Dried paint at wounded knee

Oct 29, 2008 21:01

Who: Javeri, P'draig, T'mic
Where: Lower caverns
When: Evening on day 23, month 1, turn 18
What: Javeri's looking for paint and meets T'mic. They are joined by P'draig who was wounded by a chair earlier.

A couple of hours after supper the clank and bustle from the living caverns has subsided into a low murmur of voices that still can be heard in the workrooms. The eastern section of the caverns has been taken over by those with quiet chores or hands of cards; one pair of chairs has been claimed and slightly pulled away from the others. In these a greenrider and the Candidate Tosolla sit, intent on each other's conversation. He's leaning forward, talking with his hands, while she alternately slouches and looks away, or affects a pout and folds her arms. "...Not -angry-, sweetie," T'mic's saying, which only makes 'Solla shrug.

Her hands are full so Javeri is stepping lightly as she makes her way across the room. A medium sized box gets repeated glances as she does her best to make sure she's also watching where she is going. She stops to look around and get her bearings before heading for a chair that is unoccupied. Setting the box down on it she now looks around for something else. No, nope, no, no, aha! There is what she wants and it takes her steps over to by where T'mic and Tosolla have pulled their chairs away to. Near their chairs is a small table that doesn't look to be used. Still before she tries to wrestle it, well, it's not that big, but still before she picks it up she directs her attention to the pair speaking. "Excuse me? Sorry to interrupt. Are you going to use this table? Because if not I'd like to take it over there." She gestures to where her box sits on a chair.

Father and daughter both look over and stand, though it's only Mic who steps forward to start lifting the table. "Night, Papa," Solla says, aims a quick grins and a, "Night, Javeri," to the other girl before easing off into the crowd. The greenrider tosses a belated, "Night, sweetie," over his shoulder at her before turning his attention and a nearly identical grin onto the remaining Candidate. "Not interrupting," he assures. "Where'd you want this taken?"

"Oh, I didn't mean to stop your conversation," Javeri says quickly after she waves goodnight to her fellow candidate with a smile. Looking at T'mic her smile fades slowly. "I really hope not. But, umm, thank you. I could have got it. It doesn't look that heavy. Do you need help? Oh, I didn't mean because it wasn't heavy. Sorry. Over there, please." She gestures to where her box sits on the chair. "I want to look at those old paint jars I found and see if any of them are still useable because I have something I need to work on and I don't want to carry them all the way to somewhere else if they're no good anyway. Some of them look pretty old."

T'mic waves off her apology easily and, repressing laughter at the torrent of words, easily carries the table over to the box. "It's not a problem - so you're Javeri? What are you looking at paint jars for?" He spends a moment fiddling with the table, getting it lined up just so, before standing back and waving Javeri to her seat with an overly extravagant arm. "I'm Mic, 'Solla's father. T'mic, if you're being formal."

A couple of hours after supper the clank and bustle from the living caverns has subsided into a low murmur of voices that still can be heard in the workrooms. The eastern section of the caverns has been taken over by those with quiet chores or hands of cards; one pair of chairs has been claimed and slightly pulled away from the others. A little way away Mic's standing near a small table, extravagantly waving Javeri into yet another chair on which there's a box.

Into that evening crowd comes P'draig with the look of a man on a mission. He's got on shorts which readily show the fact that one of his knees is all bandaged up and he moves with the slow, limping tread of the recently injured, even as he starts scouting the ground, apparently looking for something.

"Oh, well, thank you," Javeri says as the table is manhandled for her to where she wants it. "I would be Javeri, yes. It's nice to meet you, T'mic." So she's decided to be formal. "I need to make a bracelet and I want the paint to decorate some of the beads with. I found plenty of beads, but most of them are plain and if I am really careful I might be able to make due with just some paint. I can't get to the workshop I am used to after all since it's back at the Hold." Since she's got the table she picks up the box and puts it on the table now. This action causes her to miss P'draig's entrance.

