Pre-party spiffing up.

Oct 30, 2008 21:20

Who: Jakkal, Javeri, Niala, Suizen, Sunniva
Where: Candidate quarters
When: Just before the candidate dinner.
What: The candidates get dressed up and discuss fancy dress and the reasons for such things.

The candidate dinner is drawing ever closer, and Niala is done with chores early so that she can get ready in time. Being unfamiliar with the entire concept of dressing up, it's taken her awhile, but she seems pretty pleased with herself. There's an adjustment of her hair here, a tweak to her dress there, and a fidget just because she's nervous, uncomfortable, and excited all at the same time. Smoothing her hair, she turns to sit on her cot and watch some of the other candidates get ready. It's a busy sight in the barracks. Some candidates are running into each other. Some are holding up curtains so that others can get dressed in privacy.

There is some sort of conspiracy going on. Every time something happens it seems Javeri has been assigned stable mucking duty just before. So, she had to get into the baths before even thinking about getting dressed. She barrels into the barracks at a sprint with a bundle of clothes under her arm. Clearly the potter is not worried about wrinkles even if she should be. Bare feet slap against the stone and she drips a bit of water as she hurries to her cot and dumps the bundle down onto her neatly made bed. "I still smell," she says out loud with a sigh.

And, amidst the chaos, one candidate in particular seems to be serenely going about putting the finishing touches on her outfit with a placid smile in place. Sunniva's already cleaned up and dressed after her stint at the laundry, leaving her to just put the finishing touches on her hair -- namely, to get the clips in place just *so* -- and test the swish of her skirt by taking a bit in hand and giving it a deft flick of the wrist. Only when she's satisfied does she glance at the others, surveying the controlled chaos with a liquid blink.

Laying down on his badly made cot, Jakkal glances over across the expance which seperates the male and females Candidates and takes a visible, and rather deep breath. "Not even close," he calls, "Need to pull that duty and put off your bathing a while longer to get the proper smell about you," he offers, his voice revibrating against the walls. He's wearing a new white short, new brown pants and a new red jacket. Most likely, he's laying down in order to try and get some good wrinkles into the thing. His hair lays about his head in a counterpoint to his unusually clean clothing.

Niala carefully walks over to Sunniva, continuously pulling at her dress, not used to the feeling of snug clothes and fabric draped across her legs. "That's a beautiful outfit," she offers Sunniva with a smile, relaxing a little against someone's cot. "I never thought that they'd manage to get me in a dress, but," she spreads her hands, "here I am." She looks decidedly uncomfortable, wiggling to get all the extra fabric in the right place. Jakkal gets a grin. "So, how does it feel to be clean and presentable for once?" Like she can really talk. The pot's calling the kettle black!

Suizen sits on her cot, tying on the sandals. "After all the work you put in on this outfit, Sunni, you can thump me if I get anything on this..." she informs the other Candidate, before standing up and taking a look about.

Sitting on the edge of her cot Javeri studies her fingernails and then picks a bit of dirt she missed from them. "I am not supposed to smell like this," she says in a loud voice that should carry to where Jakkal is at. "Oh, well, this is outdoors, yea? Hopefully it goes away. At least my clothes are clean. I hope." Because she's not sure about the wrinkled bundle on her cot. Abandoning it for now she stands up with a groan and opens her clothes press to pull out a pair of previously unworn sandals. Sitting on her cot again she rubs her feet with a quieter noise of complaint.

Jakkal lifts his head to glare at his fellow ex-Stablehand. "Unnatural! You?" he booms out, "I understand having to visit cold places if we Impress, and working with--" he shivers, and makes a face, "--children now to prove our patience, but really, _dressing up_!? What does _that_ prove anyway?

"Oh! Oh, thank you, Niala," Sunniva replies, clapping her hands together delightedly. "And look at /you/! Your hair is lovely and your dress!" Thrilled is not a strong enough word to describe her mood right now and, somehow, it ramps up a notch more when she finally gets a look at Suizen. "Oh! Oh, I am sure you will be just fine, Suizen. You look lovely! Is it comfortable?" She does overhear Javeri and Jakkal, chiming in more toward the former with, "I have some scented lotion, if you are that concerned." Jakkal .. well, he just gets a look.

Niala gives Jakkal a serene smile. "Because, if we know how to present ourselves, we can impress Holders when they throw their gathers and parties and such." A significant glance is given toward the man. "That's especially important now that Thread's done falling. Plus," eyes twinkle impishly and a grin quirks on her face. "I wanted to see you dressed up for once." Sunni is given a pleading glance. "You really like it? You don't think it's too much? It's so...different than what I'd normally wear." Another tug at the bodice, smoothing a wrinkle.

