Tweets for Today

Jul 17, 2011 03:00

  • 01:54 @ Eternal_Adam Eww #
  • 01:55 @ Eternal_Adam Cookies. They're just so gross. #
  • 01:58 @ Eternal_Adam *laughs, then laughs some more* You should see your face right now. #
  • 02:01 @ Eternal_Adam What, did you think aliens got me? #
  • 02:05 @ Eternal_Adam *chuckles, then looks around* Yeah... wow, it looks great. You've been hard at work. #
  • 02:16 @ Eternal_Adam Well it looks great. I really like the blue. It's actually a very nice place. #
  • 02:22 @ Eternal_Adam You're welcome. But you know, it was mostly you. You did all the hard work of trying to change for the better. #
  • 02:35 @ Eternal_Adam *leans in and kisses* I guess we make a good team? #
  • 02:47 @ Eternal_Adam But I'll still be here all the time. *leans into you* #
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