wilds and seek you out, /you were going to come looking for me/! Throwing range? Make it throttling range." It's pretty clear the aforementioned strength isn't back yet, though, because she allows herself to topple over backwards and lifts the skein again, this time to allow a few drops of water to splat on her forehead. "And your blue's no idiot. I'll bet that water's sharding cool."

Now Javeri looks apologetic because, well, she does. "Shells, Ianna, I'm sorry. I really was going to come looking for you, but I've been busy sorting things out and I'm no good at time management because I never cared about it...and, well, sorry." See how sad she looks? Very, very sad. Then the sadness is gone and she's nodding with a laugh. "He's brilliant really, but I wouldn't want to stand under the waterfall. You could go into the water." Clothes? Doesn't matter. Of course Javeri wanders around in her bikini most of the time ready for water so it's never a thing to worry about for her. "But you have to admit the view is lovely."

It's pretty clear Ianna noticed the rapid changeover from despondantly apologetic to joyful, givin the slittiness of her suspiciously narrowed eyes. However, she's quick to forgive. "Time management? Believe me, I know all about time management. And a suggestion--don't bring that up around Journeyman Verle. He'll manage your time right up." She rolls her eyes, indicating how well that's gone for her. "And not if the water's more than shin-deep, I won't. I'll grant you some nice cool water around the toes, maybe wiggle them into the sand a little. But more than that just isn't warranted." This conviction is given decisively, as though immutable. "And I'll grant you your view if you'll grant me my spot on the Layabout." There, she's come to it, and the her sidelong glance to her companion-in-lounging betrays some of her eagerness about the topic.

Javeri's not at fault if she's quick to be happy. Some might consider it a good thing. "Oh, shells! I've got people wanting to manage my time." There's a pause as the bluerider considers these words and then adds with a wink as she looks at the harper, "But never in the fun way." Such a shame. As for the water there's an eager, "Oh, it's plenty shallow at the edges. And actually here's a good place to learn to swim. No tides and currents to worry about. Or giant deep blue sea." Sitting up because she's talking business she wiggles her toes in the grass just to do it. "Well, I don't see a contractual problem since you're posted to the Weyr and it is partly the Weyr's. We'd need to discuss wages. I don't have a lot of marks right now since most of them were taken up in outfitting, and purchasing, the Layabout."

A dangerous word has been uttered--"swim." Luckily, Ianna's sufficiently sidetracked by the business end of things that she doesn't have to spend more than a moment huffing at it from her prone position on the ground. When the blueriding businesslady sits up, the harper makes an attempt to do likewise, fails, and finally hefts herself up with a good push with both arms. "Marks? Well, I'm sure good Verle would have a thing or three to say about me earning salaried marks, anyways, 'apprentice that I am.' I can hear him now: he'd say I should just count it as good practice." As she considers that unfortunate happenstance, even her skein and frond are forgotten. "Not that he wouldn't mind pocketing whatever it is you'd pay, 'for the Hall.'"

As if swimming will not come up again! Javeri's nearly rabid in her belief everyone who lives on Ista should be able to swim. "Oh, well, then I suppose if we were going to pay you for your work it'd have to be so's good harper Verle wasn't aware of it." Listen to her, just musing out loud. Not offering to do anything that might be frowned upon by anyone! "And surely he couldn't get mad if you were to earn tips. Why, I've seen people sing in the Sandbar and get tips before. It's custom. You really must follow the customs of your posting I would think, yes?" Rules, all rules, are meant to be bent until they twist back upon themselves! "Tips aside we could come to some arrangement." Maybe coming from a man that'd be creepy or sleazy, but Veri doesn't seem to be saying it that way.

"I knew there was a reason I liked you," Ianna declares, "aside from that whole adorable thing." She remembers her frond and brings it to bear on the temperature-induced sweat situation happening on her forehead and neck. "You're completely right--any harper worth her salt knows you /never/ spit on the customs of your posting. And not accepting tips would be atrocious. Think of all the awkwardness when someone liked a song and had to hunt around for a tip bowl, only to find one wasn't there." She dons a sly smile. "An arrangement, you say? You're suggesting, perhaps, some hypothetical payment with goods or services rather than marks?" She's hasty to add, "Nothing any self-respecting hidebound, musty, mean old journeyman could find anything disastrously wrong with, of course."