"Solla's mentioned you," Mic says, by way of explaining just how he knows the taller girl's name. "So you're looking to see what colors are available?" He pulls a small jar with bright blue out of the box, then glances up to catch sight of the limping brownrider. His, "--Scuse me," is more of a formality than anything, since he's already moving over to slip beside Paddy, an arm around the other man's waist. "What happened to you? Aath didn't say you'd been hurt!"

Light eyes come up from the ground as T'mic's arm slides around the brownrider and P'draig grins at his weyrmate ruefully. "Tosolla was trying to be helpful and save me from certain-death-by-chair. She was a little energetic about it and I slammed my knee on the ground. And I dropped the wood I was working on." He gives Mic a fond squeeze looks around, spots Javeri and sends a wave her way. "Hey there, Javeri."

The colors in the box are being taken out one by one and by the time T'mic's moving she can barely get out a quick, "Oh, it's fine," to his back. His back that she follows with her eyes to see where he's going. One jar of paint is in her hand and she looks back down at it. Opening the lid Javeri wrinkles her nose and closes the lid again. "Eww. Looks like what I spent the day shoveling." The jar goes back in the box and she picks another one up just as her name is said again. Looking up once more she smiles when she does spy P'draig. "Hi!" she calls. "Do you need a chair? I can find one."

T'mic winces appropriately as Paddy's story unfolds, and helps him toward Javeri, nodding at the chair so recently vacated by the paint. "Pull that one out for him?" Until the brownrider is actually sitting he hovers, the difference in their heights only magnified by their closeness. "What were you working on? Want me to help you look for it?"

Leaning on Mic, P'draig lets himself be taken over to that chair and he drops into it with a visible wince, extends his leg out in front of him. "Thanks Mic, Javeri. This is actually really annoying," he eyes his bandaged knee a little vengefully then looks back up. "Half-carved piece of wood about yea-big," he shows with his hands the relevant size. "Looks kind of curved on one side, still a block on the other." A curious look takes in Javeri's supplies. "And what've I interrupted here?"

Javeri sets her jar down quickly and pulls the chair out. "Oh, sure, sorry! Yes. Please, use this chair." Since he has someone hovering over him she decides to go get a couple other chairs. The ones abandoned a short while ago. Dragging them across the floor she leaves one closer to where P'draig's chair is and the other drags around the table to sit at herself. "I'm looking for paints," she says with a smile. "For the bracelet. I was just telling T'mic that since I don't have access to all my stuff back home I'm going to have to paint some plain beads to make up for not having enough fancy ones. Also, to get the letters on. He was helping me see if these paints were good to use."

Mic lets Javeri drag chairs while he fusses over P'draig, though he does pull out a few more jars of paint, including the interesting brown Javeri rejected earlier. "I found some blue," the greenrider adds to the Candidate's words, grinning like he has somehow triumphed over adversity with this discovery, and gives Paddy's shoulder a pat. "So... where were you sitting when you lost it?" To Javeri, curiously, "--Your name sounds familiar, by the way. Have we met, or anything?"

"Oh! Well cool, and thanks. Having fun at least?" P'draig queries about the paints good-naturedly and leans back a little eyes the bandaging a little glumly. He looks over at Mic, points towards his earlier seat. "There. Solla pulled me forward out of the chair. Only had a second to flip my knife closed, dropped the wood it went flying out of sight. Didn't think a little bump would hurt so bad, but the healer said it was the angle. I might have to beg off some duties for a couple of days until the swelling goes down." He then waves between the two. "Oh you haven't met? Mic, this is Javeri, Candidate, Javeri this is my weyrmate, T'mic."

"The blue is very nice," Javeri says with a nod of her head. Another jar gets reached for and she unscrews the lid before putting it back on. "Dried out," she says as she sets it aside. "A shame cause it looked like once it was a pretty red." Looking up from the box she shakes her head. "Yea, I don't know why. I don't think we've met right. I've met P'draig a couple times, but not you. Unless it was in a crowd or something? I don't know because there's been so many new people here and all. Well, not new people here. Well, sort of because I'm kinda new and all and I guess some of the other candidates are new, but- Umm. Anyway it's like that. Do you want me to help look? Because I can look at paints later?"

