The fashion master

May 03, 2009 23:14

Who: W'ton and Fiorella with Dasarth
Where: The lake shore and Ella's room
When: Afternoon on day 21, month 8, turn 19
What: Ella comes across W'ton and Dasarth. Dasarth says hello and then W'ton offers her fashion advice.

Afternoon in the summer draws people to the lakeshore like a winter day would not. Families, couples, and people just seeking a break either walk around or sit on blankets enjoying the weather and their company. W'ton's not walking around and he's not got company. Well, he's got no human company. Dasarth sits beside him staring into the water. Something in there has his attention. As for the weyrling he's just sitting there with a book forgotten next to him.

Fiorella doesn't happen across the weyrlings terribly often. After all they have lessons and so does she. Not to mention chores and there's only so much time in every day. Today, however, seems to be one of those days as her path around the lakeshore brings her near to where W'ton and Dasarth sit, however her attention remains on the sand beneath her feet for the moment.

It's not often W'ton's out by himself. Even with grumpy Dasarth he's usually got friends around to chat with, but today here he is by his lonesome. Leaning back on his hands he stares at the lake like he's trying to see what his dragon sees out there. Since he cannot make it out he shakes his head and picks up his book once more. And Dasarth is done then as well giving up on spying whatever it is he might be trying to spy. Instead he looks around the lake at the people gathered. What ho! Someone new to study. The bronze shifts his gaze to Ella and watches her.

Fiorella shifts the sand with a toe, turning over a bit of rock and peering at it with more interest than some might, but soon enough she's moving on from that spot. A glance up is taken to ensure she's not going to run into any of those linger around the beach. Nothing in particular is given any more notice than anything else however as its just a flick of a look.

W'ton's still deeply interested in his book. Or at least he's busy pretending to read his book? Either way he's not bothered looking up and has not noticed Fiorella as she walks. But that's ok because Dasarth is quite happy to watch her for whatever reason. The bronze shifts and stands and paces after her. He doesn't get in her way, but he paces with his tail swishing back and forth.

Ever get that feeling that you're being watched or followed? Fiorella turns a glance back over her shoulder to see... well not what she expected when there is indeed someone there, or rather.. something in the form of a bronze. Blink blink. A few more steps taking as she continues to keep her gaze turned back. Now, where's the rider that one belongs to. Hmm... Of course not watching where she's going at all results in other things - namely a blanket that'd been left on the beach while occupants found the cool waters for awhile is tripped over.

Where is his rider? Why deeply engrossed in his book and only vaguely aware that his bronze is on the move. Dasarth seems to like it this way and he continues to pace the young girl. Maybe he thinks she's a strange herdbeast for eating? Not that he regards her with any hunger. The bronze is too late to save her from the blanket, but he bounds forward after she's tripped and takes the blanket in his mouth to tug it off the ground and give it a shake. Take that, vile blanket! Once he's shaken it to submission, and gotten it quite dragon drool covered, he tosses it to the side. Then he sits and watches Ella.

Fiorella manages to turn just in time to catch herself on hands and knees. Though there's still a mouth of sand when the blanket, which is sure to have some sand on, is tugged and shaken by the stalking bronze. Blink. Righting herself, Fiorella finds her feet all the while simply staring after Dasarth's actions. "You're a very strange one," she notes outloud, green eyes keeping half watch on the bronze even as she sends a glance around for that missing other half of the puzzle.

Strange? Strange? Nonsense! He is her hero! Did he not vanquish the terrible blanket? Sitting up straight he stares at Ella before talons extend and he rakes them across the blanket. Someone will be not happy, but that is not /his/ concern. Rising up to his feet he paces towards Ella and then bumps her midsection gently. Maybe he's not sure he has her attention? Then he lifts his head and stares at where W'ton sits. There he is. Let's go! He sets off towards his rider, stopping after a few steps to look at her and be sure she is coming along.

Fiorella takes a step back with that bump, giggling just a bit and then he's off again and she's turning with a shake of her head. Curiosity has always been something of her downfall however and so it is that she finds herself following. Once he's gone most of the way she does happen to spot the book-reading one and a quiet grin creeps across her lips as she sneaks up around behind him. Hands quickly slip over the W'ton's eyes and she tries to keep herself from giggling as she attempts to make herself sound like... well any girl who's not her, when she says "Guess who."

Dasarth approves of being obeyed which is why he treads slowly, although as ponderously as always, towards where his rider sits. It is also why he does not give away who she is when she tries to surprise him. Sadly for Ella there's not many people he knows with hands that small. Still W'ton's not going to ruin a game! That's for Dasarth to do! With the bronze settled down now to observe the weyrling sets his book in his lap as he goes, "Hmmm. Is it Manny the Midget from home?"