"Tip bowls are always important. If for no other reason than people like to feel magnanimous and all." Javeri's just sure that's how rich people think. With a grin she says, "And I'm not ashamed to admit that it's going to do my business good having a knotted harper to go along with my local entertainers. Crafters working in the crew means I can charge a little more." There's a shrug at this as if she thinks it silly. "It's silly, of course." So, she must. "My work is as good as any crafted potter, but I cannot get as much because I can't get a stupid little stamp on it." A trace of bitterness and then it's gone replaced by a sunny smile. "I was thinking we might work out a non-mark payment, yes. Say three trips a turn on the Layabout as passenger?"

Ianna nods sagely for Javeri's wisdom on the complex thought processes of the rich, since she is also quite clearly an expert in that arena. The travesty of unequal pay for equal work, however, is so significant as to require her comment. "It's absurd, you know. There are those at the Hall who got in simply because they're of good family, and others who don't put half the work into the Craft that they should." And has no experience with the latter vice, nope, not her. "Meanwhile plenty of riders and holders are practicing their hearts out in their spare time and get no credit for it." Laying on the sympathy a bit thick, isn't she? Maybe it has to do with what comes next. She pauses a moment for an attempted sip at her skein, which she unfortunately finds empty, and then furrows her brow. "Three trips a turn? Well, that's awfully thoughtful of you. How long's a trip, though? If I'm to be putting in plenty of long, hard nights for you--and I assure you I will--mightn't five be a more adequate compensation?"

Laughter escapes at the words said by the harper. Clearly she's laying it on thick if Javeri has to laugh over it. "Ok, fine, I get it crafter woman. But as someone who didn't apprentice and still did decent work it did get annoying." Holding up her hand she says with a grin, "And, yes that was my call, but the whole sordid story if you knew it would explain why. But...all of that aside." Because now they are bargaining and if she's not real good at it at least she's better than she used to be. "Trips vary in length. Some are overnight. Some are for three days. I was thinking in the future of doing em for a seven. But I'll need to see what the market wants." Doesn't she sound so businesslike? Of course she does! She's not faking it! "Five? Sure. That sounds reasonable. But I won't make room for you at the expense of a paying customer. And I'll only allow you to bring a guest on two of them."

Ianna has an awfully difficult time not returning the bluerider's laughter, as she bites her lower lip, large cheeks crinkling upward to her eyes. Her three silent chuckles initiate the bowl-full-of-jelly effect, except that her ample bosom gets involved in the movement, too. She points a finger at Javeri and dips it in time with a nod of her head, indicating that the existence of a "sordid story" has been filed away for later. And if the other ever plans to tell it, she'll probably get as sympathetic a response--at least as long as there's room to increase the harper's wages. "Hmm, so there's plenty of decisions still up in the air. Well, it won't be too difficult for me to aim to take the longer ones rather than the shorter ones. As for guests, you're taking advantage of the fact that I've only been at the Weyr a matter of sevendays. I've yet to meet and befriend many of the riders and residents here." She dips her eyelashes twice, slowly and vaguely suggestively. "I'll say that's fine for now, but what say you we revisit it and make sure it's still amenable to the both of us in, oh, half a turn."

With her head turned upwards to watch the sky Javeri laughs. "I think if we're only doing a six month contract that we're going to have to agree on a number less than five." Looking at the harper she waggles a finger at her in mock scolding. "Because otherwise you can take your five trips in the next six months and then finagle for more. Maybe we should discuss what sort of work you're going to be doing. I know you have duties at the Weyr and I wasn't expecting you to perform on every trip." Hey, being nice is one thing, but being ripped off? Well, ok, if she were drunk maybe. Clearly Ianna should have waited til they were at the Sandbar to talk business. With a wink for the other woman she asks, "What sort of people do you want to meet? I can introduce you to all kinds. Well, mostly sailors, but some riders anyway."

Ianna's sly smile admits defeat when Javeri nixes the six month contract idea. "Fine, fine, you've got me. We can make it a full turn." She gently kicks her sandals off and wiggles her bare toes as she considers the other's words. "Yes, nice as it would be to get away from dear Verle, I'd soon be knotless and far less useful to you if I were gone too often to keep up with work here." After another beat, she adds, "I'll hope to meet every last one of you Istans, eventually, and pick out the most entertaining of the lot to befriend. I imagine, for the purpose of guests to bring on your Layabout, though, that riders would be more useful than sailors. You'll keep all the fun sailors busy with knots and sails and steering, and what have you."

