kissy kiss kiss.

Oct 19, 2008 01:15

I know I've been dreadfully remiss in my journalling lately, and I'm sorry.

(Well, I'm not *that* sorry, since my life has been hectic and I just haven't had the time. But I will be ten years from now when I'm trying to remember what happened to me just after I turned 28 and have no record of it. So there's that.)

And I have nothing of substance to say now, but I do have a meme!

Pick a pairing from my fandoms, and come with a location and/or situation, and I will write you between 50 and 250 words about the kiss that happened in that context.

Fandoms I'm willing to take a shot at (you can find fandoms I've actually written in my tags starting with "fic:"): Gossip Girl, Veronica Mars, Gilmore Girls, Heroes, L Word, Dawson's Creek, Supernatural, Sports Night. (I'll also accept requests for something outside of those, but I make no promises. Hell, I make no promises either way, but your chances are better with those than with others.)

Hope everyone's having a good October. (I am, although it's been exhausting to the point of bone-weariness.)


fandom, meme

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