"Nooo," Fiorella grins still trying to suppress that giggle, shaking her head so that runnertail bounces lightly from shoulder to shoulder. She won't say anything other than that however, less to give her away that way. Hands remaining in place.

"Oh, well, that's good cause I recall owing Manny some marks when I departed for somewhere else." W'ton sounds overly relieved and lets out a huge sigh. Pursing his lips he asks, "Could it be my old pal Sugar Cookie? Lost her hands in the weird baking accident...those could be wooden hands..." He trails off and bites back a chuckle while his bronze observes seemingly unamused.

Fiorella rolls her eyes, "You're weird," she notes, dropping her hands back to her sides. But the question must be asked, "Do you -really- know people named like that?" Please say no.

"I would never lie about something like that, Miss Fee," W'ton says with a chuckle. He turns his head to grin at her once her hands are gone. "People get weird nicknames where I'm from. It's just the way of it. If you were there likely they'd be calling you...hmmm." One finger taps against his lips before he grins widely and announces, "Shrimperella." He half bows from his seat. "An honor to have you back with us, Shrimperella."

That only proceeds to earn him another roll of her eyes as she shifts to settle to a seat beside him. "If you say so.." she replies still not quite certain she believes it. "And don't call me that," she adds, raising a brow in his direction for that 'back' comment. "I wasn't gone that long. I've been back longer already."

Shaking his head W'ton looks at her sadly. "But it suits you. As you wish however." His lower lip sticks out for a moment like he might pout. "Sure, but this is the first you've come to say hello since returning. I thought maybe you'd decided not to speak to me anymore." Now he looks even sadder with his head dropping down a bit so he looks even more forlorn.

Fiorella giggles. "You might think it does, but I don't." So there. "I'm sorry for having lessons?" she apologizes in a rather unapologetic tone for not having seen him since. "And do you -really- think I would stop talking to you after the beautiful turnday present you found me?" Beat. "Thank you for that by the way. I don't think I really did properly thank you before."

W'ton's grin only grows as he says, "Well, you youngsters today are so fickle." Like he's ninety and not nineteen. "Glad to see you again." He looks at Dasarth who stares back as he settles down onto his stomach. "But you are most welcome, Ella. I was glad to be able to do something for it. Do you want to talk about your visit?"

Fiorella grins right back, but at that last question she's shrugging a shoulder while toes burrow into the sand a bit deeper. "It was good. I got to talk to my mother some, and show T'rev some places there." There she pauses, green eyes turning to let her gaze drift out over the waters of the lake. "Still trying to figure some things out."

"It's a big decision," W'ton says with a nod of his head. He reaches to try to tweak one of her feet since they're burrowing and all. "I don't know if I could have made that decision at your age. To be honest it seems a little...odd. I mean that all the adults are leaving it to you. Although I suppose you might prefer it that way."

Fiorella frowns slightly, nodding. A glance is spared out of the corner of her eye for W'ton. "I don't know. I kind of wish this once that someone would have decided for me. But T'rev doesn't want to say for me cause he says he wants me to stay here, but that's not fair to me if I want to back. And... I don't know." Sigh.

His head shakes and W'ton grins as he glances at Dasarth. "He'll tell you what to do." In case she doesn't follow he gestures towards the bronze as well. "He loves to tell people what to do, Ella. And he says if you need that now he'll be happy to offer you the wisdom of his brilliant intellect." There's a snort after that and even a roll of his eyes. "And him aside, Ella, I'd recommend a list. You make a list of the Hold and the Weyr. Pros and cons of being at both. Then you compare them."

Fiorella pulls a smile to her face as she looks over towards both W'ton and Dasarth. "Thanks, I think I'm okay now," she replies. "But.. can we talk about something else now? .. Please?" If she doesn't talk about it then she doesn't have to make a decision. Right?

"Well, sure, what shall we talk about?" W'ton's not going to push. He's just not the sort to push anything. "Oh, we're getting out weyrs soon. You coming to dinner once I get it all set up and arranged the way we like?" New topic! One about him so it has to be awesome.

Fiorella hmms, "How about..." But then he's got something in mind and she's nodding. "I heard that. You must, both of you I mean," she quickly corrects to include Dasarth in the comment, "must be excited about that. Have your own space instead of having to share with everyone..." she trails off with that sentence into a bit of a frown. Quickly enough a smile makes its way back to the forefront and she nods again. "If that's an invitation then I most certainly accept."

