It's all OK at the Corral.

Oct 27, 2008 20:00

Who: Balinne, Javeri, Sunniva
Where: The corrals
When: Nighttime on day 17, month 1, turn 18
What: Javeri's got something weighing on her mind and so she visits the corrals. Sunniva comes that way as does Balinne and talk of candidacy and weyrlinghood ensues.

Dinner has come and gone and people have scattered to all sorts of things. The good news is the humidity has cleared up so it's nice to be outside once more. A little cool, sure, that can be solved with a sweater. At least that is how Javeri has solved the problem. A thin pink sweater is pulled tight around her as she lurks in the corrals. There's a couple of runners from the Hold down here and she lurks near those occasionally rubbing the nose of it. Why they're out and not in is anyone's guess, but they are and Javeri leans her head against one and lets out a sigh. "I should just take you right home," she says quietly.

This is not often a place where Sunniva can be found outside of chores ... but, here she is, picking her way along the along the outer fence of the corrals. She's wearing skirts, of course, but the weather isn't cool enough for her to warrant more than a short-sleeved blouse and a shawl over her shoulders. She has a few slices of apple with her, kept neatly bundled up in a bit of cloth, and is munching on one of them when her footfalls bring her inexorably closer to where Javeri is.

Beasts are not Javeri's favorite thing, but since she spent the afternoon in the stable it's not like she'll smell worse. "I cannot believe he showed up and did not come find me." The runners get to listen to her be annoyed and she hasn't heard Sunniva yet even if they have. Ears perk up either at her footfalls or the scent of the apple she carries with her. Quite possibly both since Javeri has no food to bribe them with. One of them moves closer to Sunniva ready to get her to share.

"Hello, Javeri," is low-pitched, but meant to carry as far as her fellow candidate. She's not so far out of ear-shot to have missed the other young woman's tone (even if she didn't quite catch the comments), but she doesn't immediately remark; instead, a slice of apple is broken in half -- one half for her, the other for the runner that's sidling up to get a treat. Sunniva glances at the runner for a moment longer before her attention slides easily to Javeri again, "Is something the matter?"

Not as alert as the runners it takes Sunniva talking for Javeri to realize someone else is around. "Huh?" she asks oh so brilliantly as she lifts her head and then spies her fellow candidate. "Oh, hey, Sunniva," she greets with a smile. The runner she's closest to stays put but the other one not already asking for food is closing in on Sunniva. "Nothing's wrong," she answers with a shake of her head. "Just annoyed is all. I'm fine. How're you?"

It's after dinner and things are fairly calm. Javeri and Sunniva are talking along one edge of the corral fence, with one runner lingering near Javeri and two evidently attempting to wheedle apples out of Sunniva -- and being rather successful. Another wedge of apple is broken and, as before, one half for the candidate, the other half for the runner -- this time, for the runner that didn't get one before. "Oh, I see," the young woman inclines her head, briefly appraising Javeri before offering a wedge. "I am well enough, thank you." There's a slight pause, then an idly conversational: "What did you think of the eggs?"

It's on her lips to deny the wedge, but Javeri reaches out to take it so she can offer it to the runner she's standing near. It gratefully takes it from her and she is once more back in its good graces. Since she's fed the runner it makes no more to abandon her for Sunniva like the other two. "The eggs? Oh, it was...interesting." They were just eggs, right? But she seems to have figured out not to say that. "They're all so different looking. That's so weird. I've never seen dragon eggs before. Especially not up that close. Of course."

No tell-tale shadow precedes Balinne to the corrals, though in the distance Zelieth's form might be made out, circling the feeding grounds. The rider hails the pair of candidates with a lifted arm, but doesn't draw their attention with words until she's much closer. "Hey there," she calls cheerfully, looking to be in good spirits. "Making friends with the runners, hm?" Although maybe she caught a tail of that conversation for she adds quickly, "They're deceptive, aren't they. Those eggs. Much smaller looking in the galleries."

"They are rather fascinating up close, aren't they?" Sunniva muses, reaching over to rub the nose of one of the runners -- then the other, so neither is left out. "And more fascinating when you really think about what they are." Not /just/ eggs, at least not to her. The lifted arm is caught just barely in her peripheral vision and she half-turns, greeting Balinne with a nod and a smile. "The runners need friends, too," she comments off-handedly, then checks her apple supply before breaking another wedge. "Oh! Oh, yes. And from a distance, you cannot see half of the details upon them."