"A full turn it is. And remember I won't be asking for any percentage of your tips. So, that all just depends on how good you are." Javeri's so nice like that! The bluerider glances towards the water and then asks, "Well, I won't say I'll get you out of any trouble you get in with him, but if you need me to speak to him about the deal then just say the word." Surely she can sweet talk a harper! Maybe if they meet on the beach and she's in a bikini. "Every last one? That sounds like a goal. Or do you mean just the Weyr people? Because there's a whole bunch of people on the island. If you need introductions at the Hold I grew up there." Such a helpful woman! "As for sailors only the working ones. The ones there as clients are not going to be conscripted or anything. Just don't dally with the ones working and it's all good."

"Well..." Ianna hesitates over Javeri's offer to talk to the journeyman. "I don't think he's one to be swayed by a woman's charms, if you catch my drift. Not that I've seen him with anybody of either flavor, but not once has he batted an eyelid at this amazingly gorgeous inner caverns wench who's fallen for him. Must be the status, or something, because he's not much to look at." She returns to the present from the lengthy aside with an ironic grin. "But it's always worth a try, if you're willing and it seems like he's being difficult. I'll run everything by him first." On the much more pleasant subject of the weyrfolk and the island's other residents, she wonders, "Oh, I was planning on just getting started with the Weyr people, but the more the merrier. You're a real born-and-bred Istan, aren't you?"

"Oh, well in that case I could swing a couple of really adorable sailors by him," Javeri offers with a laugh. Her tone should give away she's teasing if the exaggerated wink does not. "Maybe he's just not into other people." She makes it sound like people who are like that have something wrong with them, but she is a social butterfly. "Still best to stay out of trouble, yea. Always the best course of action. But, yea. Born and bred. That's me. Shells, I'd never even left the island before weyrlinghood. And I don't do it that often now either. I like it here and all my friend are here and I know what to expect around here. I've been told that makes me boring, but so be it! Oh, and any time you're recovered and want a lift down just say so. I'll talk your ear off all day unless you interrupt and tell me to stop."

Ianna looks like she has a eureka moment. "'Not into other people'--that's it precisely." She shakes her head with rue. "Just my luck, but yes, I'll do what we can to make sure he doesn't get cranky about any of this." She catches the mention of boring and replies, "Your sailor friends from the Sandbar seemed to think you anything /but/ boring. And I believe you tagged that label on Fort not so long ago, so it's nice of you to own up to your own measure of it." Her tone drifts toward teasing for a moment, then drifts out of it as she tilts her head to eye the blue dragon not so far off. "A lift? Hrm." Discomfort tinges her voice. "You won't believe it, and it's not that I'm not saying it wouldn't be nice, but I haven't been adragonback before, and I'm not sure how my sense of safety would appreciate it."

Javeri's laugh is sudden and she says at the end of it, "Well, I am not /Fort/ boring at least!" As if there's degrees of it and she's not nearly that bad! "My sailor friends at the Sandbar are no real measure though since I have been loved and adored by them for very nearly ten turns." She was behaving poorly since she was young. Exciting! As for the dragon in question he moves out from under the spray of the water and over to the edge of the pool to stare at the two women. "Really? You've never? I mean I shouldn't sound like it's a big thing because before I was searched I'd only been once or twice and that was just from the Weyr to the Hold. But...but you're living at a Weyr now and you should get used to it. Chadamalith's a /great/ one to try for the first time. If not today then tomorrow? He loves taking people up." So does she by the sound of it.

That same discomfort about the prospect of dragonriding causes Ianna's shoulders to tense a touch, although her snicker for the levels of boring ranking system is unaffected. "You don't think I'd hurt him, do you? He's used to you, little slip of a thing," at least in comparison to the hefty harper, "and I'd probably snap a neckridge, or something." Excuses, excuses. "Besides, why would I need to ride a dragon, anyways? I mean, all of my work is here. It's not like I'll be wanting to go back to Fort anytime soon, when I have the far-more-interesting Javeri right here." The dragon's stare has her staring right back, and wrinkling her nose at him. "He's not talking about me, is he? Seems--intent."

A touch of concern crosses Javeri's face, but it's gone again and replaced by a smile. "Shells, Ianna, he's huge! The biggest blue I've seen at the Weyr!" Yes, that would be pride. Whatever her dragon's size might be compensating for she's still going to love him for it. "You wouldn't hurt him. Are you scared? Because there's nothing to be scared of I promise." The harper gets a wink and a teasing, "If you are you can hold onto me real tight. Besides if you won't go flying how can I lure you to my weyr sometime and get you drunk to take advantage of you? I was told when I impressed that we riders did that sort of thing." Eyes wide she looks perfectly innocent the whole time although it ends with a snicker. When Chadamalith is asked about she turns look at him and then shake her head. "Oh, nah. I mean he is talking about you, but not in a bad way. He stares a lot. He likes to figure things out." Things meaning people too it seems.

