DBSK: and love begins

May 28, 2009 16:57

Title: and love begins
Author: papered
Fandom: DBSK
Characters/Pairings: Yoochun, Jaejoong/Yoochun
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1285
Summary: cafe!AU. Yoochun falls in love on a Tuesday.
Notes: this is possibly the most cliché thing ever, but I've always wanted to write a café fic.

Yoochun falls in love on a Tuesday.

Maybe it was a sudden realization or maybe it had been love all along, but on Tuesday afternoon at exactly four twenty-five, Jaejoong walks into the café soaked to the bone and hair plastered to his skull, dripping water all over the ground. His glasses are fogged up and he gives Yoochun a self-deprecating smile before ordering his usual, and Yoochun feels his heart skip four beats.

"Here you go," he says five minutes later, sliding the most perfect latte he has ever made across the counter and tries not to die when Jaejoong shoots him a smile that's so fucking gorgeous it almost hurts.

Junsu takes one look at the expression Yoochun's face when he wanders into the back to hide out for a bit and spends ten minutes laughing his ass off before going out front to chat with Jaejoong. Yoochun is plotting revenge and contemplating how he's going to hide all of Junsu's underwear tomorrow when Yunho comes in, shaking his head in either exasperation or amusement. "You should just tell him already," he says, propping the bag of flour he'd bought against the wall.

"I can't," Yoochun protests, because really, it wasn't like he knew Jaejoong or anything - not like Junsu, who'd taken singing with him, or Yunho, who'd grown up with Jaejoong, or even Changmin, who's taking music history at the university with him. The extent of Yoochun's interaction with Jaejoong comes from supplying him with his daily caffeine, and even then, Yoochun's always too busy trying not to gawk or stumble over his own feet to actually say anything interesting. Jaejoong probably thinks I'm a complete idiot, Yoochun thinks miserably to himself, and fails to notice Yunho's chuckle or Changmin's exasperated roll of the eyes.

Junsu keeps up a mantra of you should tell him you should tell him for the next three weeks, and it's so cliché, but every time Jaejoong comes in for his latte, Yoochun thinks he's falling a little more.

Get a grip, Park Yoochun, he tells himself the sixteenth time he runs into the back of the café to stop himself from acting like an adolescent girl. You can do this.

"I'm going to tell him," he announces loudly, bolstered by the internal pep talk he'd been giving himself for the last fifteen minutes and the sugar packets he'd been consuming since morning.

"Oh lala~" Junsu says with shining eyes as Changmin mutters it's about time under his breath. Yoochun pointedly ignores them both and turns to Yunho, who hands him two muffins and a coffee and points him in the direction of the side window where Jaejoong's drinking his latte by himself.

Yoochun grabs the food and pretends his legs aren't shaking when he steps out again with a smile plastered on his face.

"Okay, you know what, this is a failure of a plan," Junsu decides twenty minutes later.

Yoochun's sitting with his face in his hands trying not to die after running back into the kitchen (this is the sixth time, and each time he always claims he'd forgotten something, and Jaejoong is still sitting by the window but now shooting puzzled looks in their general direction). He doesn't see Junsu roll his eyes and motion for Changmin and Yunho to make their excuses and get out of the room. In fact, he doesn't see much of anything until the kitchen is empty and Junsu drags him up by the left arm.

"What are you doing - there's no point, I can't do it," he tries to say, except Junsu slaps a hand over his mouth to stop him from talking.

"I'm helping you because you're an idiot," Junsu tells him before raising his voice. "Jaejoong~" he singsongs. "Come here, Yoochunnie has something to tell you~"

Yoochun shoots Junsu a horrified look, promising fire and brimstones later with his eyes when Junsu flashes a victory sign his way and proclaims loudly that he's going to be an awesome hyung and take Changmin out for food now before making a quick exit. Jaejoong wanders into the suddenly-empty kitchen and gives Yoochun a questioning look.

Oh my god, goes Yoochun's brain.

"Oh my god," says Yoochun.

Jaejoong frowns at him and comes a little closer. "Yoochun? Are you okay? Junsu said you had something to tell me?"

Notreadynotreadynotready, goes the broken record in Yoochun's head, except Jaejoong is right in front of him and he has to say something, so he opens his mouth and says the first thing that comes to mind. "Ireallylikeyourhair!"

"... sorry, what?"

Oh my god Park Yoochun, what did you just say.

"I really like you hair!" he repeats, not sure what he can do other than plow forward now that he'd opened his mouth. "And your eyes! And your glasses. And your face, when you smile. And uh. I need a cigarette!"

That was the worst idea you've ever had, he thinks two minutes later, back pressed to the wall by the back exit of the café and hand shaking a little as he lifts a cigarette to his mouth. That was the worst idea you've ever had, and you're going to kill Junsu for this the next time you see him, providing you don't spontaneously die from humiliation before then, and then you're going to kill Changmin too, for good measure, and then -"

"Yoochun!" Jaejoong says, suddenly appearing in front of him out of nowhere, and Yoochun jumps, dropping his cigarette in the process. His first reaction is to back up, but he'd been leaning against a wall to begin with and there's really nowhere he can go. Also, Yoochun suddenly realizes with some trepidation, Jaejoong doesn't look pleased.

"I'm sorry!" he blurts out, wondering if there's any way he can damage-control his way out of this one. "Jaejoong, I wasn't thinking, just ignore everything I said in the last ten minu -"

"Junsu was right, you are the biggest idiot in the world," Jaejoong says, cutting him off with a sigh, and before Yoochun can protest and defend himself against Junsu's public slander (he's definitely going to kill him now), Jaejoong leans forward and kisses him.

It takes him five seconds to realize what's happening, eight to discretely pinch himself on the arm and make sure this isn't just a really good dream, and another six to kiss back.

Jaejoong tastes like coffee.

Junsu doesn't stop crowing about how he's the best matchmaker ever and that Yoochun owes him his life for the next two centuries for about a week straight afterwards.

Yoochun puts up with it, partially due to the fact that there might actually be some basis to Junsu's proclamation this time, but mostly because Jaejoong has been around more often than not and Yoochun can't even bring himself to feel annoyed.

Speaking of Jaejoong.

He keeps his eyes on the clock. Four twenty-five, and bingo, the door to the café opens. Yoochun is ready at the counter, and as Jaejoong walks over, he grins. "What would you like today?"

Jaejoong returns his smile without hesitation. "How about a latte and a kiss?" he asks, leaning forward to press his lips to Yoochun's cheek.

"Ewww, no PDA!" Junsu complains loudly from behind them, while Yunho just shakes his head. Yoochun ignores them both and hands over the already-prepared latte.

"Mmmm, perfect, as usual," Jaejoong says after taking a sip (and Yoochun thinks, no, perfect, like you). "Can I get my kiss now?"

Ignoring Yunho's sigh of "I think you're scaring off any customers" and Junsu's demands for them to just get a room, Yoochun leans forward.

"I think I'm going to throw up," Changmin says.

fic started: May 23, 2009
fic finished: May 28, 2009

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au: cafe, dbsk: jaechun, !fandom: dbsk, dbsk: yoochun pov, category: slash, au

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