Rubbing the nose of the runner she's close to Javeri looks up at the new voice and smiles at Balinne. "Hi!" she greets cheerfully to the person who got her into this mess. "I know these runners," she answers with a nod. "From the Hold. Someone's here from there is all." Draping her arm over the neck of the runner she uses as a lean-to she looks at Sunniva. "Did I, like, make someone mad or something? I mean, in my defense they are just eggs. Sort of. Big, giant, dragon hatching eggs." She looks at the greenrider and says, "I think I made their mother upset. The eggs. Because of what I said. I'm pretty sure no one warned me about that. They are pretty." For eggs.

"Suppose they do," says Balinne of runners. "But they do tend to make friends with other runners, don't they?" But that doesn't stop her from wiggling her fingers tentatively towards the nose of the nearest. "Never much liked runners," she admits with a little shrug. As for the eggs, Javeri is given an arched eyebrow. "Really? Not impressed by them? Unusual. Usually it's the Weyr children who aren't so impressed. Lieryth didn't like that?" Apparently Balinne finds all of this amusing, and grins a little. "I'll admit," she tells Sunniva, "That I don't recall most of the details of the clutches I stood for. But that doesn't surprise me. I had such a small attention span as a youngster."

"No, I do not think so. And I am sure Lieryth will forget in a few days; dragons do not have the best of memories. So, it is not something to worry yourself over." It's meant to be reassuring of course, with Sunniva glancing from Javeri to Balinne, then back again. "But they are more than just eggs, appearances aside." The runners get alternating rubs on the nose and the remainder of Sunni's apples are soon divided between the beasts and the candidate. To Balinne: "I remember quite a bit from the 'Reaches clutch, but I do not often forget things, either. The eggs here are lovely, but quite a bit different."

"Oh, no! It's not that I am not impressed. I just...I don't know." Javeri is silent again as she rubs her hand against the runner. "I really thought they were so very pretty! I just..they're eggs. Until they hatch, you know? It's like a lump of clay. Until you do something with it then it is just a lump of clay. And when they hatch then they're just shells. The same as the clay you leave behind is just clay and your pot or plate or bowl or whatever is what you wanted." The runner whuffs and turns to lip at the potter's hair earning it a swat in return.

Balinne seems to put a lot of thought into what she says next, considering first Sunniva and then Javeri. Her hand lifts, and she tugs at a loose lock of hair, pulling the curl straight and then letting it bounce back. "They are just eggs," she agrees, with a definite 'but' to her voice. "However, it is what they represent. And beneath that shell, there is a dragon, living, growing. And it has been proven that being able to touch the eggs does, in some small way, influence those growing dragons. They're quicker to Impress, they seem to know who they want out of the shell, and very few have to do much searching. There are also less injuries. If you compare past records before Touchings occurred, the numbers are startling. Did you know that having candidates die on the sands used to be common? Now it is virtually obsolete." A little shrug.

While Balinne speaks, Sunniva is quiet, her attention flicking from one to the other as they talk. "I had heard quite a bit about that before," she finally says to Balinne with a confirming nod. "From some of the dragonhealers, anyway. It is very interesting to think that perhaps we are influencing them already, though-" and she frowns a little "-I do have some reservations." Green eyes flick askance to Javeri, consideringly. "Except that without the clay, you cannot make anything at all, which makes the clay all the more significant, I would think."

"See? I think I did it again," Javeri says with a shake of her head. "I get it's important I really do! I know? Eggs. They're important I know, but they're eggs. It's not like I didn't- I mean I was-" Stumbling to a stop she shakes her head. "I'm just making a mess of things aren't I? I think I'll shut up now. So, runners. I think my dad is here, but he didn't say hi. Don't mind me. It's weird." So much is weird. But since that's not good enough she clears her throat. "It's just a weird adjustment to make being somewhere new and then there's this whole oh my your entire life could change in an instant. It's a little daunting."