"Scared is such an unfortunate term," Ianna hedges. "To admit I'm scared would be to admit I'm a coward. Maybe 'petrified' would be more accurate?" She quirks the edge of her lips, almost self-deprecatingly. "And I've heard that bit about the favorite rider activites, too." Instead of the weyr, she offers, "You're always free to get me drunk in the lower caverns and take advantage of me back in some abandoned tunnel? That neatly cuts out the flying part." She scootches a half handspan back from Chadamalith. "What is there to figure out? Large, dark woman."

"Oh, I don't do the caverns like that. No, no. If I cannot have you in my weyr I shall be forced to just let you go." Javeri sniffles quietly and wipes at her eyes like she's removing tears. "It will be hard to carry on. Every day I shall wish it had been different." Down comes Chadamalith's head and he rests it on the ground as he spreads himself out to lay. "I was never afraid of flying, but I was terrified of between. Truth is I'm still kinda scared of it, but I'm better than I used to be. You just can' know. Let your fears run your life, Ianna. And there's plenty to figure out! At least for him. He's fascinated by everything and he's trying to learn more about you. Oh! He won't snoop or anything. He just thinks if he studies you he'll understand you and by understanding you he'll understand another piece of the universe. He's a big thinker." Aww. Doesn't she sound proud?

A laugh greets the weyrlady's carryings on about the bleak future without a drunk harper in her weyr. Ianna muses, "Shells, that sounds like a beautiful ballad just waiting to be written. Love--or lust?--doomed by a fear of flight." She doesn't argue with the general concept behind not letting fears get the better of her, nodding all along with Javeri's helpful suggestion, but noticeably doesn't commit to any attempt to change the status quo, either. "Me? A piece of the universe? I've never felt so important," she replies to the last, considering the dragon even as he considers her. "How do you live with such a Starcrafter in your head? Or does he have you sufficiently figured out that he's not analyzing your every thought?"

"That's definitely a song to be written," Javeri affirms with a wide grin. "And be sung at the Sandbar. Probably not on the Layabout though. Maybe at one of her beach parties though." Always thinking of work! Well, not always since she was pining for the harper mere moments before. Looking at her blue again she grins. "Oh, no. We're still sorting each other out. He just...thinks all the time. He's smart. Which is good cause I am not. He's always looking for a new truth to discover. It can wear me out that's for sure! Everyone is important though. There's a thousand little things that make up each and every person and they're connected to everyone else. It's all connected."

"Worry not, boss," Ianna reassures the business-centered bluerider, "I'll keep Layabout lays entirely tasteful. I can't vouch for what might be sung about you at the Sandbar after this conversation, though." She glances, a bit mournfully, at her still empty skein and gives her frond another half-hearted shake. "You're lucky you have someone to do the thinking for you. My good journeyman tries to do my thinking for me, and that doesn't work out so well. You're starting to sound like I'd imagine your dragon does, though." She twirls her finger by her ear to pantomime the pair having completely lost it, but softens the gesture with, "You two are a far sight too philosophical for me to keep up."

Laughter comes right after the comment about the Sandbar. "I don't think my reputation will be hurt," Javeri says with a wink. "Not considering what they already think of me and all. And I'm not too worried about what people think of me anyway so long as it doesn't negatively impact the work I want to do." Not that she sounds horribly upset really. "Oh, shells, sorry. Sometimes he gets to talking and I sort of lose track." Now she sounds apologetic and even grins sheepishly. "If I'm using big words I certainly got them from him. Because I don't know them." With a grin she looks at the harper and says, "You know, it's just a short glide down to the Sandbar if you want a drink." Tease, taunt, make big eyes and look hopeful. Chadamalith gets in on that last part and he stares at the harper while his wings flutter.

Ianna waves away any concerns about big words and philosophical reamblings. "It's certainly no concern of mine if you and your dragon want to ask and answer Important Questions in your spare time. It's entirely my own fault that I can't keep up. And harper's are supposed to be the ones who can spin words around a poor, innocent bystander." When the drink is mentioned, she replies without thinking, "The Sandbar? That sounds terrific..." and trails off when she notes the gliding part and the fluttering dragon. The woman glances over to the stairs as if trying to figure out how she might backpedal, then admits, "It looks like I'm stuck between a rock and a hard place, to use the ancient phrase."

