Where your host talks about everything but the things she needs to talk about.

Apr 20, 2010 12:23

I haven't yet mentioned that I have, once again, stupidly claimed an lgbtfest prompt. It is as follows.

241. Any fandom, any character(s), one partner wants to be 'out' and one doesn't think that's important.

The plan as of now is to write Rachel/Ana, a (fill in the blank)-things fic, where Ana's the one that wants to be out and Rachel's the one that's not so fond of the idea. Besides actually, you know, starting, I'm having the most trouble with the idea that Rachel doesn't think being out is important, because...well, you know, it's Rachel. But I can't help but feel like, if Rachel and Ana were both to break up with their respective SOs for each other, Rachel might feel some lingering guilt that'd keep her from actually being *proud* of said relationship. Ana, on the other hand, would be excited and happy and boisterous as she is, and would want people to know about it. IDK. I have to think about it more, which I won't really have a chance to do until school's over, which is in just a few weeks, which means...right. Not talking/thinking about all of that.

So in the interest of avoidance, I'm stealing the following "meme" from
melliyna: name a fandom I write for/potentially write for and sometime this evening I will write you a ficlet. Pretty much your fandom options here are pundits, pundits and pundits, but as long as you don't mind it possibly taking weeks-to-months and/or being like, single-sentence fic, I'll also take a shot at anything I've ever written or fangirled. Which is, uh, a lot of things, so. There's that.

There's a lot of RL stuff to talk about, but I won't bore you with the details right now. Or rather, I don't necessarily feel so comfortable even hinting at intimate details at work. :P So. I'll probably write something more later/tomorrow on that, since, you know, there's a lot to procrastinate on.

What's new with you, dear friends? ♥

fandom, writing, writing: challenges

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