Tweets for Today

Jul 15, 2011 03:00

  • 03:00 @ SecretsBuried Nah, not boring. You've never been boring, Nathan. Always kept me entertained. *crooked grin* #
  • 03:07 @ thepainted_lady Just tell them you needed a break. A vacation. Everyone knows what that is and they have to accept it. #
  • 03:08 @ SecretsBuried You're the charmer, Nathan. Not me. I'm just... well, me. #
  • 03:12 @ SecretsBuried Yeah, yeah. *he tries not to blush again, because he's a grown man, for gods sake, but your praise always does that to him* #
  • 03:16 @ thepainted_lady Who cares what they want. You need to do what you want for once. At least with this. #
  • 03:17 @ SecretsBuried replied! #
  • 03:19 @ thepainted_lady You are, though. I've known you all my life and you've always been so brave. *kisses her forehead* You can do this. #
  • 03:21 @ SecretsBuried I know they're not, Nathan. When you call me special, it means a lot. #
  • 03:25 @ SecretsBuried I try to believe you as much as I can. Really. #
  • 03:25 @ thepainted_lady Hey, when we were younger, you used to try and defend me a lot. You still try to protect me from things. It's... nice. #
  • 03:32 @ SecretsBuried Oh, Nathan. It's okay. You were stressed out. I didn't fault you for that at all. *that was the least of the things you did* #
  • 03:32 @ thepainted_lady *simply* I've always had you. What better could I possibly have? #
  • 03:38 @ SecretsBuried *watches you for a moment, then looks down* Nathan... I know you've had to make a lot of hard choices and not all of them - #
  • 03:38 @ SecretsBuried were yours. You did some... man, a lot of crazy things. But you're brother and I love you and I'll always forgive you. #
  • 03:39 @ thepainted_lady Well I can't imagine anyone better than you, so I doubt it. *turns his head to kiss your hand* #
  • 03:46 @ SecretsBuried I thought you might be the one to disown me at some points in our lives* *hugs back, just as tight* #
  • 03:50 @ SecretsBuried Well, I'm glad we're both in agreement, then. *smiles bright* #
  • 03:52 @ SecretsBuried Thank goodness. I had a long day and didn't manage to eat. *snorts* Don't tell mom. #
  • 03:53 @ thepainted_lady *smiles against your lips* I suppose we could, but there would be no point since I'm right. #
  • 04:01 @ SecretsBuried Yeah, I know. I try. I just get really busy and I forget sometimes. *sheepish grin* #
  • 04:02 @ thepainted_lady Maybe. But it makes you laugh. *smiles* #
  • 04:07 @ thepainted_lady ((gnight hun! <3)) #
  • 04:07 @ SecretsBuried *moves to the table as well, plopping down next to you and digging in as well* Mmm god, it's good. #
  • 04:10 @ SecretsBuried I can see why. So good! *he eats messily, as usual, smiling through it* #
  • 04:30 @ Eternal_Adam Red for the kitchen? That's intense. #
  • 15:57 @ SecretsBuried *tries not to talk with his mouth full* Do you have Coke? #
  • 16:21 @ SecretsBuried Thanks. *pops it open and takes a sip, then goes back to eating* I swear I don't eat like this all the time. *chuckles* #
  • 16:32 @ SecretsBuried Yeah, this was a really good idea. Thanks, Nathan. *finishes as well, then takes a few gulps of Coke* #
  • 16:40 @ SecretsBuried *smiles* So, talk to me about your stuff. #
  • 18:51 @ SecretsBuried Oh, CNN. How fun. *chuckles, taking his plate to the sink as well and leave it there, then coming to sit*I still read comics. #
  • 19:00 @ SecretsBuried Oh, I've changed, but some things stay the same. You know, the usual Superman, Spiderman, 9th Wonders. #
  • 19:06 @ SecretsBuried Yeah, I always did love that one. Superman was my favorite cause it reminded me of you. #
  • 19:10 @ SecretsBuried *leans into your touch* You know it always did. I felt like you were Clark Kent and then you'd always go save the day. #
  • 19:30 @ SecretsBuried *licks his lips after you kiss him, smiling* I know you would. In the end, you always pull through. #
  • 19:41 @ SecretsBuried Strong and stubborn, huh? *nudges* Well at least you think highly of yourself. #
  • 19:53 @ SecretsBuried And me? You mean I'm not just your silly little brother? *grins* #
  • 20:12 @ SecretsBuried I should hope so. A lot has happened. *moves to sit closer, leaning against you* #
  • 20:28 @ SecretsBuried I hope so too, Nathan. That's all I really want, you know. For us to be okay. #
  • 20:45 @ SecretsBuried *Well, for you it should be easy to think that. He's not the one that did everything* Yeah. We can be. #
  • 00:30 @ SecretsBuried It does get to me, from time to time. But I'd never leave your life, Nathan. #
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