Tweets for Today

Jul 14, 2011 03:00

  • 03:31 @ thepainted_lady I've missed you too. Feels weird without you here. #
  • 03:34 @ thepainted_lady Are you okay though? Everything good? #
  • 03:58 @ thepainted_lady That didn't sound very convincing. *quirks an eyebrow* What's up, Lydia? #
  • 04:07 @ thepainted_lady Sleep is always a good idea. I'm sorry you're overwhelmed. Anything I can help with? #
  • 04:13 @ thepainted_lady *nods* Okay, I can understand that. But you know I'm here if you need me. Not goin anywhere this time. #
  • 04:19 @ thepainted_lady Yeah. *leans in to kiss your head* I promise. #
  • 04:29 @ thepainted_lady You gotta promise you wont either, though. #
  • 04:33 @ thepainted_lady *raises his eyebrows, feeling partially guilty that he kind of ignored that situation* That would be good, Lydia. You know- #
  • 04:34 @ thepainted_lady I support you all the way. I think it's a good idea. #
  • 04:44 @ thepainted_lady It's be good. it will. And I know you can do it. You're a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. #
  • 04:55 @ thepainted_lady Well maybe now you can? I'm not just making it up. *soft smile* #
  • 05:01 @ thepainted_lady ((ok hun gnight!! <33)) #
  • 15:33 Meh. #
  • 20:27 @ SecretsBuried Hey, Nathan. #
  • 20:30 @ SecretsBuried I'm alright. It's good to see you. I feel like... it's been a while. #
  • 20:33 @ SecretsBuried Just... busy with work, the usual. *ducks his head, smiling a bit* Well, you know me. I try, but it doesn't always happen. #
  • 20:39 @ SecretsBuried *nudges you back* Yeah, I'm pretty sure I learned how to be a workaholic from you. *nods* I heard. Are you happier now? #
  • 20:42 @ SecretsBuried Well, you know, it's been really quiet lately. I feel like... I'm not doing enough, or something. #
  • 20:48 @ SecretsBuried *chuckles lightly* I tell you I feel like I'm not doing enough and you want me to come have a drink? I'm not sure that will- #
  • 20:48 @ SecretsBuried solve anything, Nathan. *but it would be nice to hang out with his brother... hmmm* #
  • 20:51 @ SecretsBuried Of course you will. You sound like you're busy, then. #
  • 20:53 @ SecretsBuried Um... yeah, okay. That would be nice, actually. Can we order food, though? I'm starving. #
  • 20:54 @ SecretsBuried Whichever works better for you. #
  • 20:59 @ SecretsBuried Cool. *smiles* You look good, Nathan. Rested. #
  • 21:07 @ SecretsBuried *quirks an eyebrow* Really? Mom said I looked too thin, or something. #
  • 21:13 @ SecretsBuried *that's another thing he raises his eyebrows for, but maybe it was true when they were younger* Well thanks. I appreciate - #
  • 21:14 @ SecretsBuried it. *gets in, moving over so there's enough room for you, but not all the way to the other side* #
  • 21:17 @ SecretsBuried So um... dating anyone lately? *fidgets a bit in his seat* #
  • 21:22 @ SecretsBuried *nods* Yeah, I just... well, I know how you are with women. *shrugs* I don't have time either. #
  • 21:28 @ SecretsBuried *gives you a slightly disbelieving look* .... When? #
  • 21:32 @ SecretsBuried I'm sorry... what?? You... she... what? *he looks around, wondering if he fell into a parallel universe* #
  • 21:47 @ SecretsBuried *he wont even point out that you cheated on her multiple times, because he's still so stuck on what you just said* Adam? #
  • 21:58 @ SecretsBuried *just sits in the car for a moment, even when you open the door, then takes a deep breath and gets out* #
  • 22:10 @ SecretsBuried *follows after you, quietly. He definitely needs a drink now* I don't... understand when this could have even happened? #
  • 22:13 @ SecretsBuried Yeah... please. *swallows hard, rubbing his forehead* No, but I mean... -when- did it happen? #
  • 22:19 @ SecretsBuried *takes a long sip of scotch, making a face, but glad for it* Did she know what he did? #
  • 22:38 @ SecretsBuried But you did warn her, right? I mean... she should know what kid of a person he is. #
  • 22:45 @ SecretsBuried Well as long as she never sees him again. *frowns, feeling guilty for not doing more about Adam* Are the boys okay? #
  • 22:57 @ SecretsBuried Yeah... you probably should. *frowns, taking another sip* We've all been so out of touch. #
  • 23:23 @ SecretsBuried *nods, looking down into his lap* I guess I just got used to it. #
  • 23:39 @ SecretsBuried *small smile* Yeah... I know. *mostly* I missed you too. *but he knows you'll probably get busy enough again* #
