Tweets for Today

Jul 16, 2011 02:50

  • 04:50 @ Forgottenathan No, not... egotistical, just... very self assured. *small smile* #
  • 05:23 @ law_anddisorder <3 #
  • 05:34 @ law_anddisorder To me? Well... I dunno. I try to make sense of it, but it doesn't always work. You're being too hard in yourself. #
  • 05:37 Sometimes I miss being a kid. If only for my brother. #
  • 05:57 @ law_anddisorder *hugs and tries to go back to sleep* #
  • 06:08 @ law_anddisorder You never worry me with your problems. I'm always here to help, Nathan. You know how much I love you. #
  • 06:14 @ law_anddisorder *turns, wrapping his arms around your waist* Yeah... you do at times, but... you know that you can push me away all you- #
  • 06:14 @ law_anddisorder want. I'm not giving up on you or going anywhere. Maybe... you can realize that and stop pushing away so hard. #
  • 06:15 @ law_anddisorder I come back because I love you. You're a part of me in every single way. #
  • 06:27 @ law_anddisorder Nathan... *leans in and kisses you softly* You don't need to protect me. I just want to be here with you. Let me, ok? #
  • 06:40 @ law_anddisorder Well I seem to like it, don't I? I want to be here with you. *sighs, wishing this wasn't so hard for you. He's the only- #
  • 06:41 @ law_anddisorder person who has and will ever truly understand you and he wishes you'd see that* #
  • 07:07 @ law_anddisorder *kisses back, moving closer, wanting you to know that he'll always try to be close like this, even if you don't* #
  • 11:10 @ Forgottenathan Yeah, it's a good thing. Mostly. *smirks, then leans over and kisses your cheek* You wore it well. #
  • 23:50 @ law_anddisorder Nathaaaaaan. #
  • 01:18 @ law_anddisorder Not quite. *snuggles* Nathan. You didn't leave. #
  • 01:31 @ law_anddisorder I am happy. I'm happy you're here. *slides his leg up even higher between you* #
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