quick updates in the world.

Jun 11, 2007 17:39

in list format!!!
  • Veronica Mars is officially dead. Not that we didn't already know that was coming, but still, very sad day. :(
  • Apple is releasing a Windows version of Safari. Finally. About frickin' time, Apple. Also, benchmarking is apparently showing Safari is faster than Firefox....which means I should probably give it another try.
  • I somehow have a ton of new music. And I am looking to share it ALL. So tell me what you want (what you really, really want...) and I'll get it. Just for starters, here are the new Spoon album (which is AWESOME), the Veronica Mars soundtrack (very cool as well), and Bright Eyes' Four Winds ep (which I like better than Cassadaga proper, but then, I haven't really given the full album a solid chance yet. (Right-click, copy link, change "hxxp" to "http".) There will likely be much more to come when I get home, because I'm just in that kind of a mood.
  • Chicago Wednesday. I was thinking about going to see The Fray & OK Go, but now I'm thinking I'll wait until I get there and play it by ear.
  • Saw Knocked Up this weekend (with Mom, between psychotic episodes). LOVED it. For realz. But kinda wished I'd seen Waitress again instead/as well. Not sure why.
  • Also watched History Boys. Wasn't really impressed, which was disappointing. Not sure why.
  • I need good Veronica Mars icons. Help. And a new layout. Double help.
  • This list is now long....so I'm done.

more later, maybe! mwahs!

fandom, links, random, tv, music sharing, geekout, lists!

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