"Hey, I'm not pressuring you, Ianna really. If you don't want to go then you don't have to." Because for all she might tease Javeri's not going to push someone into doing something they don't want to. Not after what she had to go through herself. "As for keeping up, well, I cannot even keep up with him sometimes. And ignore Mr Eager there. He just likes flying with people. He won't be hurt if you don't want to. We'll get all our tears out of the way alone. Don't worry about us!" What a brave face the two put on. Well, Chadamalith is still fluttering his wings as he watches the harper. "We can always meet you down there later if you want."

"Oh, I'd take you up on that," Ianna assures Javeri as far as meeting up later goes, "if it weren't for those sharding stairs." She heaves a great sigh, indicative of her plight, and then confesses, "I think laziness might win out over cowardice. If you promise I can be strapped in tightly and that you won't pry my hands off my eyes, I might do it." The fluttering doesn't fail to elicit another glance. "Besides, brave a face as you put on, I can't help but think he'd be crushed. He might wax philosophical about it, but it would be sad nonetheless." She slips her feet back into her sandals, gathers up her anti-heat accessories, and hefts herself upright.

Up comes Chadamalith's head and he watches Ianna eagerly. Yes, he would be crushed, but see how right now he is happy? The blue hops up closer and then settles on his stomach to watch. "Yes," Javeri says with a laugh as she watches the display. "He would be very sad. And I promise to strap you in tight and if you want to cover your eyes you can't hold on to anything. Also you really miss the view." The amazing view! But she doesn't say that only implies it in her words as she hops up and goes to retrieve the straps she'd left off to the side. "This is great! You're going to love this!"

With consternation rivialing the bluerider's excitement, Ianna considers her options. "So it's hold on for dear life or manage to avoid this ever-loving 'view' of yours. I imagine the holding on will be more productive, in terms of avoiding catastrophe." She treads over to the blue slowly, her sandals clip-clopping as she goes. "'Love,' again, may not be the right choice of words. Harpers know about these things, choosing words. I imagine I will love it rather less than your friend, here, for example." However, she waits beside Chadamalith obediently, now pointedly examining him, perhaps for safety features, and avoiding looking out into what they'll be flying over.

"Hold on tight," Javeri says with a laugh as she rolls her eyes. "You'll be fine." It doesn't take long for the straps to be put on even with someone watching them. Soon enough it's all good and the bluerider's climbing on up before offering a hand down. "You ready to go? I promise, again, that it's all going to be fine. Really. Just a short glide down and you'll be getting free drinks from adoring men. And he will love it. I don't think he'd ever land if he didn't have to. I know they all like to fly, but I swear it's like he wasn't really himself until he could take to the air."

The last of the bluerider's words elicit a small squeak. "Don't think he'd ever land? But he will this time, right?" But Ianna takes that hand nevertheless and makes ample use of it to haul her significant weight upwards. It takes her longer and more effort than most, to clamber up, due to her size, but at last she's mounted and clutching tight to whatever it is that's directly in front of her. "Um, these straps look kind of complicated. Could you give a girl a hand with 'em?" Not even waiting for takeoff, she then closes her eyes tight and begins chanting to herself, only half in jest, "Adoring men, free drinks. Adoring men, free drinks."

Once she's up Javeri will definitely see to the straps. "It's not bad," she tells her with a grin. "Seriously, Ianna it'll be fine. We'll strap you in tight and Chadamalith /promises/ to land with you on the sand smooth as silk. He's always had amazingly smooth landings." All assurances and encouragement. It doesn't take long either, but she's hauled enough people around that it's not a new task. "We're almost ready to go. Once you think you're ready just say the word. Then up we go and then down we go and alcohol to soothe your nerves."

Ianna cracks an eye open to peer around at Javeri. "Chad-thing-th sure is a sweetheart, but have you ever heard the story about the Lord Holder's daughter and the pea? Well, that's me. Except I'm no Lord Holder's daughter. He'd better treat me like I am one, though, or else you'll have a fairly hysterical passenger on your hands. And one thing harpers usually have is a good set of lungs. I may not be able to cover my eyes, but maybe you should cover your ears." This rambling speech seems to calm her nerves as it winds down, but she's still holding tight to a strap in front of her. "Alright, sure, give me the hard job. Well then, the word is 'alcohol.' Ready? Set?" Her eyes squinch tight, and she quietly says, "Alcohol."

