i keep using this icon recently...its significance has totally changed over time. hm.

Nov 01, 2008 23:54

I find that I keep starting to write entries lately, and then not finishing them. That's kind of where my brain's at, recently: constantly distracted and eternally unfinished.

The last few days have been interesting. Yesterday, Halloween, of course, I went out as someone with much more self-confidence and determination than you know, I actually have. (Though I don't think anyone realized it was a costume.....oops, guess I just told. Surprise!) I got all sorts of dolled up for no discernible reason, the kind of dolled up I haven't been in about....well, four years now, I guess. That was fun for about five minutes, until I realized that I was going to be obsessed with how I looked for pretty much the rest of the night. (Oops!) Then I forgot my makeup bag at home, which um, made it really difficult to assuage my fears of looking bad. (Tragedy!) I got to the city, had a few drinks, and managed to find again the happy drunken place I'd found on my birthday. (Apparently some of my friends think I should develop a drinking problem because I'm more fun drunk than sober...which actually kind of hurt my feelings, but whatever.) There was some flirting, an arranged sex tape exchange (no, seriously -- though I wasn't involved), and plenty of happy cuddling. Other than both Teany AND Starbucks being closed (DESPITE the fact that they were both totally supposed to be open, according to their hours), the near impossibility of finding cabs, and the total destruction of my feet (I was wearing cute shoes, whose impracticality would've been fine were it not for the aforementioned impossibility of finding a cab), the night was absolutely lovely.

So I got off the train last night and drove myself up to my dad's house, since we'd made plans to hang out today and it would've been silly to drive home then have to head up there later. I got up around 11, and he very patiently pretended to be interested in all of the pictures Lindsay had taken during our trip to the Hamptons, which he didn't have to do and was kind of awesome. Then he headed off to the gym to swim his laps while I watched the West Wing marathon on Bravo with some coffee and got ready, and then we headed off to a wine tasting at the liquor store at Stew's, where we had some superfancy wine (Opus One, for those of you who know anything about wine, which is....not me). Then we headed off to see W., which was a little disappointing, somehow, but which I'm still pondering, so I guess that's a good thing. (I mean, W's presidency has been a little disappointing, so maybe that's all it is. LOL) We followed that up with a nice dinner at a place called Marly's, then we watched Superbad until Dad got tired and kicked me out. It was all around just a very relaxed, very nice day. You know, he said at dinner something to the effect of, "You know, this is what I kind of always hoped for, when you were growing up, was the day when we would sit down and have a nice, calm dinner, like adults, no drama, no screaming..." etc. And I was like, well, yeah.

In other mostly unrelated news, Erin Mckeown's apparently doing two shows in the city in December, and I sadly want to go to both of them. Also: since we are now in November, I probably should figure out what I'm doing about the upcoming Ani shows.....hmm. Finally in unrelated news, there's about a 98% chance I'll be going to Florida in December (the week of the 15th, to be exact), since Texas seems to have fallen through (and hard). So if you're in Florida, make a big red note on your calendar for that.

I'm gonna shut up now, since I've been writing this for more than an hour and this is almost a finished place (even though it doesn't say even an *eighth* of what I was planning on saying....blerg), and say goodnight.


friends!, nyc, jenna-y goodness!, family

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