"Cause we gotta represent the weyr? Or 'cause Sunniva's very insistant..." Sooz teases Sunni, before flushing a bit at her target. "My head feels heavy." Of course, that could be due to having almost waist long hair braided up. And that doesn't stop a grin once Niala's words filter through.

"It makes me sneeze," Javeri tells Sunniva with a sigh. "But, thank you for the offer. I do appreciate it." Once her sandals are tied on with neat red bows she begins to carefully change. The holder doesn't ask for someone to hold up a sheet, but she's perfected the change without ever being exposed method of getting dressed. Her red blouse gets buttoned up and after shaking out her black skirt several times she slips it on over her brown one and trades them off. That done she stands up to tuck her blouse in and then tie a striped sash around her waist. That appears to be it because she lies back on her cot once more.
Jakkal frowns and gives another tired glare before plopping his head back down on the cot. "And if you hadn't insisted I wouldn't have put on the stupid thing," he mutters, putting his general volume somewhere around a dull roar. "As for Holders... Well, we were _cotholders_ and dressing fancy never impressed _us_ any. Hard work did. If you didn't smell you'd obviously not been doing your share in the fields."

"You look /fine/," Sunniva reassures, fluttering hands coming up to fuss just a bit with Niala's hair -- tucking that bit of hair behind an ear, double-checking the ponytail -- before she does a quick walkabout around the former femme stablehand. A sidelong look is cast to Suizen when she's done, mouth curved in a wry sort of smile, "Perhaps a little of both, mm? Really, it cannot hurt. And, oh! Oh, if it does get too heavy, you can let it down -- but it really does look lovely up like that." Attention flicks soon enough to Jakkal, more amused than admonishing, "You look fine, Jakkal. The more you fuss, the more we want to make you clean up." Okay, so she's speaking for herself, but still.

Niala can't help but laugh, bringing up her hand to try and stifle the giggles that leak out. "Oh come now Jakkal. It's not /that/ bad. Plus," she spreads her hands wide; a look a me gesture, "I'm dressed up and presentable too, so it's not like you're all by your lonesome over there." She gives Sunni a smile and mouths her thanks at the fussing. "Look at us. I bet some of the residents won't even recognize us." A laugh as she begins to rock from side to side, biting her lip as she thinks about taking this outfit /out/ of the barracks and showing it to the entire world.

Javeri's nose wrinkles up, "If you don't smell it just means you know how to bathe," she points out with a roll of her eyes. "There's nothing admirable about smelling bad and looking like you don't care about your appearance."

"Tell you what," Jakkal counters, swinging his legs over the edge so that he's sitting on his cot, "If Impress a pressy green or blue or something that _cares_ what I dress like, I'll start caring about it." At Niala's comment about the Residents he looks hopeful, "Do you think so? I have a rep you know." At least his voice has a teasing air now.

Suizen shakes her head a bit, "That'd sound almost like more trouble than it'd be worth - but that's okay. Next rest day you have, me an Javeri get to be showin' you how to make yourself some things. As thanks..." she adds, with a wink towards her fellow potter.

"There! And, oh! I am sure they will not recognize us; that is what will make this all the more exciting." That being to Niala as Sunniva takes a slight step back, reaching up yet again to make sure the clips and her other accoutrements are still securely in place. A backwards look is given to Jakkal, "There is no harm in looking one's best, regardless." Off to her cot she goes again, this time to pop open her trunk and dig out a bit of scented oil to daub at her throat and wrists. While she does that, a curious look is sent to Suizen, with a quizzical, "Oh?"

Making things sounds much more interesting than getting dressed up although Javeri doesn't mind looking nice. "Oh, making things will be excellent!" she tells Suizen with a bright smile. Directing her smile to Sunniva she bobs her head. "It'll be fun! Trust me. It's the best thing in the world. Better than hemming a skirt or something. Which I had to do to get this to fit. Well, I had to let the hem down and then fix it. Is everyone at the Weyr so short?" She looks around at her fellow candidates. "I feel like a weird giant or something sometimes."

Jakkal smirks in Javeri's direction, pulling on his boots now that his feet are off of the cot. "You're not that tall, miss Javeri," his deep voice calls across the room. He gets to his feet and grins as he glances around, "Might have time for a good jog before we have to go, what do you think?"

~javeri, suizen, *candidacy, jakkal, sunniva, niala

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