  • 23:45 @ SecretsBuried Um... *shrugs* Not in particular. I just wanted to spent time with you, since you invited me over. #
  • 23:58 @ SecretsBuried *looks around* I have to say, it doesn't look much different at all. #
  • 00:02 @ SecretsBuried In fact, I think you might have been wearing that same outfit when I last saw you. *teases* #
  • 00:13 @ SecretsBuried *laughs* No, I mean... you probably have the same outfit over and over again in your closet now. #
  • 00:32 @ SecretsBuried And they all look good on you, of course. *puts his glass down, sitting back* #
  • 00:39 @ SecretsBuried *makes a face* Nah, not really my thing. You know I don't like ties. #
  • 00:42 I would totally date this Buffy chick if she was real. #
  • 00:44 @ SecretsBuried *feels his cheeks flush at the compliment, eyes locked with yours* Thanks, Nathan. I think you'… (cont) #
  • 00:50 @ thepainted_lady Hey you. *grins* What's up? #
  • 00:53 @ SecretsBuried *leans into your touch* Well... I'm not sure if you've ever really said it either. *small smile* #
  • 01:00 @ thepainted_lady I had a decent day. It wasn't bad at all. Then I came home and relaxed for once. #
  • 01:00 @ SecretsBuried Yeah. Guess it would have helped when I was an impressionable teenager? *soft laugh* #
  • 01:02 @ thepainted_lady Yeah, It was. I actually watched some TV. #
  • 01:05 @ SecretsBuried You're a good brother, Nathan. *squeezes your arm, letting his hand linger there* And yeah, you're definitely here now. #
  • 01:07 @ thepainted_lady *chuckles* Yeah... it was. Are you okay? #
  • 01:07 @ AmesinChange ((you mean like nafan?)) #
  • 01:09 @ thepainted_lady You seem tired. #
  • 01:12 @ thepainted_lady Any particular reason? Are you worried? #
  • 01:20 @ AmesinChange ((dat bitch)) #
  • 01:20 @ thepainted_lady Oh. Well.. that will take some time to get used to. But it's good. #
  • 01:21 @ SecretsBuried I try. I always hope that I am. I know we haven't been the best lately, but... I miss this. I miss you. #
  • 01:31 @ thepainted_lady You can't sleep with dreams? #
  • 01:33 @ thepainted_lady *nods, looking down. He knows how that can be* Maybe... it would help if you talked to someone about them. #
  • 01:40 @ thepainted_lady Okay. *puts his hand on your arm, thumb stroking* It was just a suggestion. What do you think would help? #
  • 01:42 @ microwaveHobo *chuckles* Yeah... she's really hot. #
  • 01:43 @ SecretsBuried I could come around more often, you know. Just tell me when, and I'll be here. *eh, he doesn't care how eager that sounded* #
  • 01:46 @ microwaveHobo Exactly. She just goes out there and fights the good fight. Unf. #
  • 01:56 @ thepainted_lady Does that break the rules? *cups your face, brushing his finger back and forth* #
  • 01:56 @ SecretsBuried And you wont tell me you're too busy? *crooked grin* #
  • 01:59 @ thepainted_lady But you were thinking about one, right? #
  • 02:00 @ SecretsBuried *he knows that isn't true, but maybe the two of you can try harder. Still he leans in and hugs you tight* #
  • 02:08 @ SecretsBuried *buries his head into the crook of your neck, just breathing you in. He really has missed this so much* Thanks, Nathan. #
  • 02:09 @ thepainted_lady Why can't you go away somewhere? #
  • 02:17 @ thepainted_lady It would be a month. Two, at most. You can do it. #
  • 02:19 @ SecretsBuried *kisses the side of your face, then pulls back, tucking his hair behind his ear* So, how about that food? #
  • 02:31 @ microwaveHobo *chuckles* I'd just help her. #
  • 02:32 @ thepainted_lady Yes you can, Lydia. This is important and you need to do it for yourself. #
  • 02:33 @ SecretsBuried You know I'm always up for Chinese. Or pizza. *grins* #
  • 02:38 @ thepainted_lady But they're only trying to help. You don't have to tell them everything. Just tell them what you're comfortable with. #
  • 02:41 @ thepainted_lady They don't all have to be, Lydia. *sighs, leaning forward to press his forehead against yours* You need to let them help. #
  • 02:49 @ SecretsBuried Oh good, I'm starving. *pushes his hair back* So that's it? You work and come home? #
  • 02:50 @ thepainted_lady They're not there to judge. The only thing you can't tell them about is your ability. And you don't have to say - #
  • 02:50 @ thepainted_lady specifically what clients tell you. You just need to talk to them about what's on your mind. #
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