Balinne's lips purse, and she tilts her head at Javeri. "Just eggs. But.. they're dragon eggs, which naturally elevates them to a higher position. It is quite an honor to be a candidate, and I know many who would trade just about anything for the opportunity you have." But she's not chastising, really. But she'll shrug and move on, and they will simply have to agree to disagree on the point. "I am not so sure 'influencing' is the right word," she says to Sunniva, with markedly more cheer. "I always thought of it as... well, not so much that they're *choosing* who to pick in the egg, so much as letting them know their mate is out there. I don't really know how to explain it." Her nose wrinkles. "I never bought into that 'there is a dragon out there for you' story that is told to those who fail. No offense," and she winces a little as she glances at Sunniva. "Even when I failed my first candidacy, I didn't buy it. It's... impractical." Another little shrug. "Why would your father not say hi?" she wants to know of Javeri, looking a bit taken aback.

Leaving Balinne to tackle the topic of the eggs, Sunniva merely looks over at Javeri with an expression of deep sympathy and a suggested, "Perhaps he is merely busy and has not found you?" When she's addressed, her gaze slides over to the Coordinator, nodding slightly before replying, "The dragons choose." Shoulders rise, then fall evenly. "Considering how many of us there are and how many of them, it is almost the same odds as flipping a coin -- but, it is nice to think that bonding with the eggs is a way to weight the odds in one's favour." But her brow furrows all the more and she shakes her head, leaning up against the fence to lapse into a momentary, thoughtful silence.

Whatever words make ideas in Javeri's head she keeps them to herself and focuses on the runner. "I know it's an honor," she points out to Balinne. "I mean, I'm not stupid. Even if I act it sometimes. And I can see it's useful if it helps to have the candidates touch the eggs. I just think they're eggs until they are not. What's inside is different. I'm not sure how to explain it though so nevermind." She shakes her head again and shoos the runner away when it lips at her hair again. "Go on," she tells it. Then she frowns for a brief instant and waves her hand around. "Oh, he's busy. Probably didn't know where to find me is all. It's no big deal. I mean I used to see him every day so he probably figures I was ready for a break anyway. I'm just trying not to worry about the whole, you know, will I or won't I thing. Either I leave the sands alone or I don't, right? If that means I don't impress, well, I guess life goes on right? Just like if my father doesn't want to take time to see me it's no big deal, right? I'm boring. How're you doing?"

And so, Balinne doesn't touch the subject of eggs, and simply shrugs her shoulder again in response. And though she doesn't say so, it's clear that she does not share Sunniva's opinion of 'weighing favor' with the eggs. Her lips purse, and for a moment she turns to watch Zelieth in the distance, the green having caught her dinner and now feeding on it. "Seems a shame," she tells Javeri. "Would you like me to visit him for you, since I know where to find him? I could take him a note or something. Or let him know where to find you?" Parents. Apparently they're important to the greenrider. "Did either of you go on that porcine hunt?" she asks suddenly, diving right into a new topic of conversation.

"Mm." An idle noise and nothing more, as Sunniva tilts her head back. The runners, determining she has nothing left to feed them, slowly drift away and the candidate folds her arms casually around her midsection. Having no comment on parents, she instead touches briefly on Javeri's words with, "The dragons will choose, one way or the other -- whether bonding with the eggs 'influences' them, for lack of a better word, or not." Which, perhaps, given the even manner she says it, hints at her own doubts as to 'weighting' things. "After they choose, then everything else will just ... fall into place. Whether with a lifemate or without." And she smiles, shifting slightly to answer Balinne with, "I was, but we did not find any porcine at all."

"I didn't go," Javeri answers with a shake of her head. "I was never a hunter. It's not something I ever aspired to and it seemed silly to slow people who knew what they were doing down. I probably would have lost a hand or something knowing my luck." Not that she hurts herself a lot. Outside of the nursery at least. Balinne's offer is given a second shake of her head. "No, that's ok, but thank you very much. If he wants to speak to me then he'll find me or send a note or something." She smiles because it's no trouble at all, see?

"They... you didn't?" Balinne wonders of the porcine, a little confused. "Then... what are we eating at the dinner?" Because that seems to be of prime concern to the coordinator. She hmms a little, pulling at her curl once again. "Oh, see, that is why I didn't go," she tells Javeri. "Not much of a hunter. It's all fine and good when Zelieth does it, but I fear she would've been a bit aggressive, and there wouldn't have been anything left for *us* after she caught it." A little grin for her beast. And, if the look Balinne gives Javeri is anything to go on, she's not entirely convinced. But she lets the subject of fathers drop. "Are you excited about the feast? It should be yummy. The Weyr always does such a great job at those things."