Up on his toes - not that it gives him much advantage - Mic peers toward the spot where Paddy points, only to shake his head and subside. "I'll look for it in a little," he begins, only to be cut off first by Paddy's introduction, and then by Javeri's flood of words. "'Solla told me," he mentions quietly into the brownrider's ear, then shakes his head and waves off Javeri's offer of help. "Nah, s'all right. Go ahead and do your paints first. Did I hear you say you're going to be making a bracelet?"

"Little bit of water might set that straight?" P'draig says about the paints. "And yeah, it can be that way with so many candidates coming in," he agrees with Javeri. That low murmur of Mic's lifts his head though and he nods just once, reaches over to give Mic's arm a little squeeze. "Good," he answers quietly then looks back over at the box. "Palia's bracelet?"

Javeri's hand hovers over another jar and she shakes her head. "Water might, but I am terribly at getting the right amount. I always make it too watery and then I ruin the color. Dad once yelled at me for ruining a couple of jars." Looking in another jar she smiles. "Oh, look! It's yellow! I love yellow!" She closes the jar and sets it down right in front of her. Looking up she nods to P'draig then. "Right. Oh, does she like yellow? I should probably ask, huh? I was thinking to try to paint suns and maybe a couple of trees? Plus her name. But if there's something you'd rather? I have a couple little crystal beads I traded for one time too?"

T'mic looks between Javeri and P'draig, impressed. "I think she'd love the sun and trees. Maybe some waves, too?" He drifts away from the pair, eyes dropping as he scans the floor.

"Yep. Blue. Yellow. Shiny things," P'draig says of his daughter, tone fond. "Suns and trees sound good. I had her room at Fort painted up like the sky with clouds in it and the sun and the moons and stuff. The crystals she'd probably like too. Shiny." His gaze tracks Mic away, fondness there too.

"Ok then. Blue and yellow with a sun and...Well, I'll see what I can do!" Javeri looks at the paints and then chews down on her lower lip. "I'll do my best. I can't promise a whole lot cause I am better with clay than paints, but hopefully it is presentable enough!" She fiddles with a couple of braids and then flashes a crystal bead. "See? Like this. Only not in my hair. I have some spares though. Not as shiny as metal, but they catch the light. My little cousins were easily distracted by them anyway. Oh!" She drops her hair and asks, "How big does it need to be? I don't want it to be too big. Or too little."

"Sounds good," P'draig says with a bob of his head for Javeri's suggestion and then he holds up thumb and finger joined in a circle, thumb reaching nearly to the second knuckle of his index. "This is about the size of her wrist, I'd want it to be pretty tight so it doesn't fall off easily, but not so tight it binds."

Opening a new jar there's a shake of her head for either the condition or color of it. Javeri looks at the measurement and nods her head. "Sure. And it can always be adjusted as she gets older. It'll just be a leather string after all. If she wants she can always get something else later. Like a little metal thing with clasps that adjust. I saw one of those once." Not anywhere on her as she doesn't ever wear even a shell necklace which is easy to obtain on the island. "With the right knot the leather can be made adjustable too. So, if I get it a bit too big it can be tightened to work."

"Good plan, she's just a wee thing still, after all," P'draig answers agreeably, gaze still tracking T'mic. "A little further on maybe?" he suggests to his weyrmate. "It kind of flew off in that direction. But there's probably been dozens of people through here since I went to get my knee seen to."

There's a, "Hah!" and Mic crawls backward from under a surprised Auntie's chair, triumphantly waving a bit of wood in one fist as he stands. "Didn't go as far as you thought, Paddy-love." Grinning, he lobs it toward Paddy while he's still some feet away, then saunters over and drops into one of the chairs Javeri's so thoughtfully provided. Either he doesn't know or doesn't care about the smudges on his knees and forearm. "So why's Palia getting a bracelet? Just because?"

"I'm not really a jewelry maker so I make no promises on what it looks like. I'm more bowls and vases and just beads someone else puts together." Javeri seems to want to be sure no one expects perfection in this work. Best to get that out of the way so no one is disappointed. "Oh, you found it. Yay!" She claps once and then looks in the box to see if there are other jars to check as she says, "It's a trade."

Good thing it's Paddy's knee that's injured and not his hands. Up they go to intercept the flying block of wood and he draws it downward as it smacks into palms and he turns it to and fro to check for damage. "Yep. A trade for a backrub," he explains to T'mic humor toddling across his face briefly.

T'mic ooohs appreciatively and saunters the last feet over to Paddy before planting a kiss on his cheek and teasing, "You do -trades- for backrubs?" Straightening, he turns that same wide smile on Javeri. "You're lucky - Paddy does a backrub that... well, you'll see. I look forward to seeing that bracelet. I think I'm going to hunt down 'Solla and take her to the Sandbar. Better late than never for a 'congratulation, you got Searched' drink, right?" A last grin for the two and he heads off toward the dormitories where the Candidates bunk.

"Oh, good night!" Javeri says as she stops examining a paint jar that won't open. She waves to T'mic and then sighs as she sets the jar down. "I think that may have been red as well. That's crazy. Someone clearly has it out for red. Ah, well." She doesn't need red anyway. "Oh, you know, you don't have to give me a back rub," she says with a smile. "It's ok. I'm happy to make the bracelet. It's a chance to not worry about everything else because I have to focus on my work. I'm sorry about your knee. Does it hurt real bad? I've never hurt my knee, but once I banged my elbow when Ivor and I, umm, were out walking."

P'draig returns that kiss, grinning up at Mic. "Silly, you get 'em without a trade anytime you want 'em," the brownrider says fondly and teasingly to his weyrmate. He bobs his head about the Sandbar. "Yeah, told her I would, but with my knee busted up, I'd better not hike down there, or do too much up and down on Jekzith either. He waves as T'mic heads out, then leans back in his chair, reaches over for that jar and gives it a whirl. "And I don't mind giving you the back rub, unless you don't feel comfortable about that," Paddy answers, giving the jar's lid another attempted twist. "Thankfully there's half a ton of numbweed on there so it's not as bad as right after it happened."

Javeri looks at the jar that refuses to open. "Well, clearly I'm not supposed to use it otherwise it would open. We'll just go without reds. I can use blues and if the yellow is not right I can use orange instead of red for mixing. I can get white easily to mix with the blue." Now she looks up at P'draig and smiles. "Oh, no. I don't, I mean I'm not uncomfortable. I just don't want you to bother is all because you might not be feeling better when I want to collect so I don't want you to worry, you know? So, if it doesn't work out it's no problem I'll still do the bracelet and all." Her eyes drop down to the table maybe to see if she can see through it to the knee. "Oh, ow. But numbweed means it would hurt otherwise. Will you be able to make it out on your own? Cause if you need help I can help you. I've hauled drunk sailors around so you'd be no trouble!"

And there, the jar's lid releases and P'draig has a mildly cocky smile for Javeri as he puts the open pot down on the table. "Don't need my knees to give you a backrub," he points out. "Could do right now, if you sit in front of me with your chair flipped around." Paddy eyes his bandaged knee for a moment. "I should be fine. Got back here from the infirmary, though help would probably be appreciated especially as this wears off."

"Sure I can help you back because that would be the polite thing to do and all." Javeri does try to be polite and all! "Also maybe Kirlin will have stopped snoring by then if I am a little late to bed. He's so loud it carries through the whole barracks. I bet he never marries. A wife would kill him!" Shaking her head she reaches for the opened pot to look inside. "That was so great! Now when I need something opened I will come find you and you can open it for me! Opener of jars! Everyone needs a friend like that!"

"If he Impresses, maybe he won't ever have to worry about that," P'draig teases a little and laughs about the jar opening, flexes his fingers. "Strong hands," he jokes further, "probably why Mic says I'm good at backrubs too," Paddy notes then drops his hands into his lap. "Anyway, I'm no drunken sailor and promise to keep my hands to myself, in exchange for that shoulder to lean on."

Javeri laughs quietly and closes the lid on the jar so it will open again more easily. "Yea you don't look as heavy as some men I've hauled around." Stopping she turns red under her tan. "Oh, that sounded terrible! I really don't- I mean it's not like I haul around or associate with, you know." She drops her head down and clears her throat until she can speak again. "Sorry. I just don't want people to get the wrong idea. I mean, well, anyway. I can help you that's fine. I think I even found most of what I needed."

"Javeri - honestly, I don't think they will, and I'm not hitting on you," P'draig says sincerely, watching that sudden blush. "The bandage kind of gives away the whole 'helping out a pal' intent, I'd think," he notes further, eyeing said bandaging and grins over at her. "As for my weight, I'm probably heavier than I look, but I still have one good leg." Grinning, he pushes up to his feet, using the chair back for balance once he's up. "I can probably even help carry those paints."

"Oh, no! I didn't think you were!" Javeri only blushes more at his assurance and nearly drops a jar of paint she was going to put in the box. "Really. I didn't think that. I wouldn't think that!" The jar makes it back into the box and she shakes her head. "Really. I didn't mean it at all and the box can stay here and I can get it after I help you. No one will move it." More jars go into the box and at least she manages to separate what she wants onto one side. "Anyway I am happy to help you out no matter your weight. It's no problem at all!"

Silently now, P'draig just picks up one of the jars that wouldn't open and puts it in the box. He waits until she's done talking. "It's okay, Javeri," he says simply, nods about the box. "Onward then? Jekzith'll meet us in the Bowl. Now that I'm standing again, I think getting back up to my weyr's a good idea so I can put my leg up, get some more numbweed on this."

The box gets repacked in a hurry and when she's done Javeri smiles slightly self-consciously. "I always sound like a complete ninny when we talk and I just- Well, I'm not like that." She stops for a minute as she pushes her chair in and then comes around the table so he can lean on her. "Mostly I am not like that. I'm not used to making new friends. All the ones I have I've had forever, you know? I think when I was a kid it didn't matter if I was an idiot around new people because kids are. As an adult it's kind of annoying."

P'draig rests a hand on Javeri's shoulder as she offers and starts to hobble towards the exit. "Do you? Hadn't noticed," Paddy says with a chuckle. "I mean, you talk a lot, but you know, so does my sister. So does X'lar. Speaking of, I should introduce you to my sister. You two would probably get along."

"Well, I think I do," Javeri says with a grin as she helps him hobble. "Either it's just me or you're not paying enough attention to notice. If it's the latter I will so not be helping you!" She casts a glance over her shoulder when they reach the exit to make sure no one has absconded with her box. "I try not to talk a lot. I don't want to seem like I am trying to not anyone get a word in, but sometimes I can't help it. I'm always apologizing for it, but I am not sure if that makes it ok if I can't help it or what. Anyway I'm glad you don't mind because if I have stable duty tomorrow -again- I will definitely need that back rub."

"Or you're not being a ninny at all," P'draig adds that third option with a wink. "And I don't feel that way, just like maybe sometimes you might need an extra breath or two," he tells her gently and nods a few times. "You betcha. Might have to get Mic to bring you up, depending on how my kneecap decides to behave, but be happy to." And on and outward they go to where Jekzith waits, crooning soft concern to his rider. It's an awkward job Paddy makes of mounting, but he manages it, and waves down to Javeri after. "See you around Javeri and good luck with the mucking and everything."

~javeri, t'mic, p'draig

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