Dasarth's slightly interested since his name has come up. Not enough to do much other than swish his tail and occasionally scrape his talons in the sand. "Of course it's an invitation. I'll be having a big weyr warming party too, but I was thinking you could have a sneak peek. Been looking for some furniture already although until I know what kinda space I'm gonna have I cannot make too many decisions. Gonna be nice to have our space, but I never minded sharing much. I like people." W'ton grins and then looks around where he sits by himself. He just shrugs. Even a people person needs some alone time.

Fiorella mms and nods, "And is this going to be a formal occasion? Or haven't you decided yet?" she prods for more information on the topic. "Suppose you should probably see how things come out before you decide that, huh?"

"Formal? Nah. Not exactly. Want people to be comfortable." W'ton brushes a bit of sand from his boot and frowns at it before shrugging. "Just a chance for people to get together and have some fun. Break the new space in right!" Well, at least right as it pertains to a group of people and not more personal activities. "Should fall right around my turnday too. So, it'll be like getting a great present."

Fiorella nods. "Makes sense to me," she agrees. She's certainly not one of those who particularly likes to dress up all that often. "Really?" she adds, the question filled with excitement, "Your turnday is coming up? When? Is there anything you'd really like? After all, after the wonderful present you got me I can't just not get you anything. Especially since now I know when it is."

W'ton laughs and winks at Ella. "I'd never make you wear a fancy dress don't you worry." Since he never sees her in any clearly it's to be assumed she does not like them. "Besides I can dress up plenty fancy for us both." Indeed even in older clothes he does always look well-dressed. "It is coming up. Two sevens I think. Something like that." He looks like he's not really aware and doesn't want a fuss to be made. Total lie, sure, but he likes to pretend. "Nothing in particular I want I think. Always happy to get gifts, of course. No matter what they are."

Fiorella giggles. "I do have plenty of fancy dresses," she notes. Well, she has one anyway. "But thanks, I don't like it so much, but Su says sometimes it can be fun to dress up even if its for no reason at all really." Clearly she's not so sure about all that. "Hmm... well then I guess I'll just have to think really hard on what to get you unless you give me some ideas between then and now."

"It /is/ fun to dress up, Ella," W'ton says with a wide smile. Well, of course he thinks that. "Sometimes it's fun to wear something fancy and really show off. But only if you like what you're wearing. You might change your mind on it when you get older too." He winks as he adds, "Some boys like it after all." Indeed. Some boys. "And if I get any ideas I shall come straight to you with them I promise you, Ella. Until know it can be pretty much anything."

Fiorella raises a brow, "If you say so," she replies, but clearly she's not certain she believes all that. "Do you like girls who dress up all fancy?" she presses to question. Hey! -He- brought it up.

"I like girls who dress in a way that makes them feel good about themselves." Is it dodging the question? Not so much for Win since he's all about women who like themselves. "Which is not to say that a lady who is all dolled up will not turn my head." And W'ton is honest as well. "If the clothes look good and a woman feels good wearing them that's all I'm going to notice."

Fiorella nods slowly as she takes in that snippet of information. "Well I guess that sort of makes sense." In some way or another at least. "What else do boys like?" she wonders in perfectly innocent curiosity.

Oh, what do boys like? W'ton laughs softly and teases, "Any boy in particular? Because, despite what some people might tell you all boys do not think the same." For a second his features screw up into a scowl, but it's smoothed away quickly enough. "Some men only like a pretty face. Some like big breasts or a nice shaped behind." Thoughtfully he pauses and then says, "Some only like married women. Some will only like a woman with a certain color of hair. To me the way a woman looks is nothing at all to how beautiful she is in my eyes."

"Nooo," is the almost annoyed answer to that question. Even if there is a particular boy she, apparently, isn't telling. Is that a blush? Maybe, just maybe. A glance is sent downward as if appraising herself after that information is shared. "I'm not any of that," is said with not quite a pout. Well there's the hair thing, but that hardly counts.

"Ella? You're only eleven. There's no knowing what's going to happen. Well, the hair is probably set, but you know what I mean." W'ton doesn't press on which boy it might be. That's so not something he wants to deal with. Huzzah not being a father. Well, right. "If I were going to offer you advice and Faranth knows I'm not the sort to take advice from, but if I were I'd just tell you, well, to be yourself." He grins at her and goes on though. "Be comfortable with who you are, Ella. Love yourself. That's what any man worth having is going to notice. That you /like/ yourself and aren't trying to be something you're not just to make someone happy."

"Still," is the response Ella gives to being 'only eleven'. "I like my hair," she adds with a smile as that's brought up. "And my eyes. I have my father's eyes. That's what everyone says anyway." But there is listening and the girl nods, taking it to heart if her expression is anything to say of it. "Don't worry," she adds, leaning in just a bit, "I won't tell T'rev said if you don't tell him I asked." Just in case he's worried about his advice giving getting back to her pseudo-father.