"Chadamalith," Javeri says with a laugh. "It's ok, most people have trouble with it. He doesn't mind if you shorten it I just prefer to use his full name. Most people shorten it since they can't remember. I don't think it's so hard." It's all just small talk anyway until she's ready to go. "If you scream it'll only encourage him to do something crazy," she teases. Likely not the best tease, but then there's the word and it's a smooth jump into the air. He doesn't take the long way down either. Just makes a slow glide down to the beach where he circles his landing spot three times before dropping them down neat as you please in the sand with nary a bump.

Ianna's eyes and mouth are kept carefully shut throughout the entirety of the flight, her posture rigid. The landing causes her to release a long-held breath all at once, and then she's assessing the situation: her physical and mental health, the fact that the straps held, the fact that they're solidly on ground again. She licks her lips and clears her throat as a bit of color, barely visible, arises in her cheeks and forehead. "So I know you mentioned this part a time or three, but you know, that wasn't all that bad." She ends the admission with a shaky grin.

"You did a great job!" Javeri exclaims although if she means Chadamalith or Ianna it's hard to tell. Either way she's enthusiastic about the whole process. "Just wait! You'll love it no time!" Clearly she means to be the one to make her love it too. The straps are loosened for them both and then she's sliding down to the ground before holding her hands out to help the harper down. "Come on down! Feet on the ground and you'll feel better. Then a drink and you'll feel way better!" Always with the booze to lend encouragement! "We're so proud of you!"

The grin becomes a low chuckle for the rider's enthusiasm, and Ianna answers, "Alright, alright, here I come. Getting down may be even more difficult than getting up was, though." Before she prepares to dismount, she gives the blue beneath her a couple of quick pats. "Awfully good of you to treat this big wherry so kindly, friend. Thanks." Then she heaves her left leg over so she's sitting side-saddle, and flops herself over onto her stomach to gently, and ponderously, lower herself down. When halfway there she reaches out for Javeri's proffered hands to make the landing thump less thumpish. "That drink sounds like the best idea you've had all night, boss."

Once they're both off Chadamalith will wait until his straps are off and then he'll be onward up into the sky where he'll make lazy circles in the air currents letting them do all the work. Which leaves Javeri on the ground and grinning at the harper once her feet are on the ground as well. "He says you're welcome anytime at all. And he means it." Because that's the kind of guy he is. "Yea it's time for a drink! And I'm going to have to get used to being called boss. It's so weird and odd and bizarre. But for now that just means I'll be in charge of corralling the sailors into buying us drinks. Shall we go?"

"Like I said," Ianna reiterates, "a real sweetheart." A thought suddenly strikes her, and her entire countenance is altered as she bemoans, "You know what this means, of course. You knew it all along. Now you can get me into your weyr, drunk and all." Nonetheless, she willingly sets off for the bar, a, "Yes, let's," in answer to Javeri's query about heading in. "I think you've signed up for the right line of work, by the way. Corralling sailors into buying drinks seems to be a specialty of yours."

Straps are not abandoned on the beach, but carefully gathered and then looped over her shoulder. It's a bundle Javeri's likely used to toting from beach to bar. "Oh, is that what it means?" she asks with a laugh. "Well, what can I say? I do like to lure people to my weyr." Shaking her head she heads for the Sandbar. "Truth be told I've had very few visitors to my weyr. It's sort of our space. However I was told to try to get more used to company up there so you are welcome to visit if you want to." And then that's done and an offer is sort of made to visit and then dismissed. "I learned when I was about sixteen. Fifteen? Something like that. Only perfected it since then." Which she will be happy to show off once they get inside and she gets them a table filled with eager sailors willing to buy them drinks for as long as they want to linger and let them.

"Honestly," Ianna admits, shuffling along through the sand, "non-death-defying though that was, I don't think I'm quite ready to go hopping on a dragon and flying off hither, thither, and yon every chance I get. So I'd enjoy seeing what a Real Dragonrider's Weyr looks like," and she emphasizes the words to make it sound as though this is just the thing she's wanted to see her entire life, "but it may not happen tomorrow. Or the next day. Or--you know." As she draws near the sandbar, she knocks a couple of shakes of sand off her sandal, and wonders, "Do they all start that young at a Weyr, or was it just you?" before turning without awaiting an answer and stepping in.

*layabout, ~javeri, ianna

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