"Oh, I overheard them saying they would send a regular group of hunters to find a porcine. We did come back with two wild wherries, but I am sure they will have porcine for the dinner." Sunniva tilts her head a little, then adds, "I am not a hunter, either, but they needed people to carry some supplies and things. It was- well, rather exciting, all the insects aside." But, she shrugs it off, latching onto the latter with, "I am sure the dinner will be wonderful, if the clutching feast is any hint to what the Weyr can do."

Javeri's toe digs into the dirt and she looks almost grateful when the topic of fathers is left to die. "I'm looking forward to the feast," she answers at least in agreement on this with everyone. "I always loved when there were special dinners at the hold. They dig out the good plates and you can really get to see the work, umm, anyway. Sorry, it's hard to stop being a potter. Also I like when you get to try new dishes. Not something that happens every day."

Balinne grins wide. "Oh, it will be great! And yes, the clutching feast was wonderful, wasn't it?" She makes a happy little sighing sound. "They always out do themselves, really. It's wonderful. So long as they don't just serve fish," which makes her grimace. And then she just has to laugh for Javeri's comments. "Ah, once a potter, always a potter!" she decides with a lingering giggle. "Have you met Suizen? Oh, I know you kinda know her, you *live* together, but have you gotten a chance to talk to her? She's a potter, too."

"Oh, it was quite memorable!" Sunniva really can't help but laugh a little at the memory. "Even if they do not have porcine, at least there will be wherry? That must be better than the fish." Javeri's words draw her attention and she grins, understandingly, "No need to apologize for it. I do the same with fine bits of embroidery or lace." And she's not even really a seamstress. Figures. "Oh! Oh, and Suizen is a dear. I am sure you two would get along, if you have not met her yet, that is."

"I've seen her around," Javeri replies since they have been living together. "But I haven't really got to talk to her. We've been doing different chores and really just sort of pass each other by or are getting up or sleeping. I'll have to try harder to talk to her." Looking at Sunniva she smiles as she says, "I've only seen fancy needlework when in the laundry washing someone else's. I never really had fancy things, you know? I did once get this amazing clay...but that's sort of dull if you're not into the whole process. I made some beads with it though." She shakes her head so the beads in her hair click together. "I like fish though," she tells the other two women. "There's a hundred ways to cook it after all. My granny is amazing with fish."

On the subject of fish, Balinne just makes a face. Her eyes light up at the reminder of wherry, and she looks briefly guilty for having forgotten. Oh well. "And yeah, Suizen's pretty nice. And she loves pottery. And makes dishes." Which, apparently to Balinne, means she would just be PERFECT friends for Javeri. Dishes, afterall. "And you may not be good at needlework, but hopefully you're competent at stitching? At least a little? You'll be mending things for chores, at least. And your robe might need a little tailoring. Maybe Sunniva can help with that," and a look goes to the other candidate. "Oh, by the way.. how're those pants working out?" she asks all too casually, and with a gleeful grin.

"I think the best fish I have ever had was some that D'kai made, but that was-" she blinks, mouth pulled to a side "-a rather long time ago. Or, at least, it feels like a lifetime ago." Shaking her head to clear it, Sunniva then nods at Balinne's words, confirming that she'd be able to help ... only for her nose to scrunch at the question. "Well enough, I suppose," is grudgingly offered. "I had to wear them for the hunt and a while before to do stable mucking. I am still not sure I care for them." Which is precisely why she's not wearing them now; huzzah, skirts.

"Pants are a pain," Javeri agrees with Sunniva. "I prefer skirts. You know when I have to wear pants I just wear them under my skirt." She doesn't have them on now so doesn't hike up her skirt to show that. "How can you not like fish?" she asks befuddled by the very idea. "I mean you're on an island you have to expect fish...oh, really?" Something else must have registered because she looks at Sunniva with a hopeful smile. "I can barely stitch. And I'm always pricking my finger and bleeding on whatever I am supposed to be mending. Clothes aren't as fun as clay. They're so neat and all. Well, unless I'm bleeding on them!"

"Just cause I was born here doesn't mean I automatically like fish," says Balinne in such a way as to suggest it is a rehearsed argument. Definitely not the first time she has had to explain. "It all tastes the /same/," she argues. However, she's quick to jump on the pants topic, and decides, "You don't have to like them. So long as you wear them when appropriate." Or something. And then Javeri is given a look, and a little shake of her head. "Wearing them under your skirt does no good at all! The point is to keep your legs free to move, and out of.. well. Gross stuff that your skirt would get into." Or something. "So much more comfortable, too, given the weather. Nice, breeze pants," never mind she's wearing a dress, currently.

"I am particular about a lot of things I eat," is an admission that likely comes as no surprise. At least Sunniva looks relieved at not being the /only/ person who happens to prefer skirts to pants; a smile is directed to Javeri and it warms considerably when the other candidate mentions her difficulty. "Of course! I can show you a little bit later on, if you would like? It truly is not terribly difficult; anyone can do it, if they are determined to." And then to Balinne, "To be fair, you still get the gross stuff on your pants. And skirts can be lifted to avoid that; pant legs really cannot."

Javeri's head tilts to one side as she tells Balinne, "It's great. Not liking it. I just think it's weird. I like it." Which is the basis for all things normal or something. "It's much cooler in skirts I think," she says with a sage nod. "There's the whole breeze through it thing," is pointed out as she grabs her skirt and wiggles it around. "See? Breeze. Pants don't breeze. And it's true. You can't hike them up at all." Now she does lift her skirt up and shakes a foot. "Easier to show off your shoes. If you have nice shoes. Or your leg without, you know, showing off your whole leg and being immodest." Pants, totally immodest. "Thank you," switch over to Sunniva with that as the potter grins. "I really need the help with a needle." Raising a hand to her mouth she covers a yawn.

It looks as if Balinne is going to lose the pants battle, but not without a final fight. "Yeah, well... you can't move as freely with skirts. I mean, all that fabric swishing around your leg. And it could get tangled," she adds with a note of practicality. "And pants can breathe. Just have to make sure you have the right fabric, made the right way..." etc. But Balinne seems to admit defeat, and doesn't try to argue her case anymore. Skirts win. This time. "Sewing just takes patience and practice, really. I wasn't much good at it until I had to learn for candidacy, and then again when I was a Weyrling. But sewing straps is loads different than sewing clothes. Different needles, too."

"It is all a matter of preference," would be Sunniva's final assessment, with a sidelong look to Javeri and a slight shrug. The yawn is noted, though she comments only, "You are quite welcome." Then, to Balinne her attention goes, nodding her agreement there. "It cannot hurt to learn how to improve one's skill with sewing; it is quite wonderfully versatile." There's a pause, then an added, "Come to think of it, the needles healers use to suture skin and hide are a bit different, too."

Sewing was a fine enough subject until the whole healer aspect came up and then Javeri's nose wrinkles up. "Ugh. That's kind of, I mean, I don't like to think of things like that. Blood and flesh know. Sewing it? Ewww. Give me clay. Nice, not living, acceptably messy clay. I'll just have to practice more I guess." Another yawn and she smiles sheepishly. "Sorry. Forgive me. I'm tired. Spent the afternoon cleaning up in the stables after all. I think I'll go back to my cot and get some sleep. It was nice to see you again, Balinne. And I'll see you later, Sunniva. It was nice talking to you."

"Bet they are," agrees Balinne. "Never stopped to look at their needles, though. But I'll bet they get to use the nicer ones." But at Javeri's look, Balinne relents and stops the talk of healer-related sewing. She grins. "Can't have a weak stomach if you Impress, you know. Weyrlings are messy eaters, with lots of blood and flying goo." And then Javeri is leaving, and Balinne lifts a hand to see her off. "Have a good bath, then! And good night. Maybe tomorrow you'll have something tame, like laundry?"

"They are quite nice, but curved. Very interesting." But at Javeri's squeamishness, she also eases up a little with a sheepish look. "Oh. Do take care, Javeri. It was pleasant talking to you as well," Sunniva replies with a small, finger-wiggling wave. It's only when Javeri's moving away that she'll wonder of Balinne, "How long /do/ the weyrlings have to cut meat up for their lifemates?" Her expression is one of mingled horror and fascination for the topic, half-ready to cringe away at the very thought but the other half being too curious to let it go.

~javeri, *candidacy, sunniva, balinne

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