Oct 25, 2008 20:44
I've been awfully quiet lately, here, and I don't really have much of an excuse for that. I feel a little bit like I should try to play catchup, but I don't think that'll really work so well. It's mostly because I've got about a million things I want to say, want to write about, but that's tying my tongue (or fingers, I guess) just as much as actual writer's block does.
I guess the biggest thing to have happened in the last few weeks is that I'm going to apply to graduate school. I went to an info session this week at NYU, and I found out that a lot of the things that were keeping me from doing it out of fear are pretty much non-issues, so I've run out of excuses. I've asked people to write letters of recommendation, I've requested transcripts....all that's left to do at this point, pretty much, is write the essay. (Which is of course an ENORMOUS thing and I'm freakin' out about beyond belief, but um, it's only one thing and the application's not due until February, so.) I may post drafts or parts of drafts here as I go (not sure how much anyone would really care either way if I did), so you know, just a heads up about that.
The whole thing's put me into this crazy, introspective place, where I'm sitting around spending fairly large chunks of time examining my past and trying to figure some stuff out. I haven't really come up with much of anything yet in terms of answers....but I'm trying.
Some other things I think are probably noteworthy are a few epiphanies I've had the last few weeks. One: I've been pretty much mid-quarterlife crisis since I turned 20. Two: I'm kinda lonely. The realization that it's been more than three years since my last relationship hit me kind of hard a few weeks ago, and for the first time. I've never been one of those girls who sits around pining to be involved with someone. I spend a lot of time alone, but I honestly don't get lonely all that often. But I've had this pesky melancholy following me around lately, and it's made me kind of question a lot of things, not only about my past, but about myself, my beliefs, my behaviors. I haven't really gotten anywhere with that yet, but it's safe to say it's something I may be working on in the upcoming months.
Hmm, what else.....oh, yes: what with the election less than two weeks away, I've become reinfatuated with politics and am listening to and watching Rachel Maddow kind of every day. (Partly because I think she's brilliant, and partly because um, have you seen her??) Also: listening to a lot of Erin thanks to the amazing show the night of my birthday. And Ani. Always Ani.
And that's it! Hope all is well with you, flist, catch me up on anything I should know. :)
might be a quarterlife crisis,
catchup (not catsup hahaha),
in the dark you can see for miles,