apropos of nothing. (really.)

Jun 10, 2007 01:53

she is still so, so beautiful. it's hard to believe that, after such a long time, someone can still be so incredibly beautiful. but she is. and of *course* i don't know what to do with myself, and of *course* thinking about it doesn't do an ounce of good. she is a part of my long ago past. but god. how could i have ever been so lucky as to know a girl like her?? and how could i have been so stupid as to ever let her go??

* * * * *
in other, completely unrelated news -- or is it?! -- OMG NEW RILO KILEY. (huh, i wonder if that link'll even work (thanks, fucking myspace)? we'll see....)

and....nope, that's it. i meant to be all deep and serious and like, writerly or some shit tonight, but then NEW RILO KILEY and new music in general and my mind's been blown. so....maybe some writerliness offline will make its way online tomorrow or some such. otherwise, laterz, yo.


ETA: dude, why is there NEVER poker on tv when i wanna watch it?! bastards!

links, writing, secrets, masked in fantasy, random, past/present/future

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