"You got great hair and real pretty eyes," W'ton agrees with a wink to the young girl. "You know I'm just waiting for you to get old enough before I throw my hat in the ring." Chuckling quietly he reaches out to give her hand a squeeze. "I think I'm safe there since you don't want him knowing you asked. I don't rightly care if you tell someone I said. I mean, I do give good advice." He puffs his chest out some and preens although he's laughing at the same time. "Really, Ella, I just don't like to give advice. But I am happy to tell you what I think. If it helps great."

Fiorella giggles, "You are not," she returns, certain he's just saying that to make her smile. Which, she does, sunny and bright with sparkles in her eyes. "Thanks though. And well... then thanks for sharing instead of the advice." If that's rather what he'd call it.

Definitely rather call it that! W'ton winks and informs her, "Just don't tell T'rev I said that. He finds out I'm waiting for you then he might just come tell me stay away. Best no one can do that." That's a long time away though so nothing to worry about! "And if you ever do need advice on clothes you know you have to come see me, right? I could make sure you looked right fine with the smallest amount of effort."

"It'll be our secret," Fiorella agrees with a giggle, turning an invisible key at her lips even as she grins. "Same to you, if you ever need advice with clothes," she winks. Yeah, like anyone should take advice on clothing from her... "Might have to come see you about that in a while then though."

"Ohhh. Secrets! I love secrets!" W'ton claps his hands together and squeals like a girl. Which makes Dasarth snort and smack his tail on the ground. Sheesh. His rider is a loser. "Well, I look forward to offering you advice. And an excuse to go look at clothes even if it's not for me!"

Fiorella giggles, rolling her eyes for that girlish squeal even as Dasarth is snorting at W'ton as well. "Well..." she hesitates a moment, "You could come look now if you really wanted. If you had time I mean.."

"Well," W'ton says with a wink and a grin. "I am supposed to be studying or something dull like that which has nothing to do with clothes. But for you, well, I could definitely make time to go look for clothes." Clothes! That's the way to his heart! "Dasarth'll stay behind of course." As if that were not the only option. "He's only interested in my wardrobe."

Fiorella grins, "I don't think he'd find all the way to my room anyway. Much less -in- it." she teases back, hopping up to her feet to wait for him. Who would have thought she'd be showing off her clothes to a boy, much less W'ton. Wouldn't Levania or someone make more sense in that category?

Bah! W'ton's the best source for clothes advice. Who loves clothes more than the weyrling? No one at all! He stands up, bringing his book with him, and grins. "Well, then he shall be forced to sun out by the lake instead. The poor fellow! Such tragedy!" He offers his arm to her to take although he has to bend a bit since she's short and he is so tall.

Fiorella giggles, slipping her arm through the one he offers with a grin. And then there's a bit more idle conversation about what a terrible tragedy it is that Dasarth can't come visit her room as well. Soon enough the room she shares with a few other girls her age is found. He should be able to pick hers out given that the clothes press was his present.
Small talk! He just loves small talk. And since Dasarth's interjections are for his mind only it's not ruined by gruff grumpiness at all. W'ton peeks in the door and grins. "I cannot believe I'm going in a girl's room!" he stage whispers with a laugh. Since he does know the press he walks towards it and sets himself on the ground by it. "So, what lovelies are you going to be showing me then?"

"Its my room too," Fiorella teases. It's not just -any- girl's room after all. "I wanted to show you what my brother bought me for my turnday," she replies, moving to open said press which isn't terribly full at all. Then again he did say there'd be plenty of room for growing wardrobe when he presented it to her. Mostly the trousers and shirt which Ella is fond of wearing day to day. But there is one article that's far fancier. It's not overly elaborate like some gather dresses tend to be, but there's plenty of detail and embellishment nonetheless. A light shade of pink, it laces up the back and has a number of layers to the skirt.

Since it's time for show and tell W'ton is quiet while she gets the dress out. Once it is out he studies it quite carefully. A finger taps on his leg and he finally says, "It looks very pretty. It's not the color I'd have picked for you. You need something brighter. Pink is lovely, but I prefer a darker shade myself. And I'd put you in red or blue. Something striking. It has to keep up with your personality after all." There is a quiet tsk though as he says, "That's probably not the proper care for it though." But it's a teasing scold and by no means serious.

Fiorella nods, "It pretty," she agrees, "It was the only one that really fit that they had at the weaver stall. Well that fit and Leoren liked." There were others but they were far simpler in construction, fewer details. "And,..." she starts at the comment of its care, turning a glance back towards where she'd shoved it. "Its not like I have anywhere else to keep it really right now." she points out.

"You might put it in stores," W'ton says with a helpful smile. "They sometimes store things for people who don't have room." There's a sly smile as he winks at her and says, "And sometimes people accidentally lose things in there by having it stored in the wrong place." But he does not speak on of it because otherwise he might be seen as giving bad advice to a girl. "And we could do some work on it if you just wanted to alter it a bit. Make it more you."

Fiorella snickers, "I would, but he'd ask about it," she points out. "I talked Kaida about fitting it for me." After all its one that was bought at the gather, not fitted for her so there are a few place that could use adjustments. "But maybe some ohter alterations would be okay..." though on that she's hesitant.

"A new color perhaps?" W'ton suggests with a serious tone. "Surely your brother would not object to that. Pink is not really your color after all. He would want his sister to look her best I imagine." Then he smiles and tells her, "Kaida's a fine woman. She's making a few things for me. Ella, I don't want to give you advice that'll get you in trouble, but if you don't like the dress then change it, ok? It's /your/ gift. If he truly meant it as such he'd want it to make you happy."

Fiorella hmms, considering a short moment before she shakes her head. "Its not so bad," she replies, "And I know he jut wanted me to look nice. He's getting me a new one anyway though. This one will do just find until then. Its not like I'm really ever going to wear it anyway." She hasn't worn a dress, but that one day at the gather where it was bought for her, since she arrived at the weyr two turns ago.

Shaking his head W’ton says, "Really? You won't ever wear it? Not ever? Not even to see if a certain boy might notice?" There's a grin in his words even if he's serious looking. "I think, if you'll pardon my saying, that you're not giving dresses a fair shake. A woman should be comfortable wearing either trousers or a dress."

"I'm only eleven," Fiorella points out. Didn't he do that not so long ago. "Besides, where would I wear it. Its not like it would be a good thing to wear for helping in the infirmary and outside it would just get ruined," with her wearing anyway. "And its rather fancy for lesson." Besides there are more comfortable things to wear for all those activities. Like pants. "When you're meeting important people, that's another thing."

"Nonsense. You don't just have to wear them for important people. Also there's not just fancy dresses." W'ton smiles as he says this and gestures to the pink one. "That's for fancy wearing, sure, but there's ones that are for everyday use. And," he pauses to hold his hand up, "I am not trying to talk you into wearing lots of dresses I am just saying that you shouldn't totally discount them. You at least want to be comfortable in them so when you do have to wear them you can look like you're not wishing you were in anything else."

Fiorella nods, "Well.. yeah," she half agrees. "I suppose it wouldn't hurt once in awhile..." she's hesitant to agree, "I mean, like you said, wouldn't have to be fancy or anything..." And maybe he'll offer to help her track down something?

W'ton grins at her and gives her a thumb's up. "That'a girl!" he tells her with a nod. "I bet we could find you something simple. That could take a little dirt, you know. Just a nice plain dress. So you could get used to them." Of course he's going to offer to help! Clothes shopping! "Just a couple anyway."

Fiorella giggles, "T'rev will be so surprised." When he happens to catch her wearing one that is. "I don't know that I need that many though. Just one. .. Maybe two." There are no great future plans on her end for skirts and dresses. No.

No future plans are needed! W'ton will make them for her! "I would recommend one dress and one skirt. Don't you think? A plan skirt in a basic color. Then you can use different shirts or sweaters in order to make the skirt seem different. Even something as simple as a belt or sash. Always best when you're growing to keep your wardrobe simple since you grow out of it before it's even out of style."

Thank Faranth for W'ton then! "Okay..." she replies, mildly skeptical at his suggestion. But then for as much interest as she has in clothing he may just have a better idea about things. Even if he is of the male persuasion. "What color do you think then? Since you don't like the pink?"

Head tilting this way and that W'ton studies Ella with a careful expression. "Well, I would recommend a red dress. Then a skirt of a dark blue that you could wear with yellow or white or even pink." There's a wink for the pink though Pink is too obvious for a little girl.

Fiorella hmms, considering the options he gives before nodding. "Think you might have time to help me look tomorrow?" she questions, turning to tuck the pink gather dress back into the place she'd had it.

Getting up to his feet W'ton nods his head. "I think I can make time for you, yes. We'll see what stores has to offer. Now I'd best leave you to get ready for dinner and I need to go change for dinner. Until tomorrow, Miss Fee." He bows to her and then sees himself out of the, gasp! girls' room he was in.

~dasarth, *weyrlinghood, ~w'